The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Yeeey for the great reading!!!
Stop watching food channels lol...

Can't wait for breakfast lol :blush:
Good morning :)

I am a happy girl this morning eating pancakes and a decaf!!!!
Extremely sleepy though as night sleeps become more and more uncomfortable really :( and I suppose we only expect it to get worst even :(
Can't wait for the day that I will be able to move in bed without heavy breathing and hurting all over :roll:

Today's dinner is a Greek dish named
"papoutsaki" is basically eggplants cut in half and filled with minced meat fried with tomato sauce and on top the same sauce that you put for lasagna and shredded cheese.can't wait really!!!!

Lunch is unknown...

Amy I hope you get good readings today :) any food plans???

Have a nice day everyone :)
Did any of you ladies have an alternative GTT test for GD?

Because of other health complications I am currently refusing the sugary drink because there is a good chance it'll make me ill. Looking for alternatives and not finding anything that doesn't involve huge quantities of sugar!
Hi ladies... In need of help! I'm on my 3rd child and never had any problems or high GTT readings but with this one they called me yeaterday saying my first reading was good at 4.3 but the second one was 8.3 an they want it to be 7.8

They said they would call me but they haven't and I'm really scared - whats gonna happen? Are they gonna refuse my waterbirth because of it? It's not much above the limit, can it be diet controlled? I have been eating a lot of rubbish since becoming pregnant as that's all I've been able to stomach...

Thanks for your help on advance x

I don't think there would as the test is designed to see how your body handles and breaks down sugar? I think it's thier only way of finding out :( tbh how Ill does it make you because if you gave GD and it's not controlled the baby could get ill and be at risk so it really is important you have it :( xx
Hey Berit! From what I understand your level is only marginally over!! Your end one was my fasting lol

They will prob just ask you to control your diet to begin with. How far gone are you?? Xx
I don't think there would as the test is designed to see how your body handles and breaks down sugar? I think it's thier only way of finding out :( tbh how Ill does it make you because if you gave GD and it's not controlled the baby could get ill and be at risk so it really is important you have it :( xx

Potentially life threateningly ill sadly, the risk of me not having it at this stage is less than the risk of me having it, and they have reluctantly agreed that this is the case so I'm off the hook for now.

If I'm in a state of uncontrolled GD then surely eating a normal meal and testing my glucose will highlight the fact that my body isn't managing if the glucose is abnormal?
Hey Berit! From what I understand your level is only marginally over!! Your end one was my fasting lol

They will prob just ask you to control your diet to begin with. How far gone are you?? Xx


Well that is what I thought... It's not that high, just slightly raised... The hospital has just called me and I am going to see them at 2pm. I guess I will see what they say.

They told me to eat sensibly tidy before the app, what should I be eating until then? They said starchy carbs?

I'm only 14 weeks... xx

See as you're only 14 weeks I would imagine your leek to gradually get higher and higher, they may not BUT I'm sure they will! You'll have to discuss with the diabetes team as I'm not sure about the birth or what you'd need but I personally would imagine that it would just be duet controlled for now!! Xxx
Ah sorry to hear that willowisp :( maybe they might let you have a fasting blood glucose which will allow them to see you fasting level then maybe give you a mAchine where you can test after every meal like you would if you had GD??

That's a fab idea thanks Jaxx, I will talk to them about that. I'm happy to have upteen blood tests/finger pricks, test after meals and keep a diary etc. Basically anything which will prevent me from having to swallow sugar!
Obvs by leek I meant level haha sorry stupid autocorrect! X
I think this Is the beggining of diabetes for you or a preexistent unnoticed overt diabetes.
It's probably going to blown up towards the end of the second trimester.
Probably for now you will only follow a diet and they will monitor you.
I would say that you are pretty lucky they checked and diagnosed it so early so you don't end up like us with a big baby.
I can't respond you on the birth probably they can't either as they will see how things will be towards the 3 trimester.
About what to eat now, I would eat what I normally have for lunch for example or Tou can always call them and ask.
Starchy vegetables means potatoes, carrots, peas, butternut squash etc..
WW it seems like a reasonable alternative considering the curcumstances! I'm not a professional though so don't know!! With regular finger pricking after food you will see what affect certain foods have in you! After all that's all you'd be doing once diagnosed with GD anyway?? Please let us know how you get on, and there are a few lovely ladies on this thread going through GD so they can help xxx
I'm seeing them at 2 so I guess I will see then. I'm paranoid about what I should eat now as I think they will take more bloods when I go today. Xx

Ear whatever you would normally eat. After all it's important for them to see how a normal every day meal would affect you and the baby.
Im not sure they will take bloods hun as its normally a fasting test they do. I could be wrong though :/ if you are worried just remember carbs turn to sugar so try and pick something not so carb heavy xxx
Should I worry about amy?? Where is she?

I hope you are doing ok Amy?

Morning reading 5.8 :roll: a little too close to 6... I told that doctor that he should make me one more appointment because I may need insulin before bed the last weeks... But he said to just call if that happens grrrr...
Anyway hopefully will not pass 6. I suppose baby should be fine with even a little raised levels as long as they are not terribly high?

Pancakes for breakfast, leftover for lunch and dinner nobody knows what I will eat...I was thinking maybe some shrimp?? I am out of ideas :(

Jaxx how are you doing? How are your gorgeous Los? Did you start SW I saw?
I did that for like 3 months but it was too high carb for my liking and was leaving me sleepy and tired all day :(
I hope it goes much better for you :)
Hey hun!! I'm not sure about AR she's not been on here for a while?? Hope she's ok!!

I didn't start SW in the end it looked far too complicated I'm just following a low salt, low sat fat diet with slightly restricted carbs! Im still getting enough for what I need but I've lost 9lb since the 17th. A lot of that was water I think as I'm not looking bloated at all!! I actually feel fab :) Im slightly over what they class as healthy BMI and I want to get into healthy before my cardiology appointment!! Losing weight cannot Do me any harm...

I don't think your fasting level is that bad tbh I never had a reading lower than 6.4 in the mornings and Stanley was ok :) in fact I rarely got my level under 7.4 at mealtimes :/ but just keep an eye on it cos as you said towards the end it may creep up!! Xxx
I'm heeeeeere! I had a good day reading wise my highest was 11.4 so alot better.
I have been having alot of twinges and pains so just trying to take things easy.
Nice to see some new faces on here your very welcome girls x

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