In my area they don't consider c sections unless necessary. I'm currently sat in hospital now being inducedif you don't want a section, tell them your fears. They will soon give you the reasons as to why they are considering a section.
Good luck, exciting!!! Hope things are progressing. I agree with LY try to stay mobile to let gravity do its thing...have you got a ball you can bounce on? xx
Hi hun, I'm not sure what figure they look for before the drink. I know that the fasting measurement when you're testing your bloods is 5.3, so you have to aim for lower than this when you're trying to manage GD.
Do you know what your result was after? I think it's 7.8 or above and mine was 7.9 xx
Hi ladies I had gtt today and my fasting blood sugar level was 5.7 before the drink can anybody tell me if this is high and I will prob have gestational diabetes?
I have already got two girls and they wher both big babies 9lb 14 and 9lb 6 also my dad has type 2 diabetes
Thank you all for your help!xx
Just got my 6 weeks post birth GTT results 4.8 and 4.5 (had to be under 6.1 and 7.8) so I am all clear, not that i had problems during pregnancy but they never believed me - so happy!