The Gestational Diabetes support thread

I like to moan lol
Yeh I'm
Being induced but have no idea when yet. I might try a snack hope It can't hurt to try.
I bet they loved it I can just see Stanley's little face bless him. Rose was the exact same when I put her in it for the first time and she hated the sand kept climbing onto my lap lol
Amy I thought you are having a c section because the baby is big and breech? Or maybe I am mistaken you with someone else here :(
Though even if she is breech it's still way to early to decide a c section because of that me thinks.
No your right that was me. She has moved Hun for now anyway. Fx she is a good girl and stays where she should be x
Sometimes I think our beans with the amount of troubles that they cause us they must be boys... Typical men make our lives difficult already lol...

Fx she stays head down Amy :pray:
aww yes it's annoying when you don't see the same consultant twice !! I was induced at 38+3 I was induced with Alfie too so ive never had that 'overdue' frustration!!

Oooohhh how exciting! I doubt they'd let you go over 39 if baby is big!!

Good morning...
Hospital appointment today. With the diabetes doctor and the gynecologist for a scan I suppose to see how big the little chunk grew now...

Tried some whole meal macaroni yesterday and I got a 7.7 . So never again I suppose :( that's quite sad as i am sick of meat and vegetables already I must say...I knew that it will be a high value but I thought to try...
Maybe a smaller portion as a side dish instead of a whole meal would work...

How are you girls doing???

Amy I hope you will have better luck with your readings today.

Any plan meals already?

Had low carb bread and cream cheese for breakfast, lunch nobody knows as I will be at the hospital at that hour and dinner maybe chicken with pink estragon sauce and green beans?

Have a nice day ladies :love:
Good morning Hun
Yay for seeing bubs today it's the only upside to these appointments I had an amazing scan last week so so clear.
Your levels are still normal so dont beat yourself up because your doing amazing.
I had a fasting reading of 6 so I can see how today is going lol
I might have poached egg and tomato for breakfast soup for lunch and make a kind of chilli with quinoa rather then rice for dinner I have cheese and apple for my snacks
I Can't wait to hear how you get on today xxxxxxx
Amy they told me that 7 is the upper limit at 2 h after food?
I must pick some quinoa me thinks, maybe I will be ok with that me thinks!

I always have around 6 a mornings so you can never go how it will go :)

Today 5.3 for morning but then I fall asleep and I missed my 2 h after breakfast reading :blush:
Haha I have done that a few times
I forgot your readings are 2 hours after eating. I have been testing 1 and 2 hourly after a high reading and there isn't much of a difference between them. X
Well no insulin... He said the values are ok. No glucose in my urine either.
BUT the bean jumped from the 91 to 96 centile being now 2900g :(

That's 700 g in 2 weeks :(

I feel like a complete failure. I thought I was doing quite ok with my blood sugars but apparently I don't...
So stupid I am that I didn't realize I had GD earlier :( now my bean will suffer...

I don't even know what to have for dinner anymore... Obviously it makes no difference how hard I try.
Hope don't be hard on yourself it's not your fault :hugs: your feeling how I did 2 scans ago when my lo went off the chart. Sometimes they just have a growth spurt in 2 weeks you might find it's more in line with the chart like I did.
If your next scan shows she has jumped significantly again then that would be more of an indication it's the GD. Keep doing what your doing because your doing everything you possibly can. If you were not controlling it so well your doctor would have put you on meds.
In the bright side how was your little princess? Did you get to see a clear pic of her? X
Thank you amy :hug:
She was so active. He didn't show me her face though. He only measured her tummy and femur length.
Hamburger patties and green beans for dinner...
Good morning :) how are you all doing?

Amy how were the yesterday readings?

I had a very bad night sleep, or not sleep actually...
I couldn't stop worrying about the bean and the fact that the consultant wants me to go natural at a both weight of over 4 kg :(
I just can't risk the baby to get her shoulders stuck :(
I suppose we will see how the weight gain will go The next weeks...

Anyway just had a late breakfast with low carb bread, feta cheese and ham.
I think I will skip lunch all together today and have dinner and a bigger snack.
Dinner I think it will be grilled sausages and vegetables.

Jaxx I was wondering how long it usually takes after delivery everything to go back to normal? I know it suppose to be quite fast but is that the reality?

Have a nice day everyone :love:
hey :D do you mean levels wise? My levels went down to a steady level about 4 weeks after delivery :) but they were still high which is why I'm expected a diagnosis of type 2 within the next year or so :(

As for everything else recovery wise I was up and shopping two days after delivery lol BUT I defo wouldn't advise it it's only because I'm on my own, have a 4 year old and had no choice!! xx
Yep I meant for the glucose levels.
4 weeks Jesus!!!!
Well nobody will have time to cook properly after bubs is here and I doubt my oh will cook anything else than macaroni and cheese, ready made pizza and sandwiches lol...:(
Well at least then I only harm myself and not the bubs too :(
Shitty med school and books they all say that the levels go down within h of expulsion of placenta...

Jaxx we all are in bigger risk of diabetes because of the GD so I suppose we will have to eat low carb for the rest of our life... Hopefully though we will tolerate more carbs than now...

My oh so sweet he is when he saw me being so upset yesterday he went and bought a frozen cheesecake with whole strawberries on top to celebrate the little chunks arrival when we get back home from the currently lives In The big freezer box mocking me lol :(
they do drop once the placenta is out and they say you can go back to a normal diet straightaway! I sent my mum to the vending machine as soon as I'd had him, I had a packet of crisps and a can of coke lol my levels just took a while to finally stabilise!

Awww bless your OH :D they are a pain in the arae sometimes aren't they these men but they sure know how to make up for it :D just wish I had one haha x
Good morning :wave:
Still poo readings hope although I got my lowest for my dinner which was 9.8
I have resided myself to the fact I'm just always going to have high ones with the occasional low. As long as I am eating right and being as active as I can I'm not going to beat myself up because there is little more I can do.
I feel rested today I slept like a log first time in ages. Baby keeps flipping from breech to head down she's a right little trouble maker.
Hope please dont stress yourself about the birth to much I had a 10lb er and can honestly say he was one of my easiest babies to have where rose was only 7 and she got stuck. Your doctor will make sure you and baby are safe and would never let you have a natural birth if they think you can't do it.
Im worried that your putting to much pressure in yourself. Your doing a fabulous job at controlling your GD you should be proud of that x
Awww :hug: you will meet someone that deserves to have you :hug:
Though I bet with 2 small Los is quite hard to find the time and energy to be out and about flirting with people...
Lol yes there is hardly any time to get out to meet people but I don't mind will be easier when they are older, there's no rush :)

Yes I agree with AR, I think you are being a bit tough on yourself hun, babies are on average supposed to gain half a Lb a week for last few weeks anyway? So your bubba isnt doing that much more :D I've heard loads of ladies say a 10lber us easier!!! I cannot recommend walking enough though! I wasn't constantly monitored like they originally said so if you can once you've started your contraction walk, walk, walk!! It's painful and hard work but definately helps with dilation :) awww I sooo wish I could go back and do it all again xxx

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