The Gestational Diabetes support thread

did you have the choice of induction or c section. They have said to me POSSIBLE c section but I dont want that I would rather be induced

In my area they don't consider c sections unless necessary. I'm currently sat in hospital now being induced :-) if you don't want a section, tell them your fears. They will soon give you the reasons as to why they are considering a section.
Good luck, exciting!!! Hope things are progressing. I agree with LY try to stay mobile to let gravity do its thing...have you got a ball you can bounce on? xx
In my area they don't consider c sections unless necessary. I'm currently sat in hospital now being induced :-) if you don't want a section, tell them your fears. They will soon give you the reasons as to why they are considering a section.

Thanks hun, I have another scan and diabetes check on 2nd May so I will ask them then xx
Good luck, exciting!!! Hope things are progressing. I agree with LY try to stay mobile to let gravity do its thing...have you got a ball you can bounce on? xx

Well, I'm getting small propess contractions. They are more like really bad period pains than anything. I'vejust been for a nice long walk and am about to go on tthe ball again :-) so things are going as well as can be expected!
Hi ladies I had gtt today and my fasting blood sugar level was 5.7 before the drink can anybody tell me if this is high and I will prob have gestational diabetes?

I have already got two girls and they wher both big babies 9lb 14 and 9lb 6 also my dad has type 2 diabetes

Thank you all for your help! :) xx
Hi hun, I'm not sure what figure they look for before the drink. I know that the fasting measurement when you're testing your bloods is 5.3, so you have to aim for lower than this when you're trying to manage GD.

Do you know what your result was after? I think it's 7.8 or above and mine was 7.9 xx
Hi hun, I'm not sure what figure they look for before the drink. I know that the fasting measurement when you're testing your bloods is 5.3, so you have to aim for lower than this when you're trying to manage GD.

Do you know what your result was after? I think it's 7.8 or above and mine was 7.9 xx

Hi Hun, thanks for replying I'm not sure yet I need to wait for the results to come back. If they are too high I should hopefully know early next week. Xx
Hi ladies I had gtt today and my fasting blood sugar level was 5.7 before the drink can anybody tell me if this is high and I will prob have gestational diabetes?

I have already got two girls and they wher both big babies 9lb 14 and 9lb 6 also my dad has type 2 diabetes

Thank you all for your help! :) xx

Heya hun, at my hospital they want your fasting glucose levels to be under 6 x

How you getting on openeyes? x
Well, contractions getting stronger. Thinking of asking for some pain relief. Don't think I'm any furthe along though. Will get another iinternalttomorrow morning. I've managed to get some sleep. But now it's proving difficult. The pain and also the woman in the bed opposite me snores like a dinosaur and talks in her sleep!

Going to get my head down again before they want me up to put me on the monitor again

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing well xxx.
Great news to hear contractions are getting stronger :)

Look forward to hearing more updates....good luck hun xx
I bloody love hospital food! Not had a single high reading since I've been here. In fact,, for breakfast I had a bowl of cornflakes and a croissant and my post brekkie reading was 6.1! Mental!
Yeah, still injecting as normal. They were discussing having me in a sugar drip during labour, but they don't think I'llneed it. TThank god. I'll do anything to avoid having a drip!

Not checked progress yet. I'm on the monitor for a while. Then they are going to check me and take out the propess. I xxx
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Aaah nice one babe, hope things are still progressing for you :D xxxx keep checking for your updates lol x
Thanks Tots :-)

It's been an interesting couple of hours. Pessary has been removed. Gel was put in after the most painful internal ever. Not 10 minutes after gelwwas inserted I thought I was going to be sick. So they got me to lie on my side and then gave me an anti sickness jab. Whichhurt like hell. Icucurrently feel as though I'm underwater. Couldn't even manage lunch. And I was so looking forward to it as well!

Next internal is at 6pm where they will see if my waters can be broken. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls! Xxx
Just got my 6 weeks post birth GTT results 4.8 and 4.5 (had to be under 6.1 and 7.8) so I am all clear, not that i had problems during pregnancy but they never believed me - so happy!

Aw, good luck OE....hope the sickness passes and you manage to get some food later on instead. Hope they're able to break your waters :) xx
Just got my 6 weeks post birth GTT results 4.8 and 4.5 (had to be under 6.1 and 7.8) so I am all clear, not that i had problems during pregnancy but they never believed me - so happy!

That's great news! What were your levels like during pregnancy out of interest hun? I was only just a decimal point over on the GTT and so far (fx) I've been able to manage through diet, mostly getting 5s & 6s... touch wood they don't seem to be going up like they said they would xx

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