The Gestational Diabetes support thread

That looks painful :( poor you!!! Talk about relief with the water!!! Now I will have to spent some days doing laundry so I can finally finish the hospital bags...

Amy did you get a baby blanket too with you? And a swaddle blanket? Or they have blankets at the hospital...

Due to do my blood sugar measurements in 40 min... Just did an experiment, ate 1/2 an apple for desert after my lunch... I am prepared to see a value over 7 with that...
I have a blanket and 2 sheets packed I think it's nice to have your own. I'm just about to do my reading now. I bet you still get a good one x
Sheets you say!! I will get one of those too I suppose!
Fx for your reading!!
6.1 after that apple. So not that bad...
It was nice to eat sth slightly sweet too again...
I think lunch is the dinner that I do best so I may start eating more at lunches.
Good morning Amy :) good luck at your appointments today :love:

5.1 this morning and I had 2 sliced of low carbohydrate bread with cream cheese. I am still hungry though :( oh well . I will have a snack later or an early lunch.
No idea really what lunch will be, maybe a broccoli cream soup me thinks? I will go visit that web site it has some great ideas for soups :)
Dinner I think we will have meatballs but not sure yet.
Hey hun no eggs this morning?
Im sure I'm sprouting feathers lol
I had a 6 when I woke up I'm about to have breakfast now poached egg and tomato. Lets see what today brings us x
Lol no, I was too sleepy to make eggs :blush:
We got a low carb bread mix from the supermarket that we baked yesterday and I wanted to try it. So yummy it was, full of different kind of seeds :D
Got a 6.2 after that so not extremely bad...
I think no more eggs for me after bubs is here fur at least one month or so lol...
How did you get on today amy? Did you have the hospital appointment?
Sorry my little flower I was so busy all day I just briefly popped on.
Well it was a really good appointment tbh. Babies weight gain has slowed alot and is not just above the higher end of normal so it's so nice to see that even with my high readings my diet is helping. Her scan was amazing and soooo clear I could see her face so clearly and she has chubby cheeks and pouty lips. The sonographer pointed out her hair I was in awe lol
My insulin has been put up to 16 and if it's not working it's to be upped by 2 every 3 days. I feel alot happier tonight
How have you been today? Xxx
In agony with my hip...managed a short walk (like 200 m) pity me lol :(
I ate quite a lot as I was hungry and though I got higher readings they were still normal (around 6.6)

I am so pleased that Lilly-Ann seems to be doing excellent :love: you are doing a fabulous job :hug:
I hope the new insulin scheme will work...
Thinking of a stew with beef, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, green beans, tomatoes for tomorrow... Weird combination of vegetables but what can we do lol? What do you think? Should I try it or it will be a failed experiment lol...
I like to experiment lol
You poor thing are you getting any help with your hips? X
Good morning :)
How are you today?

No help with my hip I am afraid, is not much that can be done really :(

Morning reading was 5.8 so very close to 6. I hope the consultant next week will give some slow release insulin before bed as I don't like those so close to the limit morning values :(
Hopefully though my LO would have stop growing so fast even like that.
You did such an amazing job there. I had no idea that they can drop centiles too in uterus.

Breakfast was low carb bread, coconut oil and sugar free strawberry gem.
Lunch will be an omelet as it has been a while lol...probably with spinach.
For dinner making that stew and fx it will be ok.
Tomorrow also planing to make one more bunch of those coconut flour cheddar cakes as they were super delicious and filling...
More laundry today for me...
Oh Amy any thoughts on raspberry leaf tea and EPO?
Should I start gulping those down maybe lol???

Have a nice day :love: can't wait to hear your all new and improved readings with the increased insulin!!!
Watch carefully for hypoglycemia too and maybe you don't overdo it with housework today until you see how it will go with more Insulin?
Oh your menu sounds yummy today!
Im only having breakfast now poached egg mushroom and tomato I have a bit of a food block in my brain so I have no idea for the rest of the day yet. My early reading was 5.4 so ok
The extra insulin always makes me nervous and I find my self testing my sugars loads in the first few days.
I dont know if baby goes down the chary so much as stays the same or slows down enough for the chart to catch up with it iykwim? I was told she could be having a slow week they go through stages of growth spurts so next scan should tell.
Rlt I dont really believe in it or any of the other methods that ladies try as I think when baby is ready it will come and none of this stuff actually works there is no harm in taking it though. X
I thought that RLT is not for baby to come earlier but for helping with the stage 2 of labor?

You must try the broccoli cream soup :) I love, love it.

You sautéed some green onion or leek, add chicken stock and fresh or frozen broccoli, salt and pepper and let the
When ready cream with a mixer and add 1 cup of cream and let them boil a little (I add yogurt not cream because I like the slightly sour taste better but cream will give you better sugar levels than yogurt)
I tried it with other vegetables too. Always delicious :)
Btw you even beat me with the 5.4!! What a perfect reading :)well done you!!!
8.2 for breakfast seems this higher dose is helping I'm happy with that.
I'm having tuna salad for lunch I need to get some shopping in I will give that soup a shot tomorrow I can't wait haha xxx
My omelet turned into tuna on shredded cabbage and sown mayo as the spinach was on the last drawer in the freezer and my hip decided to not let me bend that way!!!!!
Did I mention that I want this bean out sooner than later???
I can't believe that you were brave enough to do it so many times!!! She will be the last and only...( for other reasons too but now I have no bad feelings at all about that lol)
Oh and we'll done for morning value :love:
I bet you can't wait to have a normal meal or a fruit salad lol after birth :)
Aw bless you hope you have had a hard pregnancy Hun I'm normally crying my eyes out at this stage but for some reason I am alot more tolerant this time round. X
You are doing brilliant I must say... I reacted so badly at diabetes and I am sure that I will get PND after birth...
Because of an incident 2 years ago I am so body conscious to the extreme of depression on every change...
I am already depressed with the idea of how different I will feel down there and that my oh will not like it anymore because it Dosent feel tight :roll:
I think I will burst in tears while wiping my self after a pee and feel the difference down there....
I only hope that having her here and safe will make all of my unreasonable fears go away...
You are a brave brave woman!!!
Is rose excited about the baby yet????
Oh Hun I think every new mum has those fears I know I did. Believe me having a baby shouldn't make a difference to your sex life unless you have had complications. Even then there is nothing that can't be sorted. Everyone gets a touch of the baby blues after lo is here it's all those raging hormones and lack of sleep that do it. Just keep an eye out for signs an just remember if you find yourself weepy or over whelmed it's all normal and it's ok to cry. Lean on you oh as much as you can these first few weeks will be hard but you will look back on them in time and wonder where the time went. X

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