16th April 2012 The Worst Day of My Life


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Nov 18, 2011
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16th April 2012 The Worst Day of My Life...

Dont read if you find things like this disturbing

It all started on the sunday 15th April i woke up and i started loosing stuff like browny red peices of meat thats the only way i can describe it, it was jellyfied to.
i rang maternity up straight away because i new this wasnt right.. i explained to the midwife who asked me some questions... her conclusion was dont worry you have probably got a water infection, and dishcharge in pregnancy is normal and the fact its browny shows its old so thats a good sign. She then went on and said go to your gp tomorrow take a urine sample up and it will take 3 days for the results to come back, i then explained that i had a gtt on the monday so she said ok just get them to test it.
i woke up Monday morning went to the hospital where they started doing the gtt i was more bothered about them testing my urine so i gave them the sample after the 1st bloods were taken, the nurse took it off me and to be honest she looked quite shocked. I then went on to have the drink and said to the midwife i havent felt my baby move today she said dont worry we will listen in for you. 45 mins later they got the doppler out and she was struggling pressing so hard it was painful she laughed and said little ones hiding today, but im going to get my senior to have ago. she did but still nothing so said we will take you for a scan..
i couldnt even look at the screen i was petrified i new in my own mind the loss wasnt normal and feel so angry that i didnt ignore what the midwife said to me on the sunday and go with my heart down to a+e. then the shock hit me the sonographer looked at her collouge and wispered something i jumped off the bed shouting what are you doing she replied just getting a doctor i screamed is my baby ok is my baby ok and she said no darling im sorry shes not! I then ran off down the corridoor was sick shaking shocked angry that i had phoned on the sunday what went wrong why has this happended??
I then had to wait 3 and half hours to be seen my a consultant to be told id have to deliever my baby.. she was arragant and had no tact atall when she greeted me she stormed in the room and said whos laura whos laura i looked and she said right im sorry but unfortunatley its one of them i wanted to kill her!!
Returned to the hospital on the Tuesday to be given a pill to knock off all the pregnancy hormones and was told to come back to labour suit on thursday and be prepared to deliever her on that night.
wed night earlier hours i had pains and i knew it was the start of something i took some paracetomol and tried to ignore it but they started coming quicker so on thursday morning at 10 i went to labour suite. i was given some co-codamels for the pains and i was violently sick. the midwife examened me and said i had been in slow labour all night and i was 3cm she said i will put this tablet in now which should help you along with things and you should have her about half one. this was at half 10 she went to make my mum and my mil a drink and i new something was happening so when she returned with the tea i said please can you check she said dont worry laura you are fine this is normal i new it wasnt so she checked and said oh my god im going to have to deliver your baby now laura.
at 11:13 i delivered my beautiful angel i was scared to see her first so another midwife took her to the nursery, and she said she would take some pics first then i could decide if i wanted to see her. i mean this is my daughter of course i want to. she brought the photos back and i was shocked i needed to hold her she was so tiny and fragile. she was 28cm in length and weighed 300g just over half a pound but she was perfect. The midwife explained that a doctor would be coming to take some blood for specialist tests he did he came in didnt shut the door behind him and started doing his job i heard a lady screaming so i said oh god whats that do which he replied do you want to go and watch.He new what id been through he signed the death certificate. This is the story of the worst four days of my life. xx


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I am so so sorry for your loss. I can not begin to imagine the pain, hurt and anger you must be feeling. RIP little angel Xx
So so sorry for your loss hun, my thoughts are with you xx
I have no words and can't imagine your pain :hugs: xxxx
So so sorry laura. It's such a terrible thing to happen. Sleep tight little angel xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful baby girl, my thoughts are with you x x
You're so so brave for writing this down and sharing your story. I just wish you didn't have to go through this. I admire your strength and I'm so sorry for your loss x
Can't imagine what you must have gone and be going through. So so sorry for your loss x
Omg Hun I am so so sorry for your loss I have just had tears in my eyes reading your story . Xxx
Words can't console! Truely sorry! Xxxx
I am so so sorry for your loss laura I truly am and you are so brave and I just can't imagine what ur going through.R.I.P beautifull little angel xxxx
So sorry for your terrible loss & horrible experience, i wish they had treated you better,

All my love xxxxxx
I am so sorry for your loss, can't imagine what you are going through.


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