Why am I on Clomid? - I ovulate by myself but I have long irregular cycles and my progestrone is on the low side, so I need a stronger ovulation to produce a good eggy! I also have polycystic ovaries.
How much am I on? - 50mg
When do you take it? - CD2 - CD6 (on an evening as it helps reduce symptoms)
Any side effects? - Hot flushes & serious mood swings!
Did it help OV? - Yes, clomid made me ov earlier in my cycle (CD18) and it was a stronger ovulation (I had bad ovulation pain for a day and a half but I'm guessing that's partly because of cysts)
If you had long cycles, did it help reduce them? - Yes it brought my cycle down to 31 days from (38 - 45)
Was Clomid a success for you? - Yes, I got a BFP on my first cycle but sadly miscarried at 8 weeks so I'm going back on clomid on my next cycle
Hi girls,
I'm going back on clomid next cycle and it would be great if I can join the thread!?
I had a m/c in april after getting a BFP from my first clomid cycle. I was diagnosed in Dec with a septum (like Maybe had) so I knew I was at a higher risk of m/c's. After seeing Maybe's private doctor I've found out I've been misdiagnosed and my condition is actually caused by a fibroid distorting my womb cavity
So, I'm having a myomectomy in a week's time to reduce the risk of m/c then we can get back to TTC again on clomid.
Sending you all lots of baby dust and hope you don't me joining in!