The Gestational Diabetes support thread

hiya ladies can i just ask, if you have the glucose test and they say you have gd, do you get another scan?

im waiting to hear the results of my test, they only tested as my grandma and uncle are diabetic, so im assuming it will come back negative, but if not would it mean id need a scan to measure baby etc?X
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hiya ladies can i just ask, if you have the glucose test and they say you have gd, do you get another scan?

im waiting to hear the results of my test, they only tested as my grandma and uncle are diabetic, so im assuming it will come back negative, but if not would it mean id need a scan to measure baby etc?X

Hi Hun I was diagnosed as having gestational diabetes the weekend and i have been booked on for a growth scan on 7th may and was told have to have one every two weeks after then xx
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Hi Libbygrace :)

That reading isn't too bad at all so fx you can manage on diet and exercise!

Snack wise, I used to have oatcakes with a bit of cheese, slice of granary toast + butter (i bought the warburtons multiseed batch, but the small size loaf), carrot sticks, sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes, low cal crisps like quavers or pom bears were ok for me but you might be different! Trial and error at the beginning :)

I was quite hungry to start with but I used to have big portions of veg at mealtimes to fill up.

Good luck with it! xx


Thank you Hun gonna go shopping Tom it should hopefully get easier when get used to it xx
aw we have the same due date! do u have to take meds for it or is it just diet controlled? and did you have any symptoms?X
Hiya ladies, I also had my GTT test done today and was told I would hear by Friday if the levels came back abnormal. My test was put forward as all members have type 2 diabetes.

I have read that many ladies with GD do not have any this the case?

Thanks in advance and hope you are all well xxx
aw we have the same due date! do u have to take meds for it or is it just diet controlled? and did you have any symptoms?X

I know yes not long till we see our little babies!

I didn't have any symptoms at all so was quite surprised they try to get you to control your diet at first for a few days to see if you need meds or not. I only got the meter today to test my levels but hoping to control with diet xx
Hiya ladies, I also had my GTT test done today and was told I would hear by Friday if the levels came back abnormal. My test was put forward as all members have type 2 diabetes.

I have read that many ladies with GD do not have any this the case?

Thanks in advance and hope you are all well xxx

Hi Hun yes it's right that you don't have any symptoms as they are similar symptoms to pregnancy.... Being tired, needing the toilet often etc xx
urgh ive literally not stopped weeing for the past few weeks but im putting that down to general pregnancy annoyances!! had the test on monday and so far havent heard anything so hoping all is fine xx
Yeah fingers crossed I think they tend to get in touch with you straight away if it positive I had mine Thursday and got a letter saturday morning saying I had it and a list of appointments for the next few weeks xx
yes they said theyd ring me if it was positive, not heard anything so im guessing im all clear! x
Sorry to hear there are a few newbies but welcome!....I was starting to get lonely in here as not many girls around my stage with GD.

Bonfire Bride - you don't have to have any symptoms, I didn't have any other than bubs' tummy measurement being a bit bigger. I got tested because I have PCO.

Libby Grace - I was only just over the level they look for which is 7.8, I was 7.9....but so far fingers crossed I've managed to control by diet hopefully with a level of 8.4 you'll be the same hun. In terms of snacks I find I have to combine protein with carbs to get my sugars down. So I might have a piece of wholemeal seeded bread (the seeds helps blood sugars) or oat crackers with either cheese, meat or peanut butter. If I have a piece of fruit, again I have to mix with an apple or pear with a handful of walnuts or a mini babybell. Lunches I have a greek salad with a wholemeal pitta or a chicken & advocado salad with a couple of new potatoes. Putting pulses with things also helps, so like kidney beans in a beef chilli, butter or chick peas with a chicken casserole, beans on toast etc. If you like yoghurt, the best brand I've founded with the lowest carbs is 'Total' Greek yoghurt. I put lots of nuts in my yoghurt like flaked almonds and a sprinkling of cinnamon which is also known to help blood sugars. It's all been trial and error to be honest so don't get stressed if you get the odd high reading initially...once you figure out what suits you it seems pretty easy (fx it stays that way!).

Lauralou, hope your test comes back clear...but yes if you do have it they offer growth scans to check bubs' size.

Just got my 6 weeks post birth GTT results 4.8 and 4.5 (had to be under 6.1 and 7.8) so I am all clear, not that i had problems during pregnancy but they never believed me - so happy!

That's great news! What were your levels like during pregnancy out of interest hun? I was only just a decimal point over on the GTT and so far (fx) I've been able to manage through diet, mostly getting 5s & 6s... touch wood they don't seem to be going up like they said they would xx

I was the same - only marginally over the cut off point and was diet managed throughout the whole pregnancy! Good luck and I hope you can do the same xx

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Thanks hun, that's good to know. Hopefully I can do the same as they keep telling me my levels will go up but so far are ok :) xx
Arrrgghhhhh getting fed up now :(

13 days and counting! Injecting 28, 4, 6 and 18 units and will be ringing tomorrow where no doubt it'll be increased again :( Sorry I've not been around much guys <3 sending hugs to you all xxx
Sorry to hear that hun :(

Wow, only 13 days....hope that passes real quick for you. Just think in 2 weeks you'll have your LO in your arms and no more GD too! You've come so far, I imagine it will be a massive relief once you've had her :)

The last stretch seems to be dragging so much! I think my bubs has dropped, my bump is now so low and her legs are much lower down. I got excited & thought I might deliver early (well I'd be happy after 37 weeks) but apparently they can drop weeks before when it's your first :(

I think hormones are making me feel down, spd is killing me, I'm huge & I just want her here safely! xx
Hey ladies how are you all getting on?
Thought I'd just pop in and see what's happening :)

How long do you have left bewdleygirl? How is everything going?


Aw thanks PP! It's really quiet on the GD thread, so I don't come on here much anymore.

I'm doing ok thanks hun. Still managing GD on diet at the mo but the hospital keep telling me it will get harder. I'm bring induced on my due date (9th June) and having a sweep a week before. Wish it was sooner tbh, everyone keeps telling me how massive I am and look ready to drop any day. Today I was even asked if I'm expecting twins!

How's u hun & your little girl? Hope you're getting on ok? She must be a few weeks old now? Hope you're enjoying mummyhood...I can't wait :)

Hi all, I looked at least post ages ago when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. I didn't think it was still going.
I'm now 30 weeks, been struggling with numbers since week 12 and am now on insulin - humalog and humilin I (16 - 8 - 12 - 54)
Just had my 2nd growth scan today and baby is on the big side - AC and HC above the 90th centile.
What have you ladies been told about early induction? has anyone been told that they will be induced before 38 weeks? xx
Hi Hun, I have been told because I am currently controlling with diet I will just be left to labour naturally, if I have to start meds I will be induced on my start date and if I start Insulin induced at 38 weeks. My baby is also showing I the 90th centile from growth scans and is going to be around 9lb but consultant not concerned as I have previously had 2 girls that where 9lb 14 and 9lb 6 xx

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