**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

I am still struggling with this so I'm going to try the dummy tonight.... i just have to remember it when i go up to bed
God help me i'm losing my grip on reality! Sleep deprivation isn't used as a form of torture for nothing :wall:
Every 1-2 hours all chuffing night! After the first settle down alway waits for me to start dropping off then wakes up again!
Sam's never been a good sleeper but its getting worse....and he doesn't feed in night either, just waking waking waking then back off to peeps. Is this the dreaded 4 month growth spurt of doom?
I'm officially joining the club!

Second night in a row now Kathryn's woken up and stayed awake after a feed for 2 hours and counting. There's no settling her- more boob isn't the answer- she doesn't want it and she keeps crying if I pick her up. I think she might be coming down with something- she's quite snuffly and was sick earlier but hasn't got a temp. I'm at a loss! Lucky old OH- he gets to :sleep: happily GRRRRRRRRRR
Hi :wave:

Can I join here too?

Sam has gone from being a brilliant sleeper ( I knew it was too good to be true :talkhand: ) to a pain in the bottom!

He was sleeping right through from 8pm til about 6am that stopped about 8 weeks ago and it is a contastant battle with him now. During the day he will only have a nap if he is being held, as soon as you lay him down he screams. At night he'll fall asleep OK usually but he now wakes up to 2 - 3 times a night.
He has been awake since 5am this morning and was awake at 12.30am before that I am shattered I don't know what could be causing him to wake other than teething, growth spurt, and he is really clingy with me at the moment.
can i join? Noah isnt sleeping until 1ish then waking evey 1-2 hrs after that :(
Riley is starting to wake every 2 hours like clockwork. It's actually an improvement!
I am struggling with loads of issues I have created for myself!

Toby was always such a bad sleeper that we have now got into a situation where he cannot sleep unless he has a bottle of milk on the go in the cot with him. We're in the same room, not enough bedrooms in our house, and it was a god send initially beacause it meant I could get some sleep.

But now he clears three bottles on some nights and he's not eating as much as he used to during the day.

I think I have to brave and sort this out this week, either water at night or ideally nothing.

Brace myself for the screaming!!!!
Argh he was waking every hour last night, feeding for about 10 mins then going back to sleep again :wall:
Valley Girl said:
I am struggling with loads of issues I have created for myself!

Toby was always such a bad sleeper that we have now got into a situation where he cannot sleep unless he has a bottle of milk on the go in the cot with him. We're in the same room, not enough bedrooms in our house, and it was a god send initially beacause it meant I could get some sleep.

But now he clears three bottles on some nights and he's not eating as much as he used to during the day.

I think I have to brave and sort this out this week, either water at night or ideally nothing.

Brace myself for the screaming!!!!

Have you tried replacing the bottle with water?

I'm wondering if Riley is thirsty at night so am going to try him with water instead or boob.

All planning is out the window in my house this week, my friend is in slow labour and I'm her birth partner so at night I just want to sleep incase the phone rings. Later I will try to persevere with not feeding riley so quickly after he wakes up.
I have barely slept all night!!! Angel has pretty much screamed from 11pm-5am! If she ever fell asleep it'll have been for 5 mins on my chest! No attempt at feeding or calpol helped!
I'm so tired!
We're back! No idea what the problem is this time but back to a few times a night especially around 3am.That's her favourite time.

I'm back to little sleep for the time being :( , think we're teething and having a growth spurt at the same time. DH is on early shift and is up and out the house by 5am so he's no help and she's not napping in the day either so I'm knackered :sleep: . It's worse than when she was a newborn because at least she slept during the day then and didn't want entertaining by me. Hoping this doesn't last for long and she will be back to through the night again soon.
my too-good-to-be-true baby has changed!

over the last 3 weeks she's gone from waking up once a night (since birth), to 2 times, 3 times, to every 2 hours, and NOW!! she's waking up for a feed every 2 hours, falling asleep, then waking up and screaming as soon as i put her back in the cot! Pick her up and she stops and falls asleep. Put her back and she starts screaming again. Aahhhhhhh!!!! :wall:
hi my son is 22 months and doesnt sleep throu yet althou he has improved!!!
hello I am considering going the whole hog and walking with my arms stretched out infront of me and groaning to get the full on zombie effect.. oh wait.. hang on a minute... i already do the arms outstretched groaning when I'm walking the streets with him in his buggy ...

all joking aside my little man is not bad at all really i just have a totally unsupportive other half who needs a right royal boot up his ass!!! :wall:

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