The delivery of my baby girl

I'm alright chick, still hanging around lol

How are you coping now? Xx
I'm alright, had a good cry on Liams chest yesterday which i think really helped me.

today i have just been keeping really busy, as mum left on Saturday to go back to australia, its the first day that i have been 'alone' with just Jasper.

I have friends coming over every other day this week so i wont be on my own all day very much, but i did want a bit of space and i have just filled it by staying extra extra busy.

scrubbed the kitchen floor and bathroom floor, made a very nutritious lunch for the baby and me and am now watching him eat (i finished :) )

Just 2.5 hours until Liam is home again :) so yeah, bearing up and doing okay. Trying to keep busy so the emptyness doesnt rear its ugly head.
OMG...... i was just feeling like shit..... and after reading this i feel that my pain (i miscarried too) is so miniscule as compared to yours.....
All day i kept thinking that why dnt people who really want and deserve babies get them while some who jsut dnt need them or are not even taking care of them have them.... :(

kudos to u hun...... u r a strong lady xx
The hospital considered my baby a still birth sweetie, not a miscarriage - but the loss of a baby is still harsh and dont feel your pain is less than anyone elses. Plus i have my beautiful baby boy Jasper at home to keep me strong. Lots of mamas arent that lucky xx
I've only just seen this - I am so sorry for your loss BB and I was so moved by your first post, it reduced me to tears.

You are such a strong woman and I admire you so much for posting - I'm very glad that you have such a wonderful support network to help you in this difficult time.

It wasn't Ivy's time now but one day she will arrive and she will be so lucky to have such a compassionate mother and father. I wish you all the luck in the world hun :hug: xxx
thanks Tash xxx i agree it wasnt her time... obviously me and Liam have to get to making more babies :)
You are an amazingly strong wonderful woman were so kind to me in my questioning and confusion. To read everything you went thru...I was bawling. The uncertainty and coldness of the drs refusing to try to test anymore for what i know deep in my soul was there and now is not, is turmoil...butnothing compared to your journey... Thank you for your kindness to me and I'm praying for your family and you.
Fiona ....i suppose u are right..... its been 6 months n i still am not able to believe its happened........ i was supposedly due in 2 weeks (my 1 baby- got married last nov)..... n wats more heart breaking is that i am surrounded by pregnant ladies everywer......... bless em n der babies...... but everytime i see one i get a instant smile on my face n i wish it cud have been me..... i cry evry single day...... as i so want to have a baby..... but god knows wats in store for me...... keeping my fingers crossed every month....i hope it happens sooner or later......

anyways thanks so much ....u truly are an inspiration xxx

lots of luv and luck to u n ur fly.... xx
Thank-you so much for writing this, it was hard to read (and ofcourse hard to write) and I have wept with you, but it also gave me a sense that when put to the test we women can deal with anything and show amazing strength, best of luck for the future, you should be very proud of yourself for dealing with this all with such dignity and being able to share your experience so eloquently.
Wow your amazing hun, cried reading this. Your so strong, lots of love xxxx :hug:
Fiona, I find your strength, courage and honesty amazing and thank you for sharing your experience. Massive hugs for what you've had to endure and serious respect for how open and honest you've been regarding your feelings.

Ivy-Mae will be surrounded by such a lovely family when she decides to join you all. :hug: x
Your words touched me in a way I can't honestly describe! You are a truly inspirational lady who very clearly has a heart of gold and your angel is now at piece.

You have an amazing mum and husband and little jasper I'm sure is the apple of your eye

Wishing you lots of luck for your next pregnancy hunny.
Sending you lots of love hun. You have such a wonderful way with words, I cant imagine what you have gone through but it certainly has shown you have amazing strength. xxx
Your words moved me to tears, I'm so sorry for your loss. The only thing you can take from experiences like these is to stop whinging about everyday stuff and be thankful for what we have. It certainly made me reflect a lot.
Massive hugs xx
Omg what a thing to go through. Thank u for sharing our story, I hope it helped u to write it all down. I could never imagine going through anything worse than that. U r amazingly strong and I love tour approach to the whole awful situation...u r so strong xxxx
:hugs: really feel for you hun :hugs:your story had me sobbing, no one should have to go through what you have..

Hope you get to meet your little girl soon x x
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Thanks Vixxie77, you know she taught me a lot, my little angel baby - i have learnt to live much more sucessfully since she left us

But i am so ready to be a mama again, thats the major lesson she taught us, that there is space for another and SOON

hugs to you xx

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