Fiona, this story just made me cry so much! I cannot believe you had to go through all this! Like everyone else says, you are such an amazingly strong woman! Your pain threshold (both physically & mentally) is ever so high! I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first ever baby, but all I feel is gloom & doom since the 5 week scan showed a lot of problems already!
I am now fearing, I will have to go through the same experience as you have been through

I felt pregnant initially, but those pregnancy symptoms are now gone, I am just waiting to hear the words. My only hope is, that I will hear those horrid few words before the 12 weeks scan!
I have never been pregnant in my life before now, and we want a baby so so badly, we were on cloud 9 just a week ago, the happiest we have ever been, and now everything turned into a nightmare!
Still, compared to what you've just been through I think I have no right to complain at all! My heart aches for you so badly! I would also scream and shout until my lungs bled! You are an incredible lady, I just so so wish you didn't have to go through this HORRID experience! Could they not have done a cesarean under general anasthetics maybe? Just so that at least you don't have to go through labour? That is just sooo torturous!
Sending you lots of love and hugs! My heart goes out to you!!!!! xxxx