This really isn't my issue but I'm losing sleep over it!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I've mentioned this situation before on here but it's really bugging me!!

OHs brother is a prick.
He overlaps women quite badly as in girlfriends are 2 at a time. His last girlfriend was amazing, she really fitted the bill, and her dad died towards the end of their relationship so she properly had a rough time of it. Anyway, his new girlfriend just said "I remember when Sofia was born, louis text me all excited saying he's an uncle" and this was 3 months ago!! And he was skiing with his girlfriend when Sofia was born! So what the fuck is he playing at!

It's none of my business, but it bugs the hell Out of me, because we make such good friends with these girls (there has been 6 in the last 3 years) and then they get hurt and in comes the next!

Do I try and talk to him? Or just let him get on with it?? Its wierd! I don't get why he has to be such a knob to women. It's so bad and disrespectful!
Think the only thing I would do is keep my distance from him hun, in a way that it is ok to meet him but not his current squeeze..... not fair for you and his family to be constantly meeting the sqeeze of the month and getting attached with them before the huge heave hoo. I totally agree with you that it is totally disrespectful but don't think he is going to change and sounds very immature which leads him to get bored easily x
Honestly? It's not your place. If anyone was to speak to him, it should be his brother. It isn't nice and is hugely disrespectful but it's not your place :(
It's difficult isn't it? One of OHs cousins was the same until recently, he actually got two girls pregnant within 3 months of each other, and neither knew about the other. It all came to a head about a year ago and he's stuck with 'girl number 2'. He never sees his daughter now (by 'girl number 1') which is a shame. For some crazy reason 'girl number 2' forgave him, I don't know why though, he will do it again.

It was hard to have to be friends with both girls, but like Helen says, it's not your place hun :hugs: What a total KS though :strangle:
I would be annoyed if C's brother was using Odhrán in the way of playing a doting uncle to impress girls iykwim? It isn't your place but if he was doing what I just said I would say to your OH about it, he's old enough and big enough to do whatever he wants but without bringing others into it x
It's something for your OH to talk to him about - perhaps even if just to let him know that his bringing home all these women and you all knowing what he's upto, is making you all deeply uncomfortable and that if he is gpoing to carry on then can he please not blab family stuff to them or bring them round unless he's sure for once. What a jerk!
you dont say how old he is?? if hes quite young i wouldnt worry about it x id keep out his way if it bugs you x its his life and if he want to act like a total nob thats up to him am sure it will come back to bite him one day!!

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