The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Oh and I'm testing at 12 dpo! If I can hold off for that long! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Oh I feel so far behind all you girls after my false start with the last round of Clomid! CD12 today....sigh!
Don't be silly your not that far - you'll be coming up to ov soon xx
Well I've popped my first clomid tonight...I've also had a large glass of wine which is probably not a good start but I've had a rubbish day! Still not been able to get in touch with the fertility nurse but I've left a message with the consultants secretary to let them know what stage I'm at, so I'm now hoping they'll get back to me. Jacq, I'm further behind and I have my fingers crossed for all you girls for this cycle xx
As long as this cycle doesn't match my last one...127 days I think!!
Yea i hope so miss july!!! Gud luck on 12 dpo!! My fingers are crossed for you!! And everyone else TTC!!
Jacq your not that far behind hun!! Will soon be your TWW then fingercrossed and babydust to you! Xxx
Come on girls, let's be positive and fx for our Clomid babies! :dust: :pray: :dust:

I've got everything crossed for us all! My nipples are still really sensitive and DH thinks they look darker too. Odd! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
How good am I - 10dpo and haven't poas yet!!

Dont think will bother unless I can get to the weekend without AF coming. In my head if I dont test and she doesn't come just yet i can carry on imagining that it has worked but if i get a great big stinking bfn it will just depress me as I realise another cycle has failed.

Ugh, this is hard work.
I'm 10dpo tomorrow and have one sainsbury test. Am tempted for the morning but really do think it's a bfn. I will if you will itsbabytime ha ha.xx
How good am I - 10dpo and haven't poas yet!!

Dont think will bother unless I can get to the weekend without AF coming. In my head if I dont test and she doesn't come just yet i can carry on imagining that it has worked but if i get a great big stinking bfn it will just depress me as I realise another cycle has failed.

Ugh, this is hard work.


Well done for not testing! I'd have caved in! Fx for you hun, have you been symptom spotting? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Ha ha LDN hmmm maybe tomo or friday if spotting doesn't start!

Missj - no, I try not too, I used too but I think it made me even more dissapointed wen af did come. Only thing I've had though is that I haven't been spotting but that's likely cause the clomid has incresed my progesterone so no spotting.
I usually spot at 10dpo too, so interested to see what happens. It's all I can think about though as every month til now I've always thought something wasn't right. Clomid has given me some hope. Don't want to to gutted though xx
Ahh I didn't think of the Clomid stopping spotting! Hm. Maybe the increased progesterone is why my nipples are so sensitive??

I'm excited to do some line spotting! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
ladies i have a question??

Some cramping is normal isnt it? really freaking out here!!
Im sure it is hun, everything is stretching and growing to fit your babba in. I know it's hard as I'd be the same but try not to worry Hun xx
Good luck to all you ladies out there.

So i have been to my doctor and have had my referral to the Gynecologist!! So this is a start I guess. I have activated my booking and im waiting to see if im suitable candidate for the clinics if not the NHS will try to get me booking in at a hospital.

Its really exciting to get started.... :dance: And im happy that my GP as now done something about me not being able to become pregnant as my blood tests and Scan show PCSO.... :cry:

I am also very nervous now as to what tests the Gynecologist may do... And if they give me some fertility help/drug to help me become pregnant, I will be nervous to... I know at the end of all of this It will be worth it for my baby. Its just a little scary :oooo:

Im hoping I will be eligible for something Like Clomid. Because I know all you ladies here are trying them too, and there have been a few successes as far had BFP'S are concerred I just hope that something works for me. Because at the moment I seem to have lost hope after trying lots of different things to help my body to ovulate and become pregnant and they dont seem to have worked. So maybe now I can have hope again while im reciving help... Fingers crossed :)
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Im sure it is hun, everything is stretching and growing to fit your babba in. I know it's hard as I'd be the same but try not to worry Hun xx

Im really trying not too but i've got myself into a right tiz about it!

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