The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Hmm, that does seem a little bit high tbh. See how you go after something to eat xx
I hadnt eaten in over 11 hours so I don't get it, my brain doesn't work lol x about 9:30 last night I had a boiled egg sandwich and a yoghurt. I know the yoghurt has sugar in it but 11 hours later? I don't think I will ever understand this lol x was nice to have a lie in this morning though tbh xxx
Yeah sometimes the readings don't make sense! I've had a couple of days where I've done things exactly the same as always (food and routine), and my reading has shot up - I know some of the other ladies have had the same. Loads of different things can affect it!
I wouldn't worry about it - just carry on and see how the rest of the week goes :)
LYLLjellytots, your before meal readings seem to be too high, make sure you record and keep an eye on them, my before meals levels were never allowed to be over 5 x

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Yeah I have to ring her tomorrow, will see how things go for the week, my after breakfast reading was 11.2 so that's not too great and explains why I feel wooshy I guess x Gonna ask her lots tomorrow I think x
LYLLjellytots, your before meal readings seem to be too high, make sure you record and keep an eye on them, my before meals levels were never allowed to be over 5 x

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I'm still confused as to why it would be so high anyways lol x think my brain isn't working fantastic recently x thanks for the help hun x
I hadnt eaten in over 11 hours so I don't get it, my brain doesn't work lol x about 9:30 last night I had a boiled egg sandwich and a yoghurt. I know the yoghurt has sugar in it but 11 hours later? I don't think I will ever understand this lol x was nice to have a lie in this morning though tbh xxx

The not eating in 11 hours might explain it? You need to eat little and often to keep your sugar levels regular, otherwise your body creates more sugar and dumps it into your system.
I hadnt eaten in over 11 hours so I don't get it, my brain doesn't work lol x about 9:30 last night I had a boiled egg sandwich and a yoghurt. I know the yoghurt has sugar in it but 11 hours later? I don't think I will ever understand this lol x was nice to have a lie in this morning though tbh xxx

The not eating in 11 hours might explain it? You need to eat little and often to keep your sugar levels regular, otherwise your body creates more sugar and dumps it into your system.

It wasn't done on purpose, I ate between 9/9:30 because I felt hungry and then because I was feeling rubbish went to bed, was drinking water after that because of feeling sick, didn't sleep until about 2am though and then my OH let me sleep in for a bit this morning and that's how it ended up being so long xxx
I hadnt eaten in over 11 hours so I don't get it, my brain doesn't work lol x about 9:30 last night I had a boiled egg sandwich and a yoghurt. I know the yoghurt has sugar in it but 11 hours later? I don't think I will ever understand this lol x was nice to have a lie in this morning though tbh xxx

The not eating in 11 hours might explain it? You need to eat little and often to keep your sugar levels regular, otherwise your body creates more sugar and dumps it into your system.

It wasn't done on purpose, I ate between 9/9:30 because I felt hungry and then because I was feeling rubbish went to bed, was drinking water after that because of feeling sick, didn't sleep until about 2am though and then my OH let me sleep in for a bit this morning and that's how it ended up being so long xxx

Oh, I know hun :) I do it sometimes! Especially at the weekends. I sleep in too late and next thing I know it's been 12 hours since I last ate :)

Oooh those readings do seem quite high - definately make sure they are recorded.

Ive had a rubbish day foodwise - im in such a bleurgh fed up mood today and just wanted some chocolate :( My spd is killing me, dr thinks i should be on crutches - pointed out that its because of one of the crappy dr's in his practise that im not seeing anyone (yep matey, tell me to "grin and bare it" and your boss is gonna know about it - oh, and referring me to the private physio just down the hallway really isnt on!!). Anyway, he's trying to get me in to see the physio asap to get some crutches cus i could just about cry with the pain now.

So, a relatively healthy subway, a not good at all coke and certainly a not good at all cadburys caramel egg and im feeling ok - guilty, but ok!!
Aww DaisyDoo, I don't have SPD so I'm no help there (although what doc said to you is really bad!), however I can understand the feeling of just needing some bloody sugar to make things OK!!!

Hope you enjoyed your caramel egg (I'm jealous!) and you can start fresh and saintly tomorrow :)

It was very nice and i did enjoy it (i think theyre getting smaller though, that or my mouth is getting bigger!!)
Yes i definately think its the eggs, couldnt possibly be anything to do with my mouth!! They were 5 for £1 which is a bargain, need to make sure dh and dd sort the others out between them though, really dont want them hanging around!! Although, i had all that at lunch time and my level before tea was 4.1!! Shouldve done a reading 2 hours later really just to see what it was like, wouldve been interesting!
morning all hope ur doing ok. i was back at hospital yesterday and ive been put on insulin injections now had first one last night and i didnt feel a thing the needle is so tiny and the pre loaded pen is so easy to use. but this morning still no change yet so i guess its time will tell. they r calling me on friday to check how things r going and maybe up the dose. been told baby is probably going to be induced in 4 weeks times as he is getting big and im small and if i want a natural delivery then i cant go full term. i also have to be on a glucose and insulin drip when i give birth to keep levels good. so bang goes my birth plan already of having no drips or needles in.
Morning ladies xxx hope everyone is okay x sorry to hear you have had to start insulin hun and that you cant have the birth that you had planned, I hope everything goes as well as it can x sending big hugs x

My dinner and tea readings yesterday were fine after the 11.2 spike from breakfast but my pre-breakfast reading today was 7.3 again, not sure if my body just doesn't like mornings? Lol x

Big hugs ladies <3 xxxx
Maybe try and change your before bed snack or have it later? What do you normally eat for your last snack and what time? x

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My after Breakfast reading was 11.2 again, I have rang the diabetes Midwife and I need to start injecting insulin twice daily. She said my body isn't coping with the hormones and no matter what I eat I cant do anything about the fasting glucose levels. They wanted me to go straight in to get my injections but I have no transport today and no one to watch my DS as everyone is working :( Got an appointment for tomorrow afternoon though so lets see what happens. xxx

I feel really emotional to be honest, This sounds crazy but I'm relieved. I'm relieved to finally have an answer to why I feel so poorly. I'm annoyed the doctors didn't listen to me more before this and it's taken so long to get them to monitor my bloods in the first place. Within 2 days of monitoring I'm being placed on insulin injections twice a day :( Bah, enough feeling sorry for myself, here's to feeling better now I know why it's happening I can try and control it more x

Can I just say another huge thank you to all you ladies on this thread and for helping me to understand my readings a bit and what they mean x Thanks for being there xxx

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