The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Brighter pic. Binned the test now, not going to bother taking it apart, I'm not putting myself through more squinting! X


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hi Miss J,
Ahh just looking at that one line pic, makes my heart sink. I know that sinking feeling , so sorry hun. xxx

Can I join your thread?

I had my first cycle of clomid in March, it made me feel so hopeful and I felt so disappointed when it was bfn. That I felt like I was going slightly crazy! So I had a break from everything for a cple of months.
But Im back in the game now!! On day 13 of 2nd Clomid cycle. xx
Of course you can hun. :)

I felt the same about my first round on Clomid, I suppose I expected a BFP and it was gutting when AF arrived. I've felt a lot more chilled out this time around though. Are you using ov tests? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Im not using OPK's as i n the past when I have tried they just never show that I have ov'd but I know from blooed tests i have!
It say to not drink or go to the toilet for 4 hrs beforehand - which is prob I think. I have to pee every hour - so they just dont seem to work for me!!!
Not sure how to overcome this prob!???

Yes im feeling more chilled this month - OH is not feeling well and im day 13!! so prob no luck this month!!! xx
Ah right well I suppose it's less stress really cos you don't have to worry about holding your pee in and waiting for the positive! I've had positives on cd 18, 19 and 20 on my first round then cd17 and 18 on my second but I had intense ov pains a couple of days after so I know it was ov. You never know hun. Fx! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
that is the good thing on clomid - the ov pains let you know when you are ov'ing!!
I had terrible pains ist time around, not got there yet ythis cycle. xx
Lol tell me about it, they are epic! X

Had some mild cramping earlier followed by (tmi alert) stretchy/creamy cm with a spot of light red in my undies... I cried thinking it was AF but I had a poke about :blush: and there was no more blood...I'm hoping it's implantation but who knows? I don't know if 11dpo is too late? Will test thursday if no AF, should be time enough for a BFP to show up. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
good luck missj x x lets hope its your bean getting all snug in there :)
Im on day 3 today of 100mg (1st time) I take mine at night cause I've heard it minimizes the s/e...bad idea!! Last night I spent all night tossing and turning from the hot flashes and my mind wouldnt stop racing:shock:. I didnt fall asleep until 4am!!:wall2: I wish I could switch over to days cause I think I rather deal with all the s/e during the day and get good sleep at night but I read some where you cant do that. So now I am stuck with no sleep at night for the next 3 days...oh and I have a headache starting up right now. Also I started noticing last night little twinges in my lower abdomen...not too painful but enough to feel. Hope this helps!

awe sorry to hear u had a bad nights sleep hun, i really hope it dorsnt affect my sleep too much as i do temping and that can affect it if i dont sleep properly. hope you feel better soon hun xxx

Side effects - well I had none when I was taking clomid but this week, *TMI alert* my CM has completely dried up. I'm almost uncomfortable and thought I might have a touch of thrush but I think it's just the clomid. I'm dreading to think what I'll be like when I move up to 100mg!

yes iv heard it can dry up ur cm making bding more uncomfortable, oh dear conceiveplus and preeed may be required xxx

Thanks girls, just feeling angry with myself for using a good test lol. :dohh: I'm 11dpo so I guess I do still have time, I'm just impatient. :oooo: x

awe yeh its still early hun, id wait now until 14dpo or youll drive yourself mad (hard tho i know) hope ur ok hun xxx

Re side effects - The hot flushes went away gradually after I stopped taking clomid so for me I didn't have them throughout my entire cycle. The mood swings however were the whole cycle. I took mine at night as well as I'd heard it helps reduce symptoms. The weather's warmer now than when I took clomid back in Feb so I can see why the hot flushes are worse to put up with. I'll have to see how I get on next cycle!

Re CM - I found I had less EWCM because of clomid so I used conceive plus and got a BFP on my first round, so I'd like to think it helped and will be using it again!

thats promising to hear the side efects didnt last all cycle for you hun.iv got the conceiveplus ready and waiting so fx it works :) xxx

girls, Iv had a letter thro today to make an appt for my mri scan on my back..problem is now if i book in and then im in a 2ww or something when it comes around, as you cant have an mri if pregnant so dunno wot to do unless i just book it and then cancel and rearrange if i am in 2ww
i would bookthen re arrange if on ov date or 2ww hun u never know you could have app for 4 weeks time i know our waiting time is like that where i am x
yeh thats what i figured, i just hope if i have to cancel it it doesnt look bad on me and they dont give me another one....mind u if i do get pg this cycle i wont be able to have it at all but tbh getting pg is my piority xxx
Cramps have gone, only get them when I put pressure on my belly. Aside from that smidgen of pinky red, I've had nothing...really hoping I'm still in with a chance for my anniversary BFP. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Awe i hope u hav more luck than i did on mine hun...sounds very promising with the IB tho hun :) xxx
Thanks hun, just praying I get through the next few days..I still have mega back ache too. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
well if you tell them your unsure of pregnancy bella then they cant judge you on that and should be more than hapy to re arrange for after your testing date!!

and its looking promising missj if its an IB that would explain your bfps, maybe them pains were ovulation but its took a bit longer for your egg to implant!! keep us posted as and when you can and enjoy our anniversary no matter WHAT happens missj x x much love minxie :)
God I've missed everything again!! Miss j it all sounds brilliant hun!! Hope you have a lovely time tomorrow x
How is everyone? Been MIA for past week or so as af came and had a bit of a wobbly.

So now cycle 5 and cd8. How much more time can this take :wall:
Thanks everyone I feel more positive again especially as the cramps have gone. Was going to test tomorrow but definitely going to wait til Thursday now. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Good luck miss j - still sounds hopeful to me and as you had late ov pains maybe you aren't as many dpo yet.

Good luck all the other ladies. I'm cycle 2 of clomid, cd 8, no side effects again and no nothing!! Hubby off for a 2nd sa tomorrow as his first had borderline count so fingers crossed ok!!

Corrinne - I have the same with the opks - didn't get a positive my progesterone was 70. I can't hold my wee either ha ha x

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