The delivery of my baby girl

thank you so much for sharing your story, as sad as it is. You are an amazing woman and Jasper and Ivy-Mae have a wonderful mother. I think you plans to say goodbye are lovely and i look forward to seeing the photos whenever you feel ready to share them. :hug:
hun, i don't know what to say. You are such a brave lady. Your words were true and beautiful. Massive hugs to you and your family. Thinking of you xx
Oh Laura I can't imagine :( I didnt even want to look at my baby because she was so small but to go through that :( So hard.

Mums baby boy was dead but perfect, that to me seemed so cruel, i think its much easier that my child was smaller - it really is worse and worse the further on you get. We all suffer if we have lost a child though, especially if its a much loved or a first child.

I hope i get pregnant again quickly, i wont be good at TTC and poor Liam wont know whats hit him bless!

thanks everyone xx
Such a heartbeaking thing to have to endure. I have never admitted this is anyone as i thought it made me an awful person but I totally relate to not connecting to the baby. On the bus on the way to my scan i wasn't nervous or scared or excited like i thought i would be. I remember sitting there and thinking to myself '' am i calm because i know everything is ok......or is it juts because i already know my baby is dead.
I had very mild to no pregnancy symptoms it always felt too good to be true, at 13 weeks i had just started to accept that maybe i was going to have a baby.......then no heartbeat.

I knew all along i think, you are an inspiration to us all and so incredibly brave. Telling your story laid out bare like that makes us all know what we feel is ok.

Thank you for sharing this with us hun, and i hope you get your BFP soon

lots of sticky fairy dust and hugs hun :dust:
Fiona, this story just made me cry so much! I cannot believe you had to go through all this! Like everyone else says, you are such an amazingly strong woman! Your pain threshold (both physically & mentally) is ever so high! I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first ever baby, but all I feel is gloom & doom since the 5 week scan showed a lot of problems already!

I am now fearing, I will have to go through the same experience as you have been through :-( I felt pregnant initially, but those pregnancy symptoms are now gone, I am just waiting to hear the words. My only hope is, that I will hear those horrid few words before the 12 weeks scan!

I have never been pregnant in my life before now, and we want a baby so so badly, we were on cloud 9 just a week ago, the happiest we have ever been, and now everything turned into a nightmare!

Still, compared to what you've just been through I think I have no right to complain at all! My heart aches for you so badly! I would also scream and shout until my lungs bled! You are an incredible lady, I just so so wish you didn't have to go through this HORRID experience! Could they not have done a cesarean under general anasthetics maybe? Just so that at least you don't have to go through labour? That is just sooo torturous!

Sending you lots of love and hugs! My heart goes out to you!!!!! xxxx
Oi OurBump! dont you ever let yourself or anybody else demean what you are going through, your pain is YOUR PAIN and only YOU know how much it will affect you or how badly. i could sit here and say 'oh well its not nearly as bad as what Laura went through' or my mum but actually... it is my pain and i wanted to share it.

You can never say 'i know exactly what your going through' because none of us do, we just share experiences in the hope of gaining some peace and maybe helping another find theirs.

I would have been TRAUMATISED by worry if i had of been told 'something is wrong' or 'you have to choose' and i count my lucky stars that nature made those choices for me. There was no option when i found out about my baby girl i just had to go through the mill.

You stay strong for you and your hubby and dont put yourself down xxx we are all here to listen and to share in your story and your pain and will never label it as mediocre or 'less' than another persons.

hugs and love to you xx
Fiona, you're such an amazing woman, so inspirational! I hope when the time comes for the "what ifs" you go easy on yourself, you know we'll always be here :hug: xxx
It's heart wrenching to go through something like this Im sorry you had to hugs x
I absolutely echo what the other ladies have said on here. I cried all the way through your post and am still in tears now. I think you're an amazing lady to be so strong and when your little Ivy-Mae does arrive, she's going to be so, so loved. Massive, massive hugs to you Fiona. :hugs: x x
BTW I would have never wanted a caesarian, labour and birth is a special, magical thing that our bodies are designed to do, I got up after 8 hours and walked home, the physical trauma was minimal, major surgery is not something to be taken lightly
Thank you for sharing your story with us. You have been amazing and so so brave. It's amazing how every woman copes so differently with their loss but we all deal with it whatever way suits us individually. Personally I was a crying, shaking wreck and have been taking a lot of time to myself to try to put on a front with everyone to let them think I'm 'ok'. I know it'll take time but hopefully il start dealing with it better soon. You are so strong and I think your idea of the tattoo and planting is beautiful. All the best wishes to you, your oh and your family xxxx
cried my heart out reading that and my first thought at the end was that ur such an amazing and brave woman.
Massive hugs to you, Liam and Jasper :hug:
I think you write beautifully Fiona, I am just sorry it was about such a horrendous thing.

You do whatever you can do and whatever you need to do to to get through this - although of course you will never truly get over what happend but in time I am sure you will find a little more peace.

You're such a lovely person Fiona.
I wish you all the very best with TTC and I hope you get your Ivy-Mae soon. I have such a strong connection with Grace that I just don't know what I would do if this happened to us, you are so much braver than what I could be. I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your Angel, and the quote that Laura shared is beautiful.

Take care of yourself :hug:
I also think the tattoo idea is lovely, looking forward to seeing photos xxxx
You are such a strong women! I could never have been as strong as you. Like all the ladies have said - you are an inspiration!

I am deeply sorry for the loss of your angel and I wish you all the best xx

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