Am I good to have gel nails done near labour day? X
Do you get to keep your green notes after birth? Was just thinking they would be nice to keep as I have my mums notes from when she had me x
photocopy them just before! that's what I did
Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
This what I plan to do tooxx
Can you take them away with you or will you ask a nurse to do it? Xx
Do you get to keep your green notes after birth? Was just thinking they would be nice to keep as I have my mums notes from when she had me x
photocopy them just before! that's what I did
Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
This what I plan to do tooxx
Can you take them away with you or will you ask a nurse to do it? Xx
I will take photocopies of all the bits I can at home prior to going into the hospital. I think they keep ur notes after the labour so I wasn't sure how to get those notes, but taking pics sounds like a good idea xx
Am I good to have gel nails done near labour day? X
Am I good to have gel nails done near labour day? X
If they are long I wouldn't bother as you'll have a newborn and they'll fill up with poo etc
What does anterior/posterior placenta mean
I know mines is "at the front" according to the sonographer
Am I good to have gel nails done near labour day? X
If they are long I wouldn't bother as you'll have a newborn and they'll fill up with poo etc
Gross!!! (but thanks for the heads up) x
Am I good to have gel nails done near labour day? X
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