The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I have been hooked on your stories in here ladies!! Good luck Nicky!!

I am going to be speaking to my GP about starting clomid. It makes me feel really positive reading all your stories....

Im not quite sure how it would work for me though as I have not had a period since November last year?


Definitely have a chat with your GP hun. Have you had any tests done?

I am currently under a gyne specalist as I have been recently been diagnosed with PID so was having fairly recent scans... At these I have been told I am not ovulating. I had blood tests to check my hormone levels which came back fine but I just seem to not be ovulating.... I am awaiting surgury on the 19th of july to have a look inside and see whats going on.

I am currently under a gyne specalist as I have been recently been diagnosed with PID so was having fairly recent scans... At these I have been told I am not ovulating. I had blood tests to check my hormone levels which came back fine but I just seem to not be ovulating.... I am awaiting surgury on the 19th of july to have a look inside and see whats going on.


That's good that they're checking things out. I was told I have cysts on my ovaries so am not ovulating but with Clomid, I ovulated for the first time last cycle on cd18 and it helped cut my cycle from over 100 days to 32 which is bloody fab. So I don't see why it wouldn't help you too. :)

Well I'm seeing the doctor today... I think I'm having a flare up which means I need more antibiotics.... I might speak to her today.... My partner wont be able to come with me though as he works nights!!

Keeping everything crossed for you Nicky!!

Me too MissJuly.... =]

Try and stay positive Nicky... From what I've read its all looking good!! =]

:hugs: Nicky, so many ladies say they felt that before getting their bfp. How did that cheapie look when it was dry?

hi ladies!!
Nicky stay positive! Finger crossed!!!!! keep yourself busy at work!!
miss J that a possitive OPK?? how many day PO are you?
Kayley nice to meet you, hopefully you will get some answers from all the tests hun
eclaref - did u get through to the clinic? what did they say? haveyou started them anyway?
:wave: hi, this my third cycle on clomid, before i usually start on day 2 but this cyle my doc told me start day 3, it worked I teste positive on lh surge test cd21 which was on 14/06/2012 and me and my hubby did it for 3days consecutively, my bbt was 36.2degree celsius on 14th, 15th, 16th, then on 17th bbt rose to 36.5degree celsius till dateand I'm still charting, today my boobs are aching, nipples soft and very sensitive.

hi posuagwu, nice to meet you
i am about to start my first cycle of clomid
nice to hear your story it sounds like the clomid is working
when is your test day?
good luck, finger crossed, and baby dust to you!!! xxx
Hey Tina, it's not positive yet, I'm only cd11 today. X

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not convinced i can see anything on the cheapie now i'm home. i'll take a picture and post it x
I'm not sure I see anything hun but I'm on my phone. How many digi tests do you have? X

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only one so i dont want to waste it! I can see the line just cant get my camera to pick it up!

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