The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

P.S. I've updated the main page and added your bfp, will pop over to the testing thread and do the same. :)

What days did you guys Ov? I've had some ewcm but it's dried in last couple of days which is weird. Ill keep doing the opk but not holding much hope. I'd love to be bump buddies with you ladies too.

Am going to call the hospital today and see what they say.

Good luck drummers wife :)
my first round of clomid i ov'd day 46, second round day 29 and this time day 15 xx
Not really sure when ov was exactly, my ov tests were positive day 18,19 and 20. I've got pics somewhere, I'll bump them up, one sec..

its so weird seeing BFP next to my name lol!!

DW - thank you

I want all of you to be my bump buddies :) xxx
Sorry the pics are teeny but they are in full size around page 7-8 of this thread I think!



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Yeah, completely normal hun. Everything's moving and stretching in there and bean is getting comfy! :) x
Right, I'm day 12 and like I said earlier, terrified!

Not feeling much at the mo but it's still early I guess. We've only bded on cd8 and then last night so obviously less than last cycle which I'm hoping will help cos last cycle we were bding every other day, hopefully this time we're building the quality of swimmers up a bit more. I don't feel much either, I don't feel overly positive like last cycle, just numb!

I'm scared. :(

Hun we only bd'd three times over ov so don't panic! What was your Opk like today? X
I haven't done one, going to do one later cos I did last cycle's at 4-4.30 in the afternoon so was going to wait til then.

Ahhh ok hub. Please don't feel scared! I'm sure this next. Cycle will be it for you :) I'm gonna stay here anyway - you don't get rid of me that easily!! :)

I'm just so desperately hoping for a digi like yours for my DH's anniversary pressie! :pray:

Glad you're sticking around hun, would be so quiet in here without you. :shock:

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Haha I don't know what you mean!! I couldn't leave you all! Plus I'm too scared to post in tri 1 lol!!

You will get your digi him trust me :) remember I had written this cycle off!! X
Ha can you believe we're on page 84, my positive ov tests are way back on page 8-9! :whistle:

Aw I hope so. I'm so nervous. x
Ooh I was just making lunch - egg on toast - and got really annoyed that both eggs popped then I actually LOLed and thought maybe it was a sign... Both eggs popped! :rofl:


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