The silly questions thread...

Keeping on a similar theme... at what age should a baby be moved to his/her own room and cot? We'll probably use a moses basket next to our bed to start with, but how soon do you move them out?
i think once there head touches the top of the basket, or they can sit up on their own its time to move them out. My moses basket says up to 6 months. But I know most of my friends have moved babies through a lot sooner than that.
I moved lo into a cot at 5 weeks but he will be in my room until at least 6 months my eldest was about 10 month but I think that was too late I found it so hard

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Ok so my silly question hard should LO be kicking?

I felt movement very early on, around 17/18 weeks I could see them move from one side of the tummy to the other, it was like a little ball under my skin :) anyway after reading some threads on reduced movement in tri3 and knowing how important it is to monitor this once I get there I just want to know if I should be getting proper thumps.

My baby gives very gentle prods and kicks (mainly in my fu) and most of the time I have to look at my stomach to tell baby is actually moving.

My placenta is prosteria so not sure why I'm not getting thumped and kicked like the ladies on here or is gentle kicks still normal?
I don't feel thumps, the movements just feel different. It's more limbs sticking out and rolls that actual kicks. It's just if the movements don't happen very often you should get checked out. I've never been too beaten up though xx
If you're breastfeeding, how do you know if baby has had enough? Obviously you can't really judge the same way as a bottle and baby might be fussy and not taking enough xxxx

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If you're breastfeeding, how do you know if baby has had enough? Obviously you can't really judge the same way as a bottle and baby might be fussy and not taking enough xxxx

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Great question!!

My friend who is a MW told me that there is no sure fired way to tell when bf and that you have to judge it on the time between the start of one feed and the start of the next. If you mange to get four hours (when they are a few weeks old) then that is a good feed. If they need feeding again inside two hours then clearly they didnt take enough.
I am planning on doing what Pediatricians doing at the beginning. ( or when I doubt things...)

Weigh baby before feed and after feed.
I am buying a special baby scale anyway as with the shitty norwegian weather I am so not running to he clinic only to weigh the baby lol...

I suppose a baby with full tummy is a content baby for a while at least, has wet nappies and gains weight.
You'll know baby has had enough as they'll stop feeding.

Quite often then can fall asleep breast feeding do you can change their nappy after they've had a drink from one boob to wake them up. Then you can offer the other boob. If they don't want it they're full

They'll let you know when they want feeding which can be a little a 2 hours apart ( And that 2 hours starts from the start if the last feed)
...and how long does an average feed last? I really have no idea - 5 mins or 50? Or is every baby and every feed different?
Every baby and every feed is different. Sometimes they can just have 5 minutes right up to having 40 mins.

We're just over a month in. Most feeds now range between 10-20 mind with a couple of longer ones chucked in xx
My LO would feed for around half an hour right up until she was weaned, and even then she would have long feeds until about 9-10 months. She's just turned 1 and is still feeding a few times a day but rarely takes longer than 15 minutes now. Some babies are much quicker than mine though!
Just dont be freaked out at the start if baby is feeding what feels like all the time, or if they are on and off loads it doesnt mean you dont have enough milk or they are not getting enough, its just when BFing babies like to graze, some are lucky enough to feed efficiently and then go a couple of hours, I wasnt lucky mine fed every 40 mins for 20-30 mins!!! He'd always take a 2nd boob if offered and 9/10 times he'd fall asleep on the boob for an hour then wake up and start feeding again so it felt like I was stuck in a chair for the whole day! I loved it though!!!
You will know if they have had enough honestly, it works best to feed on demand with bf so just offer them a boob when they cry if they are hungry they will latch on, keep offering it until they fall asleep or wont latch on any more, after a few weeks (or months in my case!) they soon get in a routine and you find yourself knowing when they will get hungry and knowing how long they will feed for, then a growth spurt comes along and knocks all that out of the window for a week!!! lol!!!
Also forgot to add that you will know they are getting enough by their nappies, if you are having wet nappies and poops then they are getting enough. I never went on weight at all as it flutucates so much when they are young, he was weighed in the first couple of weeks and he didnt put much on, he was around 25th percentile, HV told me to formula feed which I refused as he hadnt actually lost weight, I didnt weigh him again until he was 4 months and by then he had jumped to 50th percentile and was a little porker!!!! I am sure during that time he had gone up and down but all that mattered to me was that overall he had put on loads!!!!
Ok so my silly question hard should LO be kicking?

I felt movement very early on, around 17/18 weeks I could see them move from one side of the tummy to the other, it was like a little ball under my skin :) anyway after reading some threads on reduced movement in tri3 and knowing how important it is to monitor this once I get there I just want to know if I should be getting proper thumps.

My baby gives very gentle prods and kicks (mainly in my fu) and most of the time I have to look at my stomach to tell baby is actually moving.

My placenta is prosteria so not sure why I'm not getting thumped and kicked like the ladies on here or is gentle kicks still normal?

My baby moves as often now as it did when I was in tri 2, but I don't get kicks as such, more wiggles, shuffles, and slithers! I have been told by my mw that it isn't strictly true that babies move less as they get bigger, it's just that the movements are different and perhaps not as big.

I used to get a lot of gentle prods which felt like they were right in my foof, and was told hat this is where baby's arms were so it was punches rather than kicks.

You will know what's normal for you, so just make sure you keep an eye on the movement and you will be fine x x
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It's only been 2 days since i found out i'm pregnant so am pretty clueless.

I was wondering as I don't drive and neither does OH, how do I get to the hospital when I am due? Do I order a taxi or ambulance?

Also in relation to that question, once you give birth and need to carry a baby in a taxi do you need some form of car seat?

Thanks :)
Don't call an ambulance, chances are you'll be in labour many hours if not days!

You'd be best taking your car seat with you.

How many pairs of disposable maternity briefs will I need? I have 1 pack of 5 but have no clue if I'll need more! X

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