Too old?

I was 25 when I had my first baby, 27 , my second, 28 , my third baby.
I managed to get pregnant quite quickly Jan 2010 at age 37 but sadly lost the baby at 11 plus weeks.
I then managed to get pregnant again next full cycle after first period and am now the proud mother of a my last - a little baby boy. (I did get classed as a geriatric mother , like someone else said! which I though was a bit over the top to be honest).

I had the nuchal fold scan and bloods done this time as i'm older and they came back 1 in 9 chance of downs or other chromozonal issue. We got further tests done via a cvs and all was fine , and baby born healthy and well. (think results were due to the recent MMC myself and perhaps my age made my risk look worse maybee). When I had to have the results dicussed, before my cvs test, the lovely midwife talked to me and said it's not too bad , and used herself as an example ,she said " it's fine at your age , imagine if you were my age , i'm nearly 40, the risks would be alot worse and a young thing like you!! "

I had to reply, "ermm do you know how old I am? I am 37". "Oh right" she said, "you don't look it, well that's a great age for having babies" and changed the subject quickly... ha ha soo funny the look on her face.. IT's just statistics and ages on paper, we are not all the same - Only you know how fit and well you are and a 40 year old mum could well be fitter and healthier than a 20 year old one!

Having a baby older, I really am finding that he will keep me on my toes and younger , it's amazing how I forogt how much lifting, crawling about and perching on the floor you do with a baby! it will do me good.

I do understand totally what you mean in that your desperate to get pregnant again, something I felt after the MMC, so talk to your hubby, explain your feelings and your need to go again so soon, and he will come round. Either way you really do have time.

Good luck for a sticky babvy when you TTC again X
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I'm 33 and I was warned that if we had trouble ttc that at 35 I might not be eligible for any help on the NHS. That and the knowledge that I was PCOS encouraged us to let nature take its course and got pregnant almost immediately. its worth finding out in your area if there any post-code lottery type issues or if anything might change with the cuts. I've never heard of the test Nickynoo mentioned but it sounds like a good idea if you and OH agree to wait a bit. xx
Thanks for all your advice it has really made me feel much better. I had the chat with OH about trying again but he doesnt want to for a few years : ( Although I am gutted to hear that think he is right. You see we have money probs to sort which is the priority. As well as that we already have 2 boys including a very strong headed, independent and demanding 3 year old who keeps us on our toes.

I was gutted at first but now when I think about it I would rather bring a baby into the world when we are better prepared financially. I just couldnt bear the thought of not having another baby. I have been broody since I had my youngest and even more so now after having my MC. But guess I need to chill and deal with more important things. Means I will probably end up being a Mum again (if I am lucky enough) aged about 35 but its fine as long as everything goes well. X
Ok so I am starting to panic just a little bit and wanted peoples views on this...

I had a MC last month. I am 33 years old. Awful experience which I dont want to repeat obviously.

Anyway I have read that the chance of an MC increases with age and some people on forums have said that 32 is the cut off age which I dont believe.

However is it true that if you are going to give birth aged 35 plus you are a high risk pregnancy? Feel like my clock is ticking louder than ever but OH wants to wait a few years whereas, especially after realising the chance of miscarriage will increase, I am wanting to try again sooner than later.

Any advice/experience much appreciated xxx

Hi :wave:

The more you're older, the more risks you have. You're now 33 years old and it's too old to have a baby. In fact, the number of older mothers is increasing not only in the USA but in other countries as well. Here are a few things you can do to improve your chances you can ref:

- Get a pre-conception check-up, in fact, it is a good idea for the father-to-be to get one as well. It’s important to know from the get go that physically you are OK.

- Look at your diet to ensure that you are eating properly. Forgo caffeine, excessive alcohol, and drugs if you are serious about getting pregnant. If you are on any special medication talk to your doctor before trying to conceive. Make sure to add folic acid to your supplements as it has been proven to help prevent some neural defects in fetuses.

- Maintain a moderate level of physical activity. If you used to exercise prior to getting pregnant there is generally no need to stop, but be guided by your doctor. However, it is not advisable to pick up exercising as a new activity while pregnant, except for walking.

Be older, prepare better.

My best wishes for you!

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