The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Haven't heard back from the consultant yet which is annoying but hopefully will soon. No more pain though, I reckon it was ovulation. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Sorry about your spotting itsbabytime - I can empathise as I have the same. Wish I bloody knew what caused it :( how many rounds of clomid have you had.

Miss July here's hoping for a good strong ovulation xx
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I feel like I've missed sooo much today!!

Update on me and OH - we are not on speaking terms!! Seriously pissing me off right now!!
4th round. Bring on round 5!

af isn't here but what's happening down below is exactly how af starts. Had a cry earlier, just feel so numb now to it all, its taking its toll.
Absolutley no idea what was wrong with him but he was a right arse!! All sorted now tho!! xx
Ahh I know how you feel baby time - I had a good old cry earlier too. I hope it works for us all.x

Men have a habit of doing that nicky ha x
4th round. Bring on round 5!

af isn't here but what's happening down below is exactly how af starts. Had a cry earlier, just feel so numb now to it all, its taking its toll.

grr hun that sucks :-( hope you feel a little better in the morning xxx
Nicky glad you and your man have sorted things out... im just trying to catch up on the forum
MissJ ... was it your consultant on the phone? what did he say?
itsbaby time and LD dont loose hope it will happen ... just a matter of time... try to stay positive!! xxx
Just an update, DH said he just left a message asking for them to call him back as he didn't want to leave a detailed message for the pa, he'd rather speak directly to my consultant, so hopefully he'll call tomorrow. We BDed tonight just in case. Not sure where this puts me in the 2ww! X

Nicky I'm glad you've resolved things now hun. :hugs: x

Sending big hugs to those needing one, hope everyone is ok! :hugs: :love: x x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
We BDed last night too and think we will again tonight as I continued to have the mild crampy feelings. I am really trying to give it my all this time knowing I haven't got that many rounds left. So that's CD 9,11,13,14 and probably 15 and 16 and then maybe every other day after that for a few days.
I'm either 2dpo or 5dpo today...I put those pains down to ovulation so that would make me only 2dpo! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Ahh thanks esperanza I remember you when I joined. How many cycles before you got your bfp?? Xx

Miss j any news yet? Xx

Bellarina don't worry swimmers can live for days ;) xx

I got my bfp on my 15th cycle, but my first cycle on clomid. I defiantly think it was the ewcm that made the difference, so will use preseed next time to help the little swimmers;)
I'm ok - Got back ache today!! Slightly nervous about my first midwife appointment on Monday x

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