Routine Naps? Timing

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Does anyone have a routine where they put their babies down for day time naps at very specific times?

I'm trying desperately to establish a routine for Jasper, but every book i read suggests different timings. So I wondered what real people do?

He gets up at 6 am and goes to bed at 7pm, but its the bit in the middle that i can't get a grip on. Help!
Owens fallen into a routine he usually naps between 8.30am and 9am for an hour to hour and a half and same again about 1pm ish. He just kinda started doing it. Tends to be after meals like after brekkie and then after lunch .x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
I tend to let Harlow sleep when she's tired. She self soothes herself to sleep all the time. If she isn't self soothing and she is showing signs of being tired ill put her on in her rocker chair n rock her to sleep.

Now I have picked up her pattern and she tends to have 30 min cat naps after every bottle and then a 2 hour nap about 3ish she goes back to another 30 min cat nap at her 6:30ish bottle. Goes to bed at 9 and sleeps through till 4ish.. Has another bottle and sleeps till 8. X

Jack was every 2.5hrs up until he was around 7 months. Now he wakes at 7am-ish, naps at 9ish for an hour then will nap again at 2ish for up to 2 hours and then goes to bed at 8pm x
I'm only just getting jake into a routine during the day. He wakes between 7 and 8am and won't nap until about 11 ish for about 30 minutes. He then has another 30 minute nap at about 3pm. He goes to bed at about 7.

I follow his lead and only put him down for a nap if he is showing signs that he's tired. At bedtime he goes to bed at the same time regardless of whether he's tired or not. He self settles at night, and is just starting to during the day. I leave him to cry for 5 minutes, go in and soothe him, then leave the room. He's normally asleep within 10 minutes during the day.
I pop Josh in his swing whilst I have my shower around 9am and he normally naps til around 12pm. Im now working on an afternoon nap in the cot but im struggling with self settling atm, I try to do this around 3pm but I dont mnd wavering that one to go out as he will only slep for around 45 mins and he gets that in th epram or car anyway whilst im out.
I pop Josh in his swing whilst I have my shower around 9am and he normally naps til around 12pm. Im now working on an afternoon nap in the cot but im struggling with self settling atm, I try to do this around 3pm but I dont mnd wavering that one to go out as he will only slep for around 45 mins and he gets that in th epram or car anyway whilst im out.

What kind of swing?
Jack had the Ziggy Zebra swing from toys r us. He loved it when he was tiny :) It's all packaged away in the loft ready for no.2 :) x
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Every 1-2 hours. Always after a feed. I dont stick to times as such, but I stick to the routine...bottle, sit up right for 40mins, straight into buggy for nap, into bedroom & he's out like a light then wake up, small play & next bottle. If I change the routine slightly & let him play or fuss for too long after his bottle he doesn't settle.

Similar the zebra but It's the toys are us I love my bear one

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