The Toddler No sleep club!

Sarah&Braydon said:
aww hun :hug: :hug:
Braydon slept thro last nite so tonite is gonna be terrible

Let's hope he sleeps well tonight for you, Emma was really tired when I put her to bed so hopefully she will behave tonight :pray: :pray: :pray:
Well she woke up at 11.30 but went back to sleep only after a few minutes and then slept right through until 8 o'clock, :dance: :dance:
Let's hope she keeps it up :pray: :pray:
7.15 till 7.20 :dance: :dance: :dance: bet he dont do it tonite coz mummy is hoping were getting somewhere
I'll be here forever - 4am this morning :( . We did get a lie in until 6.30am on Friday
well the sleeping thro lasted 2 nites was up once last nite and up for good at 6.30
She did it again last night, :cheer: :dance: that's 2 nights in a row, unheard of in this house. Lets see how tonight goes :pray: :pray: :pray:

Good luck to everyone else in here, I hope your LOs start sleeping a bit better :hug: :hug:
Ewan still twice a night .. though had me up 4 times the other night! :shock:
Aimee slept through again last night :cheer: I know i've got to move her into her sisters room soon though so i'm hoping that doesn't desurb her too much now she seems to be getting in a good routine.
I had to wake Alex last night after he'd gone to bed (OHs disco gear blew up at work :shock: so we had to deliver the spares) I thought Alex would be a nightmare to get back to bed, but he went down no bother, and didn't even wake and come into bed with me - he slept right the way through, in his own cot until 5.30am. Still a bit early for my liking, but I got a solid 6 hours :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I thought we were making progress as she slept through three nights in a row. But last night she was as bad as ever, she woke up screaming at 4, 5 and 6 o'clock. The 6 o'clock time she screamed for about a hour, and wouldn't settle back down. She's been so grumpy and clingy today as a result, something which is very hard to cope with on hardly any sleep :( :wall: :wall: :wall:
arrggh, she was awake about 7 times last night. It's sooo frustrating, and I am really tired. :wall: :wall: :cry:
We had a bad night too last night. She woke up screaming about 3 times then decided to get up at 6am. She then screamed from 6 till 10 cos she was still tired. :twisted:
Well what a surprise, we had ANOTHER bad night, she was up screaming about 7 times again last night. I don't get it as she looks as though she is still asleep and after a while just settles herself back to sleep, but then an hour or so later she's doing it again. I think I'm going to go insane. She is certainly making up for the three good nights she had :evil: :wall: :cry:
i was so proud of him he was sleeping thro going from 7-7.30, he had been doing this for a good few weeks with only occasionally waking up in the nite, i was happier he was happier and everything was brilliant
till last week wen it all changed
he now wakes up at 12,3 and gets up at 5.30 :twisted: :twisted: it has been the same times each nite for 7 nites i am so so so tired, and iv not been well either so am feeling twice as worse

aww hun hope B starts sleeping for you and hope you feel better this morning :hug:

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