xCarly said:My Midwife Said Not To Give More Than 6 Feeds In 24 Hours Too. I Dont Listen To That Though & Its Nice To See Others Opinions. I Might Now Start Giving Lovella and Extra Feed Before 3am.
All you've got to remember is that if lovella is hungry she will feed if not she will refuse the boob/bottle .
I personally dont agree with what your MW said about the 6 feeds in 24hrs
Only you know your baby no one else and like i said above if shes hungry she will take the feed if not she will refuse it .
I couldnt sit there with my baby crying knowing that she could be hungry and no MW should expect you to do it.
With Maddison i feed on demand whilst she was a newborn and as she got older she went longer for feeds every 4 hrs .
If she woke crying i would change her nappy in a dim lit room to make sure it wasnt the nappy and then offer her a couple of oz's of milk .
carly is lovella drinking all of her feed ?
If so have you thought about increasing her feed ? to an oz more .
You could also try giving her abit more milk on her feed before 3am because it might just keep her going abit longer so she isnt as keen to wake up .
something like this say lovella is taking 4 oz at each feed
7am 4oz
10am 4oz
1pm 4oz
4pm 4oz
7pm 4oz
10pm 5oz
1am 5oz
then there after 4oz until her last 2 feeds at night e.g 10pm and 1am
if you know what i mean im cr*p at explaining stuff but hope it helps hun