The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Bella I'm on my second round of 150mg and I've not had any side effects, other than perhaps some fatigue the week I took the pills. But that could be general fatigue!
I took mine first thing in the morning, side effects for me were hot flushes, mood swings, crying all the time and intense painful ov! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Miss J how are you feeling today? I have mild stomach cramps on and off. Just guessing but think I may be around 7 dpo as I had that bloated feeling last weekend.
I'm ok, not feeling anything to be honest, completely symptom free at the mo! Ooh we're almost 2ww buddies, I'm 9dpo today. :) x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
And well done you for not testing yet! I had a rummage in my drawer the other night and found that I actually have 3 FRERs and 1 CB Digi which is more than I thought but nowhere near your stash! Are you going to test tomorrow? My nipples are a bit sensitive too but that's happened so many times and has not indicated pregnancy. I just remember my boobs being really sore all over when I did actually fall pregnant.
Fx for you! I have eyed up my tests but the thought of bfn's puts me off. When will you be testing hun? Still early for symptoms I guess so we both still have time for them to develop! I think I'm going to wait til Monday to test. :think: I'll be 11dpo then. Plus I wanted to test before we go away for my anniversary. :) x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I'll probably wait til after my blood test results. I was supposed to have the blood test yesterday but couldn't be out of school so it has to be Monday which is CD24. I'll have to wait for a doc to look them when they're back which will likely be Wednesday so I'd be CD 11 by then. But if I've not got any obvious symptoms by then I won't waste a test. I think I'll wait til at least 14dpo Clomid has been so unsuccessful for me so far.
Hey girls
just wanted a bit of advice really....
As u know af got me yest but this one is turning out to be nothing like all my previous afs.
Firstly yesterday was brown cm and hardly anything...and usually today id be quite heavy red...but im only getting a tiny amount if redish pinky af...very weird...surely i still count today as xd 1 tho as its a full day if af

We are home early from our little holiday :-( Campsite flooded overnight and we had no dry clothes left!! sad to be home early but also quite glad the 3 hour drive is over with!!

Have i missed anything exciting?

Hey girls
just wanted a bit of advice really....
As u know af got me yest but this one is turning out to be nothing like all my previous afs.
Firstly yesterday was brown cm and hardly anything...and usually today id be quite heavy red...but im only getting a tiny amount if redish pinky af...very weird...surely i still count today as xd 1 tho as its a full day if af


Maybe it's not AF? I'd give it a few days and try testing. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I'll probably wait til after my blood test results. I was supposed to have the blood test yesterday but couldn't be out of school so it has to be Monday which is CD24. I'll have to wait for a doc to look them when they're back which will likely be Wednesday so I'd be CD 11 by then. But if I've not got any obvious symptoms by then I won't waste a test. I think I'll wait til at least 14dpo Clomid has been so unsuccessful for me so far.

I feel the same. I did pick up a test earlier but I thought I'd not had symptoms so I'd be wasting a test! Starting to itch a bit though.... :whistle: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
We are home early from our little holiday :-( Campsite flooded overnight and we had no dry clothes left!! sad to be home early but also quite glad the 3 hour drive is over with!!

Have i missed anything exciting?


Ah no, sorry you had to cut it short hun! Not missed anything with me, other than I am now 9dpo lol. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
To be honest hun im soo glad to be home!! I went through 6 pairs of socks in less than 24 hours - i hate having wet feet!!

Got my Booking appointment letter through the post too and its def on the 1st August at 9am :)

Are you testing tomorrow hun? I cant wait for you to test now!! xxx
Hey girls
just wanted a bit of advice really....
As u know af got me yest but this one is turning out to be nothing like all my previous afs.
Firstly yesterday was brown cm and hardly anything...and usually today id be quite heavy red...but im only getting a tiny amount if redish pinky af...very weird...surely i still count today as xd 1 tho as its a full day if af


Maybe it's not AF? I'd give it a few days and try testing. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

Ye very confused!! Coz im meant to start clomid tomorro but i dunno if i can call this cd1 afs have always been very straightforward but not today

I wouldn't start the Clomid if this isn't like your usual AF hun. Plus you count cd1 as the first day of full flow and it doesn't sound like you've had that so I def wouldn't start it yet. Fx its implantation! X

Nicky, I hate wet feet too! The squelchy feeling is awful! I don't feel excited for testing to be honest! Going to wait til Monday to do one. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
See how you feel in the morning hun. I think a night in a flooded field is catching up with me!! Gonna have a nice hot bubble bath!

Where are you going for your anniversary Hun? XxX
I need some advice too. Im ment to be going to my first Gnyeacology appointment on the 16th July. But I have been having Cramping on and off since the 28th June. I have it right now like a dull cramp but no period is coming at all! Im confused its like I think my period is going start becasue that's what it feels like but when I check there is nothing... :shock: :eh: Only I camE across last night is some Discharge but I couldn't quite tell weather it was Yellow or Brown (TMI Im sorry ladies) Because my underwear was bright yellow (TMI) Well to me it was hard to tell but looked like both to be honest.

And I have a a constant ache in my breasts Since this day also, It the pain I would usually get on and off A day or two before my AF arrives, but Ive had it way longer than that but for longer periods of time.

What could be happening, could it be my body is trying to have AF and can't? Or What because I don't understand what the hell its doing. Im so confused Im feeling crampy most of the time and think oh AF has arrived and it haven't

Nicky What A very unpleasant feeling, The rain is not good I prefer the sunshine myself the hot summer. I prefer to cool myself down than try keep dry and warm in winter. Hope you are okay hun. Yes a nice warm bath is a good idea I think You are pregnant :)
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Hun have you taken a pregnancy test? I had awful cramps all the way through my 2WW and my boobs were on fire!! (still are) worth taking a test just to see x
Hun have you taken a pregnancy test? I had awful cramps all the way through my 2WW and my boobs were on fire!! (still are) worth taking a test just to see x

I will be honest with you Nicky, Me and my partner were trying so hard to get pregnant the months before this that it was stressing us both out that much. Also with my PCSO it wasn't happening so even more stressed so May/June we didn't try very hard a t all a couple of times here and there. And some of the times we used condoms and some of the times we didn't because Unfortunately I am very dry most times when it comes to :bd: (TMI Im sorry) And one time after we had finished my OH must have caught me some how and Im not joking teared me a little I was bleeding!! So The times we did It I cant remember which times would of been condom and which wouldn't be we did deffently try with out protection for some of the times last month I just cant remember when. Im going have to start writing things down. Sorry about my spelling im not very good.

So do you think I still need to take a test or not?? :eh:

I mean they are like period cramps and aches but constant and that cramps are not unbearable I can deal with them they are only mild. Sometimes only there a few mins then they go sometimes there hours then come and go.
I would do a test anyway just so you know - there's no harm in taking one.

If its negative then I would ring your gp and make an appointment I see them and ask about your cramps x

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