The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Yeah, I was told that. My last 2 before breakfast ones have been 5.8. And my booklet says I should be below 5.9. Which I guess I am just about. I don't late night snack. I'll have something small like a rich tea biscuit or an apple a few hours after dinner, which is what I was told to do! So maybe if I don't have that it will help?

I think I need the midwife to clarify all this for me. Cause, as you said, the stress isn't helping!!
Nah a biscuit or apple should be fine! I just know know in some people if they eat too late it can affect them.

Yes I think it's best you take all your readings to you diabetic midwife and let her have a look! She will be able to advise. Sorry I can't be of more help hun :( x
Don't be silly! You have been a fantastic help :) xx

Just did my post dinner reading and it's 7.4, which I'm happy with. I had dinner late due to me being stuck in traffic, so maybe no snack tonight and I'll see what happens in the am. Will give the mw a ring tomorrow and see what she says. Maybe just a tiny bowl of bran flakes for breakfast in the morning. Because my reading was lower yesterday than today.

Honestly, who knew pregnancy in itself could throw up such things! lol. The things we do for motherhood, eh? :D
My before meals have to be under 5 and 1 hour after every meal has to be under 7 - my hospital is very strict, apparently they have set a new campaign so all hospitals should start following them as they have the best outcomes, least stillbirths etc.

The positive thing is I have not gained any weight this pregnancy! But it has been rather stressful - glad it will all be over in 2 weeks or so...

Good luck, hope it goes well for you! x

Well, I spoke to my diabetes midwife this morning. Looks like I'll be on insulin post breakfast as of Monday (Soonest I could get to the hospital). But I am alright with it. After talking to her about what I could be doing wrong she was really reassuring saying that it's probably just that in the morning everyone is a bit more insulin resistant and I just need a bit of help. Keeping a food diary, so she will look at it properly then.

Thanks Berit87 :) xx
ok had my appointment and im not happy there is basically nothing in the house i can safely eat so it means another food shopping trip. all my fav things are a no no. i have to check my blood 4 times a day oh the joys of pregnancy as long as bubs is doing ok i can take what ever crap is sent my way i just wish i had ate my bar of chocolate b4 i went to this appointment lol.
Hey, I thought you ladies might help me out a bit here, I had my GTT today and was wondering, would they ring me straight away if my levels are (way) too high? The nurse who took my blood said the results would be out this afternoon, but no one rung me and she said I have to ring the mw, but will they ring me if my levels are too high?
No, I had to ring them myself to get the results - and I had GD

Hey, I thought you ladies might help me out a bit here, I had my GTT today and was wondering, would they ring me straight away if my levels are (way) too high? The nurse who took my blood said the results would be out this afternoon, but no one rung me and she said I have to ring the mw, but will they ring me if my levels are too high?

Well, my levels were 16, so they rang me that afternoon as they were crazy high.
ok had my appointment and im not happy there is basically nothing in the house i can safely eat so it means another food shopping trip. all my fav things are a no no. i have to check my blood 4 times a day oh the joys of pregnancy as long as bubs is doing ok i can take what ever crap is sent my way i just wish i had ate my bar of chocolate b4 i went to this appointment lol.

I only got put on my plan on Monday, and it has been frustrating at times, but once you get into the swing of things it will be fine :)

I miss chocolate loads though!!! lol.
ive just done my first reading and im 4.8 so thats good as its low. its anything lower than 4 thats classed as low blood sugar isnt it? im about to have my dinner now so will see what its like b4 bed time. ive got a big bar of dairy milk sitting looking at me i knew i shud have ate it earlier lol. most of the food in the house i cant have according to the list i was given and we just did our food shop so will have to struggle thru till next week when we can do another one lol. i so want my snacks right now too
im worried now, my first test today was my fasting one and the notes say about 5.5 but mine was 8.3 yikes not sure if i need to do anything or not
What did your diabetic midwife say about readings? I don't have to contact mine unless I have 3 high readings. Which I had to do yesterday. But it might be different in your area.

Don't panic though, it is just one reading. How often do you have to do yours?
when i get up and b4 i go to bed and twice thru the day b4 meals and alternate a few to after meals. i dont remember what she said about high readings but its only till thursday so as long as i just keep a record of them ill just show her when i go in.
When did you have that 8.4? Before a meal? Was it before breakfast? Sometimes if you have your night snack too early and don't get up until later the morning reading can be high... It is high for a before meal reading though, I've rarely had that high even after meals. I'm sure other can help more - you can always call the clinic anyway just in case and see what they want you to do. Mine told me as well that if I have a few consecutive high readings I should give them a call.

i had dinner last night at about half 6 then nothing till breakfast but i did the reading b4 i ate. ill see how i go till monday and if im still getting high readings ill call up. thanx for the advice
You definitely need to eat something around 9-10pm like a small sandwich or yogurt or fruit. You can't leave such a big gap, that's why your before breakfast reading would have been high.
Whenever I skipped my night snack I had higher morning readings so be careful!

I think if you leave a long gap your levels go low and your liver does a glucose dump!!! Lol x

How long is a long gap though? Thats the thing I'm struggling with. How long is too long? I'm eating 6 times a day, and eating all the right things, but one day I'll have lunch and my 1hr later reading will be fine, but I'll have the same thing the next day and it will be high!
I was told you need to be eating every 2 hours or so i.e. breakfast at 9, snack at 11 lunch at 1, snack at 3, dinner at 5 or 6 and then bed time snack around 9.

My doctors said I should never eat breakfast later than 9 and preferably around 7.30-8.

It doesn't matter now as my levels have stabilised but around 20-28 weeks I had to have my breakfast early and late night snack around 9pm.

Of course days are different and sometimes same foods can give different readings but generally it is trial and error - some foods you think are good your body doesn't tolerate. Like I could have pizza and porridge without getting high readings whereas other girls here couldn't even look at those foods without levels shooting up. I could have rice but not pasta.

It will take you a good few weeks to learn what foods suit you and what times you need to be eating stuff :)


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