The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Jesus! Poor you!
Your clever gp didn't made an ECG yesterday?
Keep us posted. I hope for a speedy recovery!
Hey Amy!
Sorry for the bad readings :( really frustrating for you :(

I feel so uncomfy too today. Bloated and with a backache and sore all over and swollen legs...
I can't wait this bean to be out!!!
I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Won't be long for both of us Hun :hugs:
Omg jaxx you poor poor thing are you ok? How are you managing with the boys? God I wish I could help you out. Try not to stress yourself your inthe best possible place. Keep me posted if you can. Massive hugs :hugs: xxxxxx
Nope the doc didn't take an ECG yesterday and the a&e doctors aren't too happy about it. They've just confirmed I've got a left bundle branch block!?? God knows what that means? Seeing a cardiologist in the morning!

The boys are at my mums, miss them like crazy :( never been this long away from Stanley xx
Ahem :( LBBB is sth that will need to Get investigated :(
Sometimes there is no reason behind it all but quite often there is sth hiding behind it.
Me thinks the gp needs referral...
Who on earth would see a patient with chest pain and don't do an ECG????
But the. He is not the first one...
Often patients come to me with cardiac problems dismissed by their gps as nth because they are young :(
Good news is that whatever is wrong is now a matter of time of getting diagnosed and treated so chin up :hug:
Good morning girls...

Jaxx I hope you are feeling better today and the appointment with the cardiologist is productive.

Amy how is it going? Any plans for the weekend?

I can barely move today... So no idea what the plan will be... We need to go to the supermarket.

Food wise I have no idea :( I got a little sick of meat and vegetables...

35 weeks today!!! Go me!
I've had hardly any sleep :( I'm on a ward of old ladies most of which have dementia :( its so so sad and I'm missing my babies terribly :( I've done nothing but cry this morning :( x
Aww Jaxx :hug: I really hope it's nth serious.
You will be back with your babies soon.
Let's make sure that they make you fit enough first :hug:
I always give my young patients their own room :roll: for the same reasons that you describe (I am also a cardiologist so most patients are old)
They should have think of that :(
Jaxx you poor thing I really feel for you Hun I hope they get you sorted soon. Xxx

Morning hope I'm feeing a bit poo today crippled with bh all night I get them for weeks before baby arrives and are not very nice.
My readings were 6.3 fasting and 10.7 after breakfast this morning. I'm like you fed up of food.
35 weeks you lucky duck I'm 33 today x
Hey girls :D

Doctors just been round... So the initial pain is either pericarditis or pleurisy. So I'm bein treated for that today and tonight and hopefully home tomorrow. with regards to my LBBB I'm going to be under the cardiologist I saw and attend as an out patient to see what's going on. he said it may be something I've always had but because I hadn't had an ECG before they would never have known!

Soooo I'm going to see my babies tomorrow and I can't wait to give them a huge massive squeeze xxx
:D great news! Your babies will be so happy to see you!!
I don't think Stanley has missed me lol which is great as its easier to bear. but my Alfie has been asking constantly for me :( bless him xx
Awww , soon Jaxx, soon. If anything he will get a healthy mummy and he learns to be independent too :)
Yes that's very true :D I'm already planning a new lifestyle while I'm sat ere bored out my brain!! I'm going to improved diet, exercise and all sorts and especially make some time for me.

Do you think I'll be allowed to exercise with this LBBB? I guess I could ask thm tomorrow as they must have a course of action now xx
It really depends of what's behind it or if nth is actual behind it and you always had it! But exercise is always encouraged!
What I say to my patients is to exercise to a level that they can still maintain a discussion while doing exercise meaning to not be completely out of breath. Also to get one of those wrist monitors to see your hb how fast it is.
But all that for elderly patients with serious problems.
The younger ones that are not having serious problems are always free to do whatever :)
You should ask for an echocardiography. But I am sure they will give you one anyway :)
Is that the ultrasound that they were talking about? He said I will need one of those!

I don't smoke and rarely drink but I'm going to knock that completely on the head now, this has really frightened me and made me reflect on everything :( I want to be healthy to see my boys grow up not possibly stuck in hospital every now and again :(

Yep the ultrasound :)

Jaxx usually at this age if there is a problem it's rarely because of the lifestyle so you shouldn't feel guilty or anything.
That said I love your attitude, good diet, moderate alcohol use and exercise is always a perfect way to make sure that you do everything you can to stay healthy :)
I just can't help but think I could have done things differently but your words have meant a lot! I'll try not to punish myself. But that said, I've been trying to diet for ages, and get fit and this is an ideal opportunity to start :) xx
Good morning girls :)

Jaxx I hope you are already getting baby cuddles!!!

Amy did you survive yesterday?

I am keep getting period type pains and low back pain all that to add to my existent hip pain :faint:

5.6 the morning reading. I will skip the after breakfast reading as it will be ok for sure as I barely had any carbs for breakfast...
So breakfast was an omelette with ham and melted cheese and on the side cucumber dipped in Philadelphia cheese.
Baring in mind that we only managed to eat breakfast I think we will only have one big meal today and 2 snacks...
First snack me think cream coffee and a low carb bar
Lunch/dinner a roast in the yard. Thinking of grilled sausages and hamburgers or grilled salmon and prawns depending of what we feel like. Also a broccoli salad and some tomato with cheese. For desert probably frozen fruit yogurt without added sugar or 1/2 an apple.
Second snack or supper it will be coconut cheddar cookies with yogurt and some nuts :)

That seems a lot of food today :roll:

Also I need to do laundry and more things at the nursery and God knows how as I can barely move...

Amy do you have the nursery done already?

I hope you both gave a fabulous day and fx for good readings Amy :hug:
Hey girls me and my big fat swollen ankles are just in from town lol
I have just got my last few bits for baby she is free to come at anytime now (not to early)
I survived my bh they eased off enough for me to get to town and I actually enjoyed it although I found the heat and walking a bit hard to take but hubby held all my bags and watched the kiddies while I looked about he is an angel.
My readings have come down they are in the 8s and 9s so I'm happy.
Jaxx it's lovely ti see your home you really have had a tough old time of it lately there has to be luck coming your way.
Baby will be in my room hope I tend to keep them with me for the first year or two but I have her crib up and ready for action.
I hope your resting up and not doing to much. Xxx

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