The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Round 3 is when I got my bfp - it's understandable to feel a bit blah - I did xxx
I suppose it might be a good thing cos I really do feel chilled out, it might help lol. I think I'm just not expecting anything! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Awe hin dont worry il do enuff positive thinking for the both of us!! Xxx
Chin up miss July! :flower: Think positive.

I got my appointment through for my Gynecologist appointment this morning! :dance:

My first appointment is on the 16th July!! So I will hopefully joining you ladies soon on Clomid... Well im hoping! :pray: :dance:

I was told I would be waiting for up to 4 weeks for an appointment and I only waited 5 days! So Ive had a bit of good luck. :)

:dust: To you all
Thanks hun. It's great news that your appointment has come through so soon! :yay: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1341506615.488881.jpg not sure if this photo worked or not! CD10 and nothing much happening. Scan tomorrow so we'll find out then if it's working or not. Hope you're all well xx
Awe hin dont worry il do enuff positive thinking for the both of us!! Xxx

:hugs: thanks hun. How are you doing? X x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

Im ok, toothache still driving me mad, and whereas iv felt quite positive last few days im feeling a bit crap tonight as having really bad cramps so duno if its the witch knocking on the door.

Im either 9dpo or 11po....last few cycles lp has been 12 days so i dunno

Eclaire - I never got a positive opk but my bloods showed I ovulated.

Miss j and bells - when are you going to test xx
im testing sunday morning (our anniversary) unless af arrives before then that is :(

Sorry didn't mean to call you bells :)

Ah well I have everything crossed for you x
dont be silly hun i didnt even realise, and a fair few on here call me bells anyway lol its coz the "s" is next to the "a" i think.

thank you for the luck xxx
Sorry for posting and disappearing earlier, been running around all night. LD, I'm hoping that my scan will show something tomorrow. Bella & MissJ fingers crossed for both of you for your BFP in the next few days!

Completely off topic, my good news this week is that my interview went well and I got the job. Also in the middle of organising a family holiday for september so it's all go just now. At least I have these other things to focus on in the next few weeks rather than the only thing on my mind being ttc!
Hey all, hope everyone is ok. Bella I hope the cramps are good signs, I so want you to get your anniversary BFP! x

LD I will be testing on Sunday and then if bfn, again next week cos I think I'll only be 10 or 11 dpo on Sunday so still early. X

Eclaire, congrats on the job! I hope your scan shows something positive for this cycle! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Got an odd feeling on my left side, when I move sharply I feel a tugging sensation. Hope it's a bean (or 2) implanting. Fx! Also had a smidgen of pinky red in my undies...fx, fx, fx! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Oooo do u thonk it cooda bin IB? All soinds good hun hope we both get.our bfps this sun xxx
Fx! I had some sharp pains yesterday but thought they were too far to my left....I guess only time will tell! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
ooo good luck miss j iv had ib with both my pregnancies and its been around 7dpo then i started feeling tired and sick with alfie but nothing untill 15dpo with lacie! its all looking good missj fingers crossed x x

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