**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

dont mean to brag but i had 13 hours un-disturbed sleep :dance: :dance: :dance: but only because Mik did the nightime and morning 10000000 wakeups, God i feel refreshed, its not gonna last though because she has woken up twice already tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow. Could you actually sleep? :) I can't sleep for long any more. She has ruined my ability to sleep. I have started to give her some porridge before bed and then a bottle an hour later and it seems to be helping. But today she couldn't sleep in the day very much which usually means bad night.
yhup i didnt think i would be able to but i did :) I had a banging headache the whole day friday because i was so tired, didnt help that Avie was grumpy and moaned almost all day! I recon i could of slept for 11 months :D
She went to bed at 7pm and has woken up 3 times already this is gna be a crap night, Her new trick is waking up just to chew the teat of her bottle, so im assuming its teething, i rubbed dentanox in her gums, which seems she loves the flavor and cries when i take it away....strange, gave her Nurofen before bed just incase shes in pain, as calpol didnt help last night, she was awake from 2.30am until 6am litterally wide awake, what dont help is shes at a awkward stage where shes crawling, and can pull herself up in the cot, so she ends up standing up shouting, and im worried she will bump her head if i leave her to moan it out... cant really win, just hope the teething ends soon, and pray it is teething :pray:
New mum i give avie Rice pud and milk before bed, but its not hunger what wakes her up :(
Its Torture this sleeping pattern :(
Have been awake with a teething screaming baby since 2am, :( who refuses to go back to sleep :( only another 3 hours until ''morning'' yawn
Oh no...did you get ANY sleep last night? We're teething too :( Been going on for ages and ages. LAst night she kept crying in her sleep and then woke up every hour from 2am but I gave her nurofen and it seemed to stop her waking up for ages. The night before she was awake for hours. Without the teething I think she is getting better at sleeping for she takes forever to cut her teeth.
I went to bed at 11 :wall: stupidley
she woke up at 2am and went back for a hour at 5am-6am, now shes grumpy as hell, Ava hasnt any teeth yet, i can see them under the gums but they are taking AAAAAAAAGES!!
sooo anoying!!!!
Didnt get to bed until 2 last night while his lordship snored away oblivious the *******!

She woke up about 11ish and kept me up till gone past fucking 2, not impressed!
Didnt do too bad last night, she went down at 7pm and i went down at 8pm :lol:
she slept until 1am woke up for a hour then slept until 5.40 :dance: :dance: :dance: im not counting my chickens tho because it never lasts :wall: :wall: Hows everyone else doing?? xxxxxx
Everything is fine, she slept 42 hours in a row, smiled and laughed the whole day, didn't have any mini tantrums, and didn't make a squeak while I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom...

:fib: :fib: :fib:
newmum said:
Everything is fine, she slept 42 hours in a row, smiled and laughed the whole day, didn't have any mini tantrums, and didn't make a squeak while I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom...

:fib: :fib: :fib:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The is hope ladies, I don't want to brag but Lola only wakes up twice a night now :cheer:

I'm hoping that by the time she's 3 I'll have her sleeping through :lol:
midna said:
lmao newmum :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

lolas mummy .. wasnt your girl a bad sleeper ??..and you co sleep ..hmm do you go bed with her at same time like I have to and has she just got better by herself over time?

Yeah she was a terrible sleeper but she's just got better on her own :dance:

I didn't change anything i was doing and we've still got the same routine we always had. The only difference is i'm back at work now 3 days a week. I think it may have something to do with that as before i went back to work she'd never really been left with anyone other than me not even OH. She just wanted me and boobie all the time!

I go to bed with her and depending on how quick she falls asleep i'll either go downstairs after about 20 minutes or stay in bed with her. She only wakes up now at about 1am and at about 4am. She normally goes to sleep between 9pm and 11pm and wakes up at 6.50am but it's a huge improvement.
Some things have got better for us just with time too, especially from 10 months BUT that all goes out the window with teething. Every little development gets forgotten and we regress to milk all through the night, crying, restless, not settling in less than an hour etc. But when it passes it seems to be getting better. these teeth are taking forever.
We haven't had any more teeth for a while we've been stuck at 6 for ages. The boobie biting has started again though :roll:

That make me think i'll be joining you lovely ladies again soon while we wait for the new teeth :wall:
Hmmm the days are long enough at the moment so why does she need to get up at 5am :( and then fuss until 8 when she goes to sleep again for half an hour

wish there were babies and kids groups here. Bored out of my mind. Try to do different things in the day but hey, I live in a very small village.

I miss Tescos.
How is everyone?

Last night was ok for us but the night before not so great. it is really difficult to know what is going to happen every night.
Her teeth are really bothering her and she cried a lot yesterday and was really unsettled. But today she seems much better. I still get nervous going to bed wondering when she will wake and at about 4am I always wake up thinking 'oh please please don't wake up now.'

Any news from anyone?
Is it getting any better yet? We had a better night but after a major clingy day I was wound up. Seems she just uses crawling and walking to get to me to be picked up!
Hey! We are plodding alone, i have had a small breakthrough in the way of... Ava will wake up at either 2am or 3am and decide she is going to throw a diva tantrum and wants to stay up, well ive let her cry... the 1st night she cried for almost a hour not hysterical more of a winge, the 2nd night was 35 mins the 3rd 20 mins but last night it went tits up and her nappy leaked so i had to strip her and the bed making her even more awake, so ended up staying up from 3.30am :wall: :wall:
shes still waking 100 times a night but is going straight back down, which is Rare!!!
Monday morning id been up since 2am and i wasnt coping at all so my mum came up and took her!!! while i caught 40 winks!!!
Shes 11months today, and still not sleeping thro :wall:
:bored: Today's a bad day... lil miss seems to be cutting teeth. She finally went to bed at 9pm last night. Was up at 12...refused to sleep but used the boob as comforter...dozed off now and again....finally decided she was bored and wanted up at 6.30... and has only just fallen asleep now... in between those times if she hasn't been on the boob she has either grumbled or cried (mainly the later)... Shes had calpol but its not really done much...Poor DH wanted to take lil miss to give me a rest, but when shes like this only mummum will do.... whats going to happen tomorrow... I've got work... :(
just wanted to give you all these :hug: :hug: :hug:

my little girl has started waking at 11.30 every night for hours on end. This is only a recent happening, I know we've been lucky with her before now.

Separation anxiety, hunger, teething... who knows! Its a different thing every night that settles her, so there is no way of knowing what the problem is.

onyhoo.... hope matters improve for you all soon xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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