To much formilk, do i quit breast feeding??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2012
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Hi girls

Ive been battling bf last 2wks my LO started having green poo's, my breastfeeding nurse said im producing to much formilk and not enough hindmilk so my baby is filling up to quickly and then having issues with trapped wind :(

She got me to express 1oz off before every feed however i cant always do that due to if im out. He became bunged him and didnt poo properly for 2/3days, and then was up every 1-1/2 - 2hrs feeding and in between this hes grunting like mad to get his wind out, and this is at 8wk old, this is really making me feel breakable and weak, i really dont know what to do, im exhausted and cant find a balance.

The drs are palming me off saying its colic and its not, what should i do?? Xx
Aw, hun. I'm sorry to hear what a hard time you're having.

I'd express before feeds where you can and ensure that lo has good long feeds at night throughout as they tend to be more relaxed and feed better and longer. You could also express and feed hind milk by bottle/sippy cup for when you can't manage to express excess foremilk?

Hope this helps. Don't give up, you're doing so well. It's just a blip xxx
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have you/are you able to try feeding a couple of feeds from the same breast and then switching?
did the support worker give you any other tips? x
have you/are you able to try feeding a couple of feeds from the same breast and then switching?
did the support worker give you any other tips? x

Oh yeah, this is great advice, too! X
Have you tried cutting out dairy? It can help in the early days. also a few sessions of cranial osteopathy.

A BFd baby can go 10 days without pooing without too much concern so I would worry about a few days.

As for the reduction in time between feeds are you sure it's not to do with a growth spurt? They have one at around 8 weeks.

BFing can be tough hun. Infacol really helped C to burp and we used it until he was 12 weeks old at which point things seemed a lot brighter xx

She said block feedfrom the same boobie but they dont fill up that quick, arthurs now on lactouse as hes struggling with wind and his poo, :(

I seem to produce more formilk, its also draining me bf, im not a big eater as it is never mind with bf xx

Also dr said never leave a baby to go more than 2 days without pooing at 8wks xx
Your dr is wrong!!! There is very little 'waste' in breast milk, it's not unusual for them to go as long as a week. Unfortunately some health professionals are very ignorant About the difference in bf and ff.

I'd recommend block feeding as well. It won't be that your breasts haven't 'filled' quickly enough, but your let down may take a wee bit longer, massage when LO goes on should help this.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I was going to say Dr isnt right. I spoke to a paed and they said bf babies can go.up to a week!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Thanks girls, i still have to express1oz off first as u can see its all foremilk when its settles, so do i block feedfrom the same boobie? Also should i express from the other one as my oh wants to do his last feed so i can rest as im not feeling to good from bf xx
I'd suggest block feeding too. Like others have said, it's where you feed from the same breast for 2-3 feeds. It tends to help as baby gets the higher fat content milk as they feed on the same breast a few times. The longer a feed continues the higher fat content the milk has as the feed progresses.
Chin up hun. You are doing great xxxx

Please please eat and drink plenty though. It will make you feel better. I would feel really terrible if I hadn't eaten enough and had enough to drink. I almost felt shrivelled up at times.

The other ladies haven given some good advice. You are very close to it all settling down and becoming easy, hang in there.

Are the green poos occasional? My LO had them occasionally too.
The poos was becoming everytime but have stopped now that im expressing before a feed however ive blocked fed for 2days and he still hasnt pooed and is distressing him, but on the other hand block feeding is making him go longer :) just had my first 5 1/2hrs however hes been at the side of me :( xx
Well hes fully bunged up, got him laid on my bed with a towel massaging his bum cheeks and lots of air and yellow water is firing out, is this normal?? Xx
his system has probably got confused, I would think that as the feeding has settled down then this is the last bit to settle... if it is working keep going (however grim) and he will soon get into a routine with his bowels... each baby is unfortunately different, T always went 2-3 times a day, no matter what... a friends little girl had a weekly nightmare trying to poo... perfectly normal for BF babies :hugs:
Well done, it does sound like its settling. Just try and persevere and it will get easier.
He will settle into a pattern, I'm sure.

Also, 5.5 hrs is quite a long time to go between feeds at this age.

Do you have a. Fast milk flow? Does he gasp and splutter at the start of feeds? If so, he could be taking in lots of air that way. Lots of mums wait for the let down, get a towel, let it spurt out till the flow calms, then put their baby back on the breast. Sme babies don't like a really fast flow, and again this will calm down but it can distress them too.
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. Lots of mums wait for the let down, get a towel, let it spurt out till the flow calms, then put their baby back on the breast. Sme babies don't like a really fast flow, and again this will calm down but it can distress them too.

I'm going to try this. I've never even thought of it. My LO feeds so quickly I'm wondering if she's getting enough hind milk.

Hi ladies

Quick update on arthur, i now block feed, one boobie in the day and the other at night, however i do express off each boobie through the day snd night as they will explode lol, i think this helps my foremilk and also it helps arthur as no green poo and at 10wks hes going every 5-6hours at night for a feed now.

Im constantly dripping in the morning as i have alot of milk :/

Fab stuff... Glad things have settled xx

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Hes only gained 5oz in 2wks :( got to changed again xx

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