My story


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Nov 20, 2008
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Ive just joined today.
Im 28 weeks pregnant,this is my second baby.
In March this year i lost my little girl Eva at 25+5 weeks.
I had pains in my back thoughout the night and the next day but had no clue i was in labour.
It was only at around 4pm when i started to bleed that i realised something was wrong.i rang the ambulance and was took to hospital.I was given gas and air and was checked,and told i was 9cm dilated and that my baby would be born shortly.i was given injections for her lungs,and she came into the world at 8.10.Lots of doctors worked on her,but after half an hour of trying to reccusitate her,she gave up.It was all one big blur,one minute the room was full,next minute my little girl was just left on a table and everyone left. We stayed in hospital with her until the next day,it was so hard to leave my baby there all by herself.
We had her funeral a week later.
i miss my beautiful little girl every single day.

In may,i got pregnant again,and we have recently found out we are expecting another girl.
I cant help but worry so much.
Id like to speak to anyone who's been in a simular position
I have never been in your situ but didnt want to read and not reply,

that brought tears to my eyes, I cant imagine the pain you have been through, I wish you al the best with this pregnancy and hope everything works out for you

welcome to the forum, you will find they are all a great bunch on here, with words of advice, support etc

look forward to seeing you around

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hii hun~!!! sorry 2 hear bout ur loss :hug:
i have not been thru your stuation but i av had a miscarriage and that was the worse feeling in the world but i cnt imagine going thru wat u went thru!!!
i hope everything goes well with this pregnancy hun u deserve it

My situation was similar to yours, but I lost my baby due to a chromosomal disorder last year at almost 24 weeks. We were told that the condition was imcompatible with life and we had a medical termination. It was very traumatic and involved the babys heart being injected with potassium to end her life and then I had to labour and give birth.

I got pregnant again in February this year and in October I had my son George. The pregnancy was very easy physically - well at least until the last few weeks, but I found it more difficult mentally, I was worrying over every little thing and found it quite difficult not to panic. I found the worst part was around the 23 week mark when everything went wrong last time. I had to go to hospital so they could let me listen to the heartbeat so they could reassure me. But we got through it all and now we have our gorgeous baby boy.

I said all along that his big sister had a hand in sending George to us and I feel that she is in him and that gives me comfort and makes me feel better. You need to take things a day at a time, get through today and when you get up tomorrow you are another day closer to meeting your new little one.

PM me if you want to chat :hug:

Tracey xx
hi hun

firstly im sorry to hear about eva, :hug: :hug:

im too finding everything hard at the monent with the loss of my daughter and now im expecting a little boy and i cant relax that much at the moment too scared of it all happening again i know it wont but it really is such a hard thing to deal with and it will take time hun she is up there watching over you all and your new little girl.

if you want a chat also anytime just PM me

good luck with the rest of your pregnancy :hug: :hug:
hi hun. i just wanted to say im so sory for your loss earlier this year. and congrats on ur current pregnancy, i pray its a happy and healthy one for u, im sure it will be :hug:
So sorry to hear about your sad loss honey.

I am wishing with everything I've got for you to have a healthy little one this time round :hug:
Hi Amelia,

I lost my daughter Emma at 18 weeks, although she had died prior to delivery.

I am now 19 weeks pregnant and absolutely understand the anxiety. However, you have the added worry of a premature baby. I'm sure it's a great comfort to you to feel your baby move and to now that every week brings you closer to their birth and so much more ready to be here with you than Eva was.

There's great support and advice on this forum and often people that are somehow easier to confide in.

Your new daughter will never replace your first daughter and you shouldn't underestimate the mixed feelings you may have when she's born but how wonderful for us both to have a new life to look forward to.

I wish you continued health and best wishes in your pregnancy.

Julie xxxxx

Emma Mary 18 week miscarriage 02.05.08 Always Missed
I'm afraid I have no relevant advice but I didn't want to read and run.

I know how devastating my 2 early m/c have been for me so can only imagine the pain you must have. I know for the 6 days I was pregnant second time around I worried every second. But just try your best to relax and take one day at a time. I'm sure the midwife/doctors will be happy to give you reassurance scans or one of those heartbeat monitors for the baby if you are worried.

Thinking of you and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
i am so sorry for your loss sweetie i cant even imagine how much more difficult it must be to lose a baby so far into a pregnancy :hug:

if i were you i would be anxious too, that must be normal in your circumstances i am sure!

good luck with the pregnancy im sorry i couldnt give you any advice. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry about Eva but be assured the hospital will keep a very close eye on you and trust your instincts if you're worried about anything, call your epu or mid wife. They're paid to do a job and if you need reassurance, then ask for it. Been there and got the t shirt and my midwives were fabulous

Good luck sweetie, you and your partner are in my prayers

Jenxx :hug:

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