young/young looking mums


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Im 20 but look very young for my age only bout 15. People see my bump and i can hear them whispering.
I hate it!
Yes im young but i have a good job, a nice house, a good relationship, and a very suportive family.
Im not a kid!
How do you deal with this because it does get to me :(
Im exactly the same, when i had DD three years ago i looked quite so i kind of get used to it i suppose. its so annoying i had someone shout lastyear "whos the daddy??!!" i was like whattt? grow up as*hle its so irritating but people just like to judge and make themselfs feel better, little do they know we have 4 houses, nice car, good income and an amazing relationship with my hubby, just like yourself. i know how you feel hun :hug: :hug:
:hug: Im a young looking young mummy Im 21 but I look about 14 Im 5foot nothing and I sound very young too. Honestly its something I was dreading but I know when I get the stares of "is she REALLY pregnant" If anyone was to actually say anything I can just think to myself Im in my 20s Im having a baby and taking on the responsibility and that is something to be respected not looked down upon. Really its hard but you have to just remember you are alot older than they think you are and you have nothing to be ashamed of. :hug: :hug:
Im 20 too!!
But i know i look younger

Im still with my OH
Had a great job (Looking at being a housewife for a while because Lee earns enough for the both of us)
Living in our own house
Not claming any benifits..

Yet i know people look at me sometimes and think i must be a young mum on benifits with a council house.
Not that theres anything wrong with these things for people who have to do these things..
It gets to me sometimes because im proud of who i am and what ive achieved

I just get on with it...
just ignore them
i had my first at 20 and ive always looked young for my age and people used to do the same to me. i now get of people 'they are not your are they' and i say yes and then i get 'you must have been really young when you had your first'
i got asked on a bus today why i felt i needed to add to the growing population by some old woman and "especially at my age" im 20 FFS!
Dont worry hun, when i had had hope, i told someone i had a daughter, he turned to his mate and said 'they breed too young nowadays' i should have jumped over the bar and hit him but unfortunatly id have lost my job, the silly old ******* :rotfl: :hug:
i'm 18, and i know i get the looks & whispers when i'm in public.
but, my boyfriend has a good job, i've just left college & we've been together for coming up 2 & a half years. our pregnancy wasn't planned & i am young, but it doesn't mean it gives people the right to judge me.
by the time i was 26 i had 6 children, people would look at me like i had 3 heads, i looked very young for my age and heads would turn everywhere i went, i hated it too butlearnt to ignore it.
Maybe you should wear a '21 today' badge. :rotfl:
stare back and ask them what their problem is, I do and it shocks them.

Im short and always looked young but Iv got a sharp tongue on me and I cant stand nosey, rude, gossips who stare and whisper so I generally ask them if they have anything they want to mention to me! ha it shuts them up and I walk away laughing! xx
I'm exactly the same - i have just turned 21 and look REALLY young for my age, i get asked for ID when buying booze (which obv i havent done since i was PG) but i even got asked for ID when buying a lottery ticket the other week!!! :shock: i hate looking young, because im not and i can see people looking at my pregnancy tummy and i bet they are talking about it, i havent got alot of confidence anyway so that just makes me feel worse.

I am living in my own house, with a full time job, with my OH who works full time - i will be returning to work after 9 months and have family to support us but we seem to have a label, us 'young 'uns' and i hate it :(
Just try and ignore people; there is too much ignornance in this world.

I am 30 and when Gabs was a baby I was walking along with her and 2 women passed me and one said (in a huffy tone) "the Mums are just getting younger" Tut!

There's always going to be someone with an opinion; you just enjoy your pregnancy and baby.

Good luck with your pregnancy :D
Gosh i wish i could say the same as you guys :hug: :hug: :hug:

When i was walking around tescos with tia when she was only a week old i got asked "ooh how lovely is she your grand daughter?"""

WTF :shock: !!!!!!!!!

Im only 39 not that old :cry: but then again on the other hand i went to my partners dads party back in may and people couldnt believe i had nearly 15 and 16 yr old teen boys at home, i was well chuffed!!!! :D :D
I get comments all the time, I got asked at Jams nursery by another mum if Jamie was my little brother!!! Hahahhaaaaaaa :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
At least im not the only one. i know people always judge regardless of who you are or what you have but having a baby has become my world it has made me so incredibly happy so it hurts when people see it as something soo awfull.

Someone saw my bump the other day, put her hand on my shoulder and sympathetically said, "never mind, unfortunately these things happen"

Leave me alone my baby is a gift!!!!
:evil: :evil:
Well I've only recently turned 22 :roll:

Have been with my husband since I was married shortly after my 20th and been trying for a baby since my 21st :wave: :wink:

I do look about 17-18 but nobody at work comments (not nasty anyway :lol: ) because they all respect that I'm happy and fairly sensible and just want to settle down young :D (and they know my age and I'm married lol!)

I'll probably get some comments along the way but who cares :roll:
Have your kids young whilst your full of energy....give them your full'll still be young when they're all grown up and independant...and plenty of life in you for when the grand kids come along :lol: :dance:
For some reason, lately, I've been getting the opposite. I'm not even seventeen yet, but when i tell people that, they go :shock: "I thought you were about twenty" It's only recently too.My face must have changed. :D
I had Ds when I was 21 and looked very young (still get Id'd for lottery and booze and Im 30!!) but the comments didnt seem to come until when he was older. I too have lots of comments about him being my brother, we went to an amusement park and the attendent for the dodgems wouldnt let us on the ride as we needed an Adult with us :rotfl: he was a slip of a young thing and when I told him I was probably old enough to be his mum he was really embarrassed!

I would take it as a compliment, especially as im now preggers again and finding it sooo sooo much harder than when I was younger. I do believe that your body can take being pregnant better at an earlier age, it certainly has been that way for me.
zebrastripes said:
For some reason, lately, I've been getting the opposite. I'm not even seventeen yet, but when i tell people that, they go :shock: "I thought you were about twenty" It's only recently too.My face must have changed. :D

They do that to you.

I used to be very youthful looking but since having Stanley look every one of my (nearly) 32 years.

So cheer up girls, the babies might add years on you! :lol:
I used to get that when I had my others! Now I just get "Oh your far too young to have 3 children (or 4 if they know Im pregnant)" :roll:
It was horrible when I was 17 and had Joseph! But looking back, I wish I would have not let it bother me! And maybe played along like speaking overly loud about it coming up to my 15th bithday or something!
Its absolutely nobody elses business how old you are! Being a good mum has nothing to do with your age! Try and ignore them hun! :hug:

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