Tongue tie.. Images, Lilyanna, Elyssa and Me!

It thought it was quite common as out of the 4 of us in my nct antenatal class 2 of the babies were born tongue tie!! and looking at the pics of your L I think my N might have a slight one :-s as it looks similar, think I might get it checked!

So glad she's feeding better now, it must be a relief for you she'll put on lots of weight now!!
Oh bless I've just seen this, I've never heard of it before. So glad to hear Lilys ok, really hope it helps with the feeding xxx
Is tongue tie just where the bit that connects tongue to bottom of mouth shorter than it should be?
That's fab so please for both of you shell put on all her weight in no time xx

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It's basically too much tie.. It can be shorter or starting from the top of the tongue..
If u think ur LO might have it it's worth getting it checked and evaluated.. Better to get it done now rather than when they are older and need speech therapy etc..
She's so happy just chilling in her playmat hitting tigger lol! She's giggling to resell while playing with her tongue lol!
Hope she stays this happy :) takes ten days to fully heal but it shouldn't be uncomfy for her at all.. I've fed her twice since and it's the same as before but feels weird lol.. I'll give it a few days and try and get more in her mouth, don't want to over do it.. She's asleep again lol.. Defo not bothered by it at all! I was expecting her to cry more but she really didn't care!! Shocked!!
Thanks for all your support and kind words :) I'm confident we've done the right thing!!
Hi JM,

ive just found out Issac is tongue tied and was wondering how Lilly is doing since it was cut ?

She's doing brilliantly!! Mw said it will probably scab up (normal) but it hasn't.. It's like it was never tied!! She's feeding so much better now and I saw an improvement immediately!! I highly recommend getting it cut she barely cried with no pain relief!! So quick and simple! The younger the better!! When they get to 6 months it's harder and they need to be put out so I'd get on to it ASAP if u want it done. I reccomend getting it done at home it was much nicer than in a hospital!
Is he struggling to feed or anything?
If its left then he may need speech therapy when he's older and then a more traumatic cut is done and speech therapy again! Longer healing time too! I can't reccomend it enough!
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I always thought he was a fussy and lazy baby not wanting to work for the milk after the fast flow but he isn't latching as he clicks and comes off screaming at my boob!

I only know now because the women watched and said he shouldn't be so distressed whilst feeding she is refering him to hospital and i should hear something in the next week!

So glad she is doing so well now. :-) and sorry to read about ur mil the cow bag xx
I always thought he was a fussy and lazy baby not wanting to work for the milk after the fast flow but he isn't latching as he clicks and comes off screaming at my boob!

I only know now because the women watched and said he shouldn't be so distressed whilst feeding she is refering him to hospital and i should hear something in the next week!

So glad she is doing so well now. :-) and sorry to read about ur mil the cow bag xx
That's exactly how lily was! I hope they get it sorted soon! In the meantime maybe try and express ur hind milk so he gets it? She used to take the fast flow then get angry! She has a full feed now :cheer: they struggle to open their mouths wide enough and she was only taking the nipple part now her bottom lip touches the skin beneath my areola and top lip half way up like its supposed to be!

Thanks hun it's been a hard day today!!!

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