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How are you getting on OE? Hope you're making progress & bubs is nearly here

Hey girls! Sorry for the silence! It's been a bit crazy. But my boy is here! Riley Stewart Hamilton was born on the 20th at 1:57am weighing 8lbs 1 and a half oz.
He has the most gorgeous head of blonde hair and is perfect in every way!
Aw lovely to hear from you PP and thank you for the reassuring words, it really does help
Congratulations again hun, hope you're enjoying being a mummy?
It's really good that your blood sugars didn't effect the baby when born. Did they get you breastfeeding straight away...did she take ok? Just curious as the hospital keep reinforcing to me how important the first feed & regular feeds are because of the GD.
What was Daisy's estimated weight hun? Just wondered how far out they were as I know the scans aren't completely accurate. Random people have started saying 'not long to go now ?' because I look so huge and when I say 7 weeks left they look's getting me down because I'm worried how big bubs is gonna get.
Enjoy lots of cuddles with Daisy! xxx
Ps - I imagine that chocolate cake was heaven! Ive started really craving sweet stuff...went to a party last night & everyone had birthday cake except meCan't wait for that first post birth sweet treat!!!!!
Aw lovely to hear from you PP and thank you for the reassuring words, it really does help
Congratulations again hun, hope you're enjoying being a mummy?
It's really good that your blood sugars didn't effect the baby when born. Did they get you breastfeeding straight away...did she take ok? Just curious as the hospital keep reinforcing to me how important the first feed & regular feeds are because of the GD.
What was Daisy's estimated weight hun? Just wondered how far out they were as I know the scans aren't completely accurate. Random people have started saying 'not long to go now ?' because I look so huge and when I say 7 weeks left they look's getting me down because I'm worried how big bubs is gonna get.
Enjoy lots of cuddles with Daisy! xxx
Ps - I imagine that chocolate cake was heaven! Ive started really craving sweet stuff...went to a party last night & everyone had birthday cake except meCan't wait for that first post birth sweet treat!!!!!
I really am enjoying it! She's just so cute, I even laughed when she puked all over my boobs a min ago... lol maybe it's the sleep deprivation
Yeah, she fed pretty quickly - I had to have stitches so wasn't going anywhere fast! She suckled for ages it seems, was really nice. When I was on the postnatal ward, the midwives were really good about coming round and waking me to feed her (she was zonked out!) so that maintained her levels nicely.
They estimated her at 4lb 8oz at 31 weeks, but didn't give an estimate at 35 weeks. I asked MW why not and she said that it may be because her measurements were ok, but that the estimates were really unreliable anyway because they basically use each separate measurement combined, and of course those measurements depend on so many factors!
I can sympathise with people commenting on bump size - EVERYONE was saying how big I was. It's really hard not to worry, I know. All I can say is that you really can't tell until that little baby pops out - so it's really best to try and stay calm about it. Maybe ask your midwife what she thinks? When she's feeling your tummy to check baby's position etc, just ask her if it feels big to her (she will have felt hundreds of babies!) - my MW said all along that Daisy didn't feel small, but she didn't feel huge either. That was reassuring to me! Might help put your mind at rest or help you feel more prepared if she does think baby's a bit on the big side.
Just know that you'll both be ok tho sweet, they will take extra good care of you and you'll be in the best place xxx
Hi hun, I have GD but I'm a bit of a newbie so not entirely clued up on these things! As far as I know they only induce as early as 38/39 weeks if you have GD and are on meds (ie insulin) to manage it. I'm currently managing on diet only so am being induced on due date, sweep a week before. If I go onto insulin that will all be brought forward.
My LO is measuring above average, 4lbs 9oz at 32 week scan but these scans aren't that accurate.
I never had glucose in my urine but hopefully someone else might be able to offer some more advice hun. Hope this helps xx