The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Good luck MissJuly ....I had back ache and dizziness very early on when I had my BFP so I'm really hoping this is your lucky cycle hun :)

Thanks hun (just noticed your post after I sent mine) x

Thank you hun, I'm 11dpo today and have had bfn's so not sure how hopeful I feel...will be away tomorrow night for my anniversary so going to try my best not to test til Thursday. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Just realised I'll be 14dpo on Thursday lol. Going to flick back on this thread to see how I felt at 11dpo...not sure if I had back ache last time. It's intense at the mo and I'm struggling to move properly. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Welcome bewdleygirl!

Awe missj i really hope thursday gives u a bfp!

Girls quick question...wen we talk about the side effects of u only get them while taking the meds for the 5 days or for tge ehole cycle? Sorry if its a silly question.
Well i am officially a fellow clomid taker now...took my first one last night!

Thanks hun. :) I got my side effects throughout my cycle, the hot flushes mainly in the afternoon/evening. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Awe man i was hopin it wood b just while on the meds....wishful thinkin i guess lol xx
Feel slightly crampy but this backache is bothering me. I don't think I had it last time so I'm wondering if it's a good sign...I don't normally get back ache before AF so who knows? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Awe man i was hopin it wood b just while on the meds....wishful thinkin i guess lol xx

Lol you never know, you might be one of the lucky ones that hardly get affected with symptoms? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Awe i hope ur symptoms are a good sign!! Really do hun.

Its highly likely il get side effects as i ALWAYS do watever meds i take guaranteed lol im expecting them then if i dont its a bonus xxx
Most people I've read about don't get many symptoms so it might not be too bad. I had to sleep with a fan on every night though! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I got my freestanding fan from mums few weeks ago so im prepared lol hubby will prob love tge fan on coz im always cold an hes always hot xxx
Lol I'm so used to the fan being on now that I can't sleep with it off! I keep thinking of doing a FR test when I get home, not sure I should bother after bfn this morning though. Hmm...x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
So fecked off with myself, don't know why the feck I bothered! :(


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Aw, MissJ, don't be disheartened, there really is still time. What DPO are you now? I've missed a bit this weekend as I needed a break from things after my scan last week. Keep your chin up. xx

Side effects - well I had none when I was taking clomid but this week, *TMI alert* my CM has completely dried up. I'm almost uncomfortable and thought I might have a touch of thrush but I think it's just the clomid. I'm dreading to think what I'll be like when I move up to 100mg!
Welcome bewdleygirl!

Awe missj i really hope thursday gives u a bfp!

Girls quick question...wen we talk about the side effects of u only get them while taking the meds for the 5 days or for tge ehole cycle? Sorry if its a silly question.
Well i am officially a fellow clomid taker now...took my first one last night!


Im on day 3 today of 100mg (1st time) I take mine at night cause I've heard it minimizes the s/e...bad idea!! Last night I spent all night tossing and turning from the hot flashes and my mind wouldnt stop racing:shock:. I didnt fall asleep until 4am!!:wall2: I wish I could switch over to days cause I think I rather deal with all the s/e during the day and get good sleep at night but I read some where you cant do that. So now I am stuck with no sleep at night for the next 3 days...oh and I have a headache starting up right now. Also I started noticing last night little twinges in my lower abdomen...not too painful but enough to feel. Hope this helps!
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Thanks girls, just feeling angry with myself for using a good test lol. :dohh: I'm 11dpo so I guess I do still have time, I'm just impatient. :oooo: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Aww hun, it's still really early at 11dpo. Often implantation doesn't happen until 6-10dpo (sometimes later) and it takes time for the HCG to build up in your system.

I never had backache with AF but had it when I got my BFP so I'm really hoping this is a good sign for you :)

Re side effects - The hot flushes went away gradually after I stopped taking clomid so for me I didn't have them throughout my entire cycle. The mood swings however were the whole cycle. I took mine at night as well as I'd heard it helps reduce symptoms. The weather's warmer now than when I took clomid back in Feb so I can see why the hot flushes are worse to put up with. I'll have to see how I get on next cycle!

Re CM - I found I had less EWCM because of clomid so I used conceive plus and got a BFP on my first round, so I'd like to think it helped and will be using it again!
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Thanks hun. I'd like to think my backache is part of implantation but I'm just clutching at straws really! :rolleyes: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
i had really bad back ache when i got my bfp with lacie and for a few weeks after too!! good luck missj and again i cant comment on ur test i see a line but i think its my eyes if no one else can!! iv even put my glasses on lol!! i over analyze everything though xx
Lol Minxie! I binned it cos I hate line spotting, I want a BFP that needs no squinting! My back is still killing me too and still have creamy cm but had this last cycle. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

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