The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Scan done. Lining of uterus is thin and not much happening in my ovaries. I've to phone up my consultant this afternoon to see if they want to up my dose or leave as is for another month. I can't help but feel really flat about it as I was hoping something would be happening. Suppose it's at least good that I've been checked and we can do something about it as soon as possible.
Going on our little holiday :) but due to the weather we are going in the car!!! Wahoooooooo!!! X
Scan done. Lining of uterus is thin and not much happening in my ovaries. I've to phone up my consultant this afternoon to see if they want to up my dose or leave as is for another month. I can't help but feel really flat about it as I was hoping something would be happening. Suppose it's at least good that I've been checked and we can do something about it as soon as possible.

Oh hun I'm sorry it wasn't better news x
Scan done. Lining of uterus is thin and not much happening in my ovaries. I've to phone up my consultant this afternoon to see if they want to up my dose or leave as is for another month. I can't help but feel really flat about it as I was hoping something would be happening. Suppose it's at least good that I've been checked and we can do something about it as soon as possible.

I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear hun. I hope they up your dose rather than leave you for another month. :hugs: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Thanks girls. I've just had a voicemail from the fertility nurse, I've to wait until CD50 and if AF not here I'm to start with the provera again. So it looks like it might be a long wait until middle of August and don't know if they'll up my dose either. :wall2:
Ahh sorry wasn't good news hun. I guess the higher dose would help Ov. What sort of things do they do to make the lining better x
Ahh sorry wasn't good news hun. I guess the higher dose would help Ov. What sort of things do they do to make the lining better x

I'm not really sure to be honest, because of the PCOS and I have very long cycles, the woman doing my scan mentioned that this may be causing my lining to be very thin. So getting my cycles reduced would help. I might give the nurse a phone and see if I can get any other information as to what I can do for now. x
Have had a chat with the fertility nurse. She doesn't think going by the scan this morning that I will ovulate so I'm to wait till CD50 if nothing happens, start the provera again and then my dose will be increased to 100mg. Still to have CD21 bloods taken. Also to increase my dose if AF does arrive before CD50. Positive on that side of things but can't help feeling a bit crap about today. x
Have had a chat with the fertility nurse. She doesn't think going by the scan this morning that I will ovulate so I'm to wait till CD50 if nothing happens, start the provera again and then my dose will be increased to 100mg. Still to have CD21 bloods taken. Also to increase my dose if AF does arrive before CD50. Positive on that side of things but can't help feeling a bit crap about today. x


What cd are you now? At least they are willing to increase the dose for you. :hugs: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
What cd are you now? At least they are willing to increase the dose for you. :hugs: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

I'm CD11 today - I know it's still quite early but the fertility nurse said they would expect to see a better result if it was working at this stage. Yeah, I'm definitely pleased I'll be able to increase my dose. I'm feeling a bit better this afternoon and my husband is taking me out for dinner to cheer me up, and to celebrate my new job. It's been an emotional old week!

How are you holding up MissJ? Well done on not testing yet! xx
You never know hun, I didn't ov til cd20 this time so maybe it was too early? :yay: for a dinner date with hubby, enjoy! I know it's crap playing a waiting game but hopefully the new job will be a good way to take your mind off it?

I'm good thanks, not much happening with me so been a bit quiet! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hey starting my clomid on sunday....any advice as its my first time?

iv heard is best to take before bed so u sleep thro side effects?

Hey starting my clomid on sunday....any advice as its my first time?

iv heard is best to take before bed so u sleep thro side effects?


Goodluck xx :clover:
I take mine in morning but not had too bad side effects x night sweats are worst I had and mood swings xx
I take mine at night - I have started thyroxine too so didn't know if they interacted so decided to do it at night. No side effects at all for me. X
Hey starting my clomid on sunday....any advice as its my first time?

iv heard is best to take before bed so u sleep thro side effects?


Goodluck xx :clover:
I take mine in morning but not had too bad side effects x night sweats are worst I had and mood swings xx

Thanks hun, iv fore-warned DH that next week i may not be the easiest to live with lolxxx
I take mine at night - I have started thyroxine too so didn't know if they interacted so decided to do it at night. No side effects at all for me. X

Thank you hun, glad to hear uv been ok on it, maybe il be ok too, tho its best to warn hubby then if im ok its a bonus lol xx
If I am given Clomid I am worried slightly on how it will effect me. I may also take it before I go to sleep. If I wake up to be sick does this mean the Clomid wont work?

I may need something to start AF as I haven't had one since February. Any of you ladies had to have Ovarian Drilling before they could have Clomid. Im so nervous as to what will happen at my appointment, but I am happy and excited I am finally getting some help and hopefully at some point it will work. :pray::pray:
I take it at night as well. As for side effects I have had the dreaded hot flushes, well more just a general feeling of being uncomfortably hot and weirdly my hands are always roasting, it may just be the humid weather though. No other physical side effects I don't think, only emotional - completw rage and being down in the dumps - then again that might just be fed up with this ttc malarky!!
I take it at night as well. As for side effects I have had the dreaded hot flushes, well more just a general feeling of being uncomfortably hot and weirdly my hands are always roasting, it may just be the humid weather though. No other physical side effects I don't think, only emotional - completw rage and being down in the dumps - then again that might just be fed up with this ttc malarky!!

yeh i think thats whats going to be the effect with me...i think its gonna be a bit jeckell and hyde, one min weepy the next an evil cow...i can see me going to stay with mum for a few days tbh as i ddont think hubby will know wot to do with me and il end up going mad at him over nothing whereas mum will be more unerstanding lol il have to wait and see i guess, i may be lucky and have no side effects but im not holding my breath as any medication iv ever had to ake, if there have been side effects guaranteed iv had them lol


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