The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

We are strange beings aren't we...complain how we are the ones that have to suffer pain over what men have to deal with and here we are hoping and wishing for sickness, pains and aches (well I am anyway) :lol:

timtam, I am the same, I am really feeling like I am pregnant...I know I shouldnt do it to myself but I just think, what will be will be...and I am enjoying thinking it so thats what I'm gonna do, lol!!
Yey to symptom spotting!!!! :dance:

Btw, ladies...when you say twinges (warning...personal question) so you mean inside like your cervix or stomach. Cos couple days back I had pains inside, like cervical pain/twinges and wondering if anyone else experienced it?? xx
I have probably no chance of actually being pregnant and am not going to get my hopes up but i will plonk myself in here until the 6th November when i will test if af hasn't showed up!! Which is my 26th birthday :) so it would be nice. I am not going to SS but at the moment i am having the bottom 2 lol x

:rotfl: at the fantastic non symptom spotting :lol: xx

I'm trying so hard lol xx
Btw, ladies...when you say twinges (warning...personal question) so you mean inside like your cervix or stomach. Cos couple days back I had pains inside, like cervical pain/twinges and wondering if anyone else experienced it?? xx

Its like little sharpe pains on my side, same place i usually get Ov pains -it was really bad on my left side yesterday but not that bad today. x
I have been getting sharp pains mainly on my left side and also some lower down cramping pains. x
I have been getting sharp pains mainly on my left side and also some lower down cramping pains. x

Its so hard not to get excited about it all, i suppose we can only keep our FX and hope for the best! :~) x
I think I've built my hopes up so much that when AF finally arrives I will be a bit upset even though it's only my first month ttc. I have so much respect for those that have been trying for several months. x
Btw, ladies...when you say twinges (warning...personal question) so you mean inside like your cervix or stomach. Cos couple days back I had pains inside, like cervical pain/twinges and wondering if anyone else experienced it?? xx

mine are twinges probably about 3 inches below my belly button in the middle. But have had a few at the sides too! Probably all in my mind though! lol
I think I've built my hopes up so much that when AF finally arrives I will be a bit upset even though it's only my first month ttc. I have so much respect for those that have been trying for several months. x

Yeah i totally agree with you EmmaN27 but im sure all the ladies on here who have been TTC a long time remember how they also felt there 1st couple of months and how important it is each and every month :0)

FX for you hun that it will not be long now! :dance: x
Another symptom that I have heard of is when the area around your nipples get very bumpy and some ppl get blue veins showing on their breast in there first few weeks of conceiving - dont know why this is but read about it :)

Anyone got this??? x
Thanks Pink Butterfly, FX for you too! Who knows, could have beginners luck!?! I know realistically first month off the pill it's unlikely, just want to get my cycles regular so I can work out dates/timings. Currently on CD36. x
Thanks Pink Butterfly, FX for you too! Who knows, could have beginners luck!?! I know realistically first month off the pill it's unlikely, just want to get my cycles regular so I can work out dates/timings. Currently on CD36. x

im not sure as never been on the pill, i understand from ready on here that when you have been on the pill your cycle needs to get back into shape but also heard that you are most fertile when first coming off the pill so you never know! Sorry if this is incorrect but im sure iv heard this. :) Wish you luck hun. x
EmmaN27 I'm on day 35 so just a day behind you :)

I've sort of had one cycle already since stopping the pill but the AF was incredibly light and short but counted it as the start of my second cycle anyway.
Timtam87 - that's good to know, still waiting for my first as only had the withdrawal bleed so far. Cramping pains have been quite bad for me the last 3 weeks so I'm going to speak to my doctor tomorrow just for some advice.

Pink Butterfly - I have also read the same as you, some people have had trouble getting their cycles regular and some have had normal cycles straight away and some even got pregnant in first or second cycle after coming off the pill! Everyone is different I guess so I will just have to wait and see what happens to me.

I have had pains in both sides too and a little higher up too below belly button...come on ladies-this has got to mean something for us :dance:
I have noticed the bumps actually but then I am not sure if they are just the same as usual. I did notice one of the veins protruding a bit but I am quite veiny anyway cos I have quite pale skin.
I think if all the symptom spotting helps us to get through the dreaded 2WW then whats the harm. xx
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Thanks Pink Butterfly, FX for you too! Who knows, could have beginners luck!?! I know realistically first month off the pill it's unlikely, just want to get my cycles regular so I can work out dates/timings. Currently on CD36. x

It can best friend came off the pill to try for baby. Had one period and then fell pregnant, she has a beautiful 2 yr old boy now :)
FX for all of us ladies, hopefully some BFPs coming our way very soon! x
Hi girls im plonking my bum on this thread for the next 2 weeks yay :) had my positive opk day before yesterday so dtd twice yest when i was ovulating so fx.

cant wait to do some symptom spotting with you girls....iv been a bit gassy today (sorry tmi) and just noticed on my ticker that that can be a 1dpo symptom so clutching at straws lol

good luck to you all. any of you testing on same day?

star what date you testing hun? im gonna test on 6th nov i think xx
I've been quite gassy and bloated too Bellarina and since last night have felt quite constipated (sorry tmi!!!) apparently that can be an early symptom too... I'm just willing my temperatures to stay high over the next few days!
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I'm considering testing tomorrow of Friday morning as I'm now on CD37. x

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