The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I chucked my pee away cos its not as dark as last cycle. Plus I got false positives at cd13 last cycle so I'm a bit wary! That includes a digi too lol x

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A few lol I'm just proper stingy cos they're more expensive lol. X

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I things go to plan over the next few weeks and you dont get your bfp i'll send you my leftover ones! Hoping i wont need them again!! But darent get rid of them yet - just in case!!! xx
Aw thanks hun. There's a lot happening at the end of this cycle I think that's why I feel so scared. I don't want to see that sad look in DH's eyes again, that broke my heart. :( x

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missj im sure you and your oh are strong enough to go through it, this is all testing you for parenthood lol, he will look sad like that in months to come when you tell him that theres no BD'ing as youve been up all night with the baby lol!!
ooo many apologies for googling!!! Wish i flipping hadnt now!!

Miss J - this is your month :) xxx
Hopefully I'll ov sooner and AF won't be due on my anniversary! X

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I'm so cheered up by this good news, and with cupcakemummy getting her bfp after ten months too (see bfp announcements).

I'm gonna try positive mental attitude for this 2ww. First cycle at 50mg and now 3 or 4 dpo I think.
I never believed that the relaxed approach would work but quite obviously it does!! I know you can both do it :) and get your bfps soon :) x
Congratulations Nicky, been waiting all day to read the updates! Amazing news!

I've still got another day of Clomid so quite early on but hopefully joining you soon xx
Eeeeeeeeeeek sooo can't believe it!!!!

Need you girlies to get your bfps now :) x
We're trying lol! We want to come to Tri 1 with you ha ha! X

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I'm going to try a low carb diet. Not hardcore but seriously reducing the amount of bread etc I eat cos that's no good for polycystic ovaries! And I've arranged to meet a friend and go horse riding so hopefully getting out of the house will do some good! Need to get my PMA back for this cycle! X

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