The Gestational Diabetes support thread

So I rung up mw for results and I do have it, but it's not that bad according to her so all I get is a diet (no jabbing insulin in my belly yet) but I wont get a diet plan or whatsoever till next week or the week after that (so I'll be 35-36 weeks by then..) only thing my mw said is look out for high carb food and cut down sugar a bit..Like chocolate and fizzy drinks (now I mainly drink water so that won't be a problem, but goodbye valentinesday) but I won't get my diet plan till 35/36 weeks, isn't this way too late?! I can't measure my own levels until that appointment either!

Oh, and LO was measuring 31 cm at 32 weeks, is this too big or normal? MW said it was fab but now I do have GD and I cant even check my own levels till 35-36 weeks and wont have a next scan till 38 weeks, so what if LO is indeed too big?

Can you ladies help me a bit please? Like, what can I eat for breakfast and such? And are Sultana's (the Go Ahead things) still alright or too high in sugar/carb? I wish I had my diet plan already..Dont have any symptoms
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Yes, I did a bit of research but it's quite hard..Because on those sites etc, it basically said you're allowed to eat pretty much everything, just be careful with carbs and sugar, but most ladies here are cutting out stuff that those sites say its fine..I guess there's a big difference between having actual diabetes and the type you get in pregnancy?

They also said that if you go have your levels checked when you're ill/have a virus (like a proper cold) the levels are incorrect? Is this true?
Yes that can be true, your levels will rise when you have an infection!

The obvious things to cut out are the fizzies, chocolate, cake etc.. High carbs stuff isn't so great. I would suggest swapping white for brown where possible!

GD is treated slightly differently as you still need certain things for the baby.

31cm at 32 weeks sounds perfect to me :)

It seems very odd they are leaving you until 36 weeks!

Did they tell you your levels by any chance? Xx

I went to Asda and stressed so much over carbs that I almost had to cry..(no carbs in cheese but there are carbs in lettuce, WHY)

But it was all for nothing..

Just rung mw and she told me just to cut out (or decrease the use) chocolate and sugar I dont need. So chocolate (hey, what if I do need it xD) and fizzy drinks until I get my diet plan. She confused me though, because she couldnt tell me the levels? Only said they were a bit too high so idk yet..I did/do have a massive cold at the moment (also when I took the test..) so idk, Im allowed to eat normally apart from the sugary stuff till the appointment, what will be next week probably (so with 35 weeks)

Wouldn't they help me quicker with this if it was really urgent? ._. I dont like the whole "Wont know your levels until the appointment"
There are carbs in lots of food but there is a difference between simple carbs and complex ones. Things like white bread and pasta are converted into sugar by your body very quickly where as whole grains release their energy much more slowly, giving your body more time to process them. Even diabetics need to eat carbs but if you try to go for brown bread instead of white etc your body gets more chance to keep up because it isn't having a lot of sugar dumped on it at once. I wouldn't worry much about the carbs in lettuce. It seems like you must have had boarder line or only slightly high levels otherwise the'd be in more of a hurry to see you.
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Just got my insulin pen. It's all a bit scary (I'm a wimp when it comes to needles)! The real test will be my post brekkie reading.
I was a complete wimp but ended up on 4 x injections a day! You do get used to it Hun, it does get easier xxx

When exactly do they give you insulin? Like, how high? And did any of your ladies had any symptoms before you knew you had too high levels? x
(Still want to know my levels so badly lol)
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I was out straight on insulin within hours of being told I had it. My GTT came out at 15! X

How odd. My GTT was 16.8 and they have only just given me insulin a week later! And I'm only on it once a day!!
What was your fasting reading? It could be yours is more glucose intolerant whereas my fasting reading was 8.5 to start lol so I need the background insulin tooc

Hmm..16.8 is quite high, isnt it? ._. I bet you didnt like to hear that at all

Im currently feeling so bad I can barely eat so kinda glad I dont have a dietplan yet, but they wont be angry at me if I have the plan and Im ill that I wont eat that much right??

Also, oh's nan has a glucose meter so Im gonna check my levels either today or tomorrow because I still dont know my readings ._. Mw acted a bit weird..First she was like YOU DO HAVE IT, then 1 hour later she rung and said we wont be sure till I get the results.

We're eating small pancakes today, according to a site it's around 15 carbs, would I be allowed to have 1 or 2?
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Had my last diabetic clinic today. They were happy I reached 38 weeks on diet only and have now confirmed I won't be going on any medication. Set my induction date to the 26th which is not bad considering my due date is 28th so I can go almost to the end :)

I am sure a few pancakes won't hurt you - and if you're worried, have your pancakes and go for a brisk 20 minute walk - will reduce blood sugars straight away :) That's what I always used to do - enjoy some naughty food and then do exercise :)

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Thats the thing tho, I feel sooo bad that I can barely manage to walk to the bathroom lol x
Hi, just a random question, my mom has the home pee test strips & I did one yesterday and there was glucose in my wee.. Wondering if the midwife finds glucose ill be referred to the hospital for the sugary drink thing? My blood sugar was 6.8.. That's not too bad is it? Xx
I thought everything under 7.8 after a high sugary meal is normal, but some have to aim for anything below 6 after a meal, some even below 5.5

Anyways, no pancakes for me. I had this instead:

25 gram potatoes without salt (4.4 carbs)
25 gram peas (2.8 carbs)
15 gram union (1.4 carbs)
2 little sausages (no carbs yay)

That meal contains 8,6 carbs, is that too much for someone who doesnt know her levels yet? Or is it too much for a main meal?
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I don't think this would be bad. You should stay away from carbs because you're pregnant and you and your baby need carbs. So potatoes are fine but try stay away from mashed potato for example. I would recommend having something carby with something non carby to balance it out - so like a cheese sandwich - bread carbs, cheese or ham and butter not carbs. Potatoes and sausages - potatoes carbs and sausages not. Or like if i had a small slice of cake i had it with cream (like double cream - no sugar!!) Always seemed to work for me.

Every hospital is different but my levels have to be under 7 one (not 2!) hour after meal and below 5 before meals.

It's very hard to say without knowing which foods affect you without knowing your sugar levels. But I would advise still eat carbs, just small portions, like small handful of pasta/rice/potatoes, no processed carbs like mashed potatoes or white bread until you can check your levels :) I was alright with most foods apart from the obvious chocolate/sugar/sweets and even those I could tolerate in small quantities.

ive been struggling to put weight on thru this pregnancy as only managed 8lbs from day one but now im losing weight and im worried this special foods list is going to make me lose more weight and have an effect on bubs. before all this blood glucose stuff i was eating lots three meals a day and snacks but weight was not really going on and now im on three meals and they r small portions of low carb and no sugar, im hungry most of the time but scared to eat as my sugar levels keep going high. im so stressed out about it and worried that they r going to tell me i have gestational diabetes tomorrow when i go for my follow up appointments. had loads of things go wrong and i dont know how much more i can take i feel depressed and ready to break down already.

sorry had to get that off my chest
Awww Hun :( IF you have GD which I'm hoping you haven't, then you will be closely monitored by the healthcare professionals. They won't allow you to lose too much without stepping in and giving you help. If you get a diagnosis you will have a nurse you can talk all your worries through! My first appointment I was there over an hour.

I would suggest writing all your worries down, any questions you have etc... It's easy to be bombarded with loads of info when they call you in.

Chin up Hun.... Let us know how you get on xxx


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