what age would you say is too old and too young....

I'm not 40, I'm not 12 BUT IM OFFENDED!!!!!!!!!!! i feel for those women who have tried to have babies for years and finally they manage to fall pregnant at 40 or more, should they be condemned??? I don't think so!!! this must be the first time I read posts on the forum that make me so angry, not because I am in that situation but because there are women on the forum that are in that situation and it's obviously the wrong forum to condemn such women!!!! sorry just getting MY point accross, it's LAETITIA TIME!!!! sorry!!!!!! :x :x :x
skairdykat said:
LOL I know hun :hug:

I agree you can't say that eveyone will die aged over 40, thats just silly, and if everyone thought about the 'what if's' all the time we'd be extinct before long.

Sorry about you parents hun :hug: :hug:

This thread was bound to cause trouble :roll:
I think it depends on the individual,

I was ready for a child at 17 / 18 I grew up fast lived with my partner and was great with kids (being the eldest of 5)

some girls have their head screwed on at 17 but some other 17yrs old would be far to immature and not able to look after themselves never mind a child.
I don’t think that you miss you miss out on ANY THING having children young, I am 22 and have 2 children but I still go out most Saturday nights, once the kids are settled in bed its my time and I enjoy myself and let my hair down.

I am sooo happy I had my 2 young by the time I am 26 they will both be at school and I can get on with my career and we can grow up together and I will hopefully still be in the know with fashion etc :lol:

My mum had her last child at 37 he was not planned my dad had the snip 9years before but she said it was the best thing that happened to her.

Again with the maximum age I think it depends on the individual, if they are old and act very old then maybe they shouldnt have a child, but some women in mid 40's are still young hearted.

the only thing I have missed out on is money I cannot go treat myself to expensive clothes like my other friends - but I prefer primark any way :wink:
frangelle said:
skairdykat said:
LOL I know hun :hug:

I agree you can't say that eveyone will die aged over 40, thats just silly, and if everyone thought about the 'what if's' all the time we'd be extinct before long.

Sorry about you parents hun :hug: :hug:

This thread was bound to cause trouble :roll:

I said that too.

Like I also said earlier, if people are upset by this thread please let me know if you think it should be removed.

It can be hard as a mod to judge such things, as you ALWAYS get people complaining that we are censoring views and don't allow debates etc. when really we have to try and get the right balance.
I wish Id never commented in this thread now. I dont think my posts offended anyone directly (or at least I hope not!) but I know the thread as a whole has upset quite a few people :(
Urchin said:
I can see this thread upsetting people TBH, we have old and young moms here and I don't want anyone thinking they are not accepted by the community because of their age.

yes i agree
im 17 and im doing fine, i was 16 when i got pregnant,
im a mature person and i feel like i made the right decision,
just becasue people are young doesnt mean they cant handle be a mother..
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:
skairdykat said:
:rotfl: What time is it?!?!

Did you enjoy your fish fingers hun?
lol, yeah those fish fingers were yummy. I'm just preparing dinner... :D
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just so people don't get confused, the person who made those comments is FOXYMUMMY not FOXYMUM. ;)
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

I agree its shocking, but she's new and maybe didnt realise??
Urchin said:
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just so people don't get confused, the person who made those comments is FOXYMUMMY not FOXYMUM. ;)

took the words right out of my mouth!! :lol:
frangelle said:
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

I agree its shocking, but she's new and maybe didnt realise??

or maybe I am just naiive :)
Urchin said:
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just so people don't get confused, the person who made those comments is FOXYMUMMY not FOXYMUM. ;)

Sorry Urchin, you're quite right. I'd certainly never accuse Foxymum of being a troll! :hug:
I dont think there is a 'right' age to get pregnant. I was 17 when I first got pregnant and was far to immature at the time. But when you become a mother your whole view on life chages and forces you to grow up.

I think anything under 18 is very young for becoming a mother, but saying that, they could be great mothers :think: I think it all depends on the woman. I am however horrified when I see 13 and below kids getting pregnant. They are far to immature. They need their childhood.

I will say this though.... I think when mother nature wants you to stop having kids ..say after the age of 55ish, then I believe you should stop. I dont think its right these women on telly having kids at 60 :puke: selfish if you ask me.
Urchin said:
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just so people don't get confused, the person who made those comments is FOXYMUMMY not FOXYMUM. ;)

*phew* thanks Urchin! when i read my name i thought uh-oh!!!! her name is too similar to mine, when i saw it i was gutted :(
our surname is Fox-thats why i chose the name!
Sammystar said:
Urchin said:
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just so people don't get confused, the person who made those comments is FOXYMUMMY not FOXYMUM. ;)

Sorry Urchin, you're quite right. I'd certainly never accuse Foxymum of being a troll! :hug:

thats ok hun, forgive ya :wink: :hug:
i do look a bit like a troll today though!!! rough day!!! :rotfl:
foxymum said:
Urchin said:
Sammystar said:
This thread is shocking!

I'm tempted to think Foxymum might be a Troll. I mean who in their right mind starts a thread like this, knowing full well we have ladies of all ages on here?

She's either completely insensitive or she's out to cause trouble....... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just so people don't get confused, the person who made those comments is FOXYMUMMY not FOXYMUM. ;)

*phew* thanks Urchin! when i read my name i thought uh-oh!!!! her name is too similar to mine, when i saw it i was gutted :(
our surname is Fox-thats why i chose the name!

Sorry Foxymum, forgive me pleeeease! :pray:
I was just so annoyed when I posted, I wasn't paying attention, grrrrrrrr :evil:
I dont look on ages as such, though being legal, so 16 plus.I dont have an age limit on how old i think a mother should be.
As long as ytou are stable and can support yourself and the baby and aint guna dump it on someone everytime you want to go out then i dont look on anyone like that.
How old is old anyways, there are mums on here that are 40 plus and i admire them.

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