Am I too young to want a baby so badly?

I got married when i was 18 to my ex husband and way dying to have a child! At 18! we tried all the time but in the end we left it i didnt think i would ever be a mum. We spilt up and i met my fiance. We never used anything from the start of our relationship but made sure we were tested on a regular basis for any STD's.

When i had said i wanted a baby at 18 he laughed and said he always wanted to be a dad! So the storey goes and we just hoped that one day we would fall pregnant. IT DIDNT HAPPEN!

I went to my doctors who referred me to the assisted conception unit who after numerous internals and tests said i didnt ovulate and i would no doubt need IVF! As you can imagine i was absolutley gutted but there was hope. we were put on the IVF list a year ago Jan and the heavens opened up to me!

December 2011 we had a holiday together and when we returned my period was late, 12 days late i did a test there you have a BFP! I couldnt believe my eyes! After 4/5 years of hoping and praying my little miracle is now growing in my tummy!

It doesnt matter how old you are aslong as you know what you want! FX for you and i hope your dreams come true just like mine!

I'm 18 and accidently fell pregnant with my son as I was on the pill. I cannot tell u how amazing it is ! I never wanted kids but now couldn't see my life without him. Still with my OH and tbh I'd have another tomorrow. I don't think I'm missing out on anything because now I don't see anything better than being a mother! Totally your decision xx
im 20 too. funny thing is, i was majorly broody for about 2 years, right up until 2 weeks before i found out i was pregnant!!!

but its different for everyone, there is no real right or wrong time. our bodies can be clever things!!
but remember, there is still plenty of time!
Hey :). I'm 20 also and pregnant and in Uni! Luckily I'm in my 3rd year so by the time baby comes I'll have my degree :). Plus both sets of parents are being super supportive and my mum wants me to live at home with baby for a few months until me and the OH find our own place :). It's totally a personal decision, your OH sounds very sensible though! When you both feel the time's right then you'll know :).

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:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
I had my first at 19 and now having my 4th at 26 all I ever wanted was to be a mum and I love every min of it. Yes you miss out (me and o/h never go out together) but I would change what I chose for anything I don't think there a right or wrong, i worked out the other day when I turn 40 I will have a 21, 18, 16 and 15 year old hopefully I will have plenty of years left in me then to go traveling and me and o/h can have plenty of nights out together.
i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels like this...i'm really happy for every mummy that posted back to me..u r all so lucky.... and i just can't wait for this to happen to me...:) i know i've met the right guy to have children with...but it's best to wait...we should be finishing uni in 4 years if all goes well...hopefully we'll settle down and have a family...we both want this and i'm grateful to have a partner like him...thanks for replying... :)
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I'm the same. I don't even remember a time where I felt like I didn't want a baby.
I'm 24, will be 25 when my baby gets here in October.
Me and my OH have been together for nearly seven years now. It took him a while to come round to the idea but it eventually just felt right, so we went for it :)

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