Those ARGGGHHHH moments!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Im getting these a lot lately, you know the type of moments I mean right?

Argghhhh when will it happen!

Argghhhh Im sick of waiting!

I know stress isnt good when trying and it will happen when th time is right etc, but I just cant help myself, especially when that old cliche of seeing babies everywhere happens.

My fiance seems really chilled out and easygoing about the whole thing, and sometimes I wonder if he wants it as much as me, but then the other day he dragged me to habitat in town just to show me the way they had laid out a childs bedroom display - that was more an ahhhhhhh moment than ARGGGHHH lol.
Lol, I got to that stage ages ago. Men are always more chilled out about TTC, they don't seem to understand how we feel about concieving and having babies. Mine usually says I shouldn't feel the need to have a baby so bad as he should be enough for me. They just don't understand a womens need. Where I work there are pregnant women or little babies everywhere :cry: . We'll get there in the end :hug:.
We will indeed! :dance:

Im pretty sure my OH wants it as much as I do, but just doesnt talk about it as much or get as wound up when my AF (ive figured out what AF represents but not what it stands for - is it "ahhh f***" its here?) arrives, but then he'll surprise me by getting mega gushy over a baby or telling me about all the babies hes seen that day lol

Anyway im on the 2 week wait now, oh joy of joys :cheer:
Aw, i think we all know the feeling, :hug: good luck with TTC..... as for your comment.... lmao... he he he soooo funny and soooo true,
(ive figured out what AF represents but not what it stands for - is it "ahhh f***" its here?) arrives,[/quote]

Take care, Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :hug:

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