The silly questions thread...

Does your weight affect how soon you (and others) feel the baby's movements?
After you've given birth, do your food tastes return back to normal?

I went off a lot of things, especially meat and I'm still not eating meat really.

I found I still had some cravings mostly for milk , gallons of milk infact, I breast fed and was just starving all the time , once I was free from baby I would run to the kitchen and just raid the cupboards and fridge quite maniac really , don't believe I would have refuse to eat anything was just trying to eat as much as I possibly could before baby needed me back again. xx
Does your weight affect how soon you (and others) feel the baby's movements?
Yes I believe it does especially if your carrying that extra weight around your belly area , but if your weight is more generally spread like bum and legs I don't believe that would make any differance to when you would feel baby's first movements at all. xx
With the placenta position (have been trying to find the recent posts about It but my phone is being rather annoying today) I checked my notes and I have a posterior placenta I think that's where its at the back someone said in a post? Does it make any difference to the birth and is it bad if its at the back or anything? My notes say its not low so I think that's ok but just wondered if there is any difference at all? Also I've been feeling baby move since about 17 weeks which I gather is quite early for my first (they are very strong now) is this why? Xx
With the placenta position (have been trying to find the recent posts about It but my phone is being rather annoying today) I checked my notes and I have a posterior placenta I think that's where its at the back someone said in a post? Does it make any difference to the birth and is it bad if its at the back or anything? My notes say its not low so I think that's ok but just wondered if there is any difference at all? Also I've been feeling baby move since about 17 weeks which I gather is quite early for my first (they are very strong now) is this why? Xx

Mines partially low and I've to be checked again at 34 weeks and if it hasn't moved up il have to have a c section. Im not sure about it being at the back though, mine is too and I don't think that was the problem! Xxxx
Can my baby harm herself by getting tangled in the cord? Xxxx
Can my baby harm herself by getting tangled in the cord? Xxxx

This is a really good question!! X

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I believe it can kill a baby in the womb if they get tangled. because of the lack of oxygen =( Apparently its rare that it gets wrapped tight enough to do any harm though.,

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Does your weight affect how soon you (and others) feel the baby's movements?

It didn't for me I started feeling movements at 17 weeks and I had a bmi of 41 (ouch) at the start of my pregnancy. It took longer for my OH to feel movements obviously because there was more errr layers to get through lol
Can my baby harm herself by getting tangled in the cord? Xxxx

This is a really good question!! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I believe it can kill a baby in the womb if they get tangled. because of the lack of oxygen =( Apparently its rare that it gets wrapped tight enough to do any harm though.,

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Oh god :shock: xxxx
Yes the cord can harm a baby. I think it's rare though. When I was born I had managed to tie my cord in a knot. Luckily they picked up I was getting distressed and I was born by c section . A natural delivery or if it had been earlier in the pregnancy then the likelihood is I wouldn't be here today
My lil bro tangled himself up with his cord, it didnt affect him in the womb, but during delivery the knot tightened - he came out white and was taken straight to life support. He is now a healthy 21 year old who goes out boozing with the rest.

I often worry about this happening to my baby, hence why I am def being in hospital for the birth. But I try not to focus on it, it doesn't happen often and is pure chance so worrying won't help.
It was just something I started to think about cos I can constantly feel her tumbling round in there but wasn't sure how long the cord is! Glad to hear its not too common xxxx

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Thats a really good question Kra, I never even thought about it!

Thanks for the answers by the way, even though I didnt ask the question, still good to know!
I spoke to my MW about this today because my LO is such a wriggler. She said that the jelly-like substance that surrounds the blood vessels in the cord makes it very difficult to tighten a knot in it if there is a knot. Only if your placenta is failing does the cord sometimes become thin and unhealthy enough for it to knot tightly enough to restrict blood flow. During delivery sometimes knots will tighten a bit, but usually it's fine. As for baby wrapping itself up in the cord, usually the midwives manage to move the cord before it becomes a problem. I think these kind of problems are rare. Just keep a good eye on your LO's movements is all she said to me, and ring the labour ward if movements are much reduced, as that's by far the best indicator that he/she is struggling. x
I spoke to my MW about this today because my LO is such a wriggler. She said that the jelly-like substance that surrounds the blood vessels in the cord makes it very difficult to tighten a knot in it if there is a knot. Only if your placenta is failing does the cord sometimes become thin and unhealthy enough for it to knot tightly enough to restrict blood flow. During delivery sometimes knots will tighten a bit, but usually it's fine. As for baby wrapping itself up in the cord, usually the midwives manage to move the cord before it becomes a problem. I think these kind of problems are rare. Just keep a good eye on your LO's movements is all she said to me, and ring the labour ward if movements are much reduced, as that's by far the best indicator that he/she is struggling. x

Brilliant response, thanks Karen. Thats put my mind at ease xxx
Yea thanks Karen that's brilliant info :) xxxx
no problem, ladies - thanks to my helpful midwife for being reassuring!!
I feel like I know nothing! Don't know where to start! Eek! First of many questions....

What bedding does a newborn need? Do they need pillows?!! Or just blankets? Or just sleep suits? Xx
ive just got sheets and blankets for baby when shes in carry cot and cot.... Have got A quilt set with bumper etc but prob wont use this til shes older. No pillows x

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