The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Ah how annoying hun. Can you pop in and see them? Keep trying hun, they have to pick up some time.


I'm not sure who I'd speak to if I went in to see them. I've checked all my letters to make sure I've got the right number and it seems to be the same on all :wall2:

I've started on the provera as I don't want to wait any longer. Will keep trying over the next few days and if I don't get an answer I'll speak with my GP. Now to finish this and wait for AF....
Sounds like a plan hun! How long are you on the Provera for? X

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5 days for the provera...let's hope it's a quick week :) How are things with you MissJ? xx
That's not too bad hun, I was on norethisterone for 10 days then had to wait for AF to arrive, luckily she showed up quickly! Hope yours does too so you can get cracking. :)

I'm ok ta, on cd10 so just started testing for ov, got my last positives on cd18, 19 and 20 so hopefully not long to wait! X

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How many days are you nicky? I'm cd16 only faint lines on opk. I usually Ov about now so clomid hasnt helped Ov - I wonder if it's working at all :( xx
I'm 12/13DPO today - will test in the morning and see what happens x
good luck nicky, iv caught on with your story while following missj's i hope its your bfp hun FX for you ill share missjs baby dust with you :) :dust:
Nicky I'm the same too scared of bfn to test. Trying sooooooo hard not to think about it. I had a drama filled day at work which took my mind off things but I'm off work tomoro and getting a massage (good to myself!) Hope I don't just lie there thinking am I aren't l! AF due Friday I'm gonna try & hold out til then. Wish me luck :roll:
I think I give up already this cycle - am disappointed didn't Ov earlier and don't they say you should Ov 5 to 10 days after your last clomid. Mines 11 days tomorrow x
I think I give up already this cycle - am disappointed didn't Ov earlier and don't they say you should Ov 5 to 10 days after your last clomid. Mines 11 days tomorrow x

I would keep doing the ov tests cos you never know, might just happen tomorrow! 5-10 days is only a guideline really, I stopped my Clomid on cd6 and didn't get positive ov tests til cd18. Don't lose hope hun. X

I've got my fx for everyone! X

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Thanks Hun I'm going to keep going but really dont think it's working - especially when I ov 16 to 18 on my own. If,you ov early we could be in the 2ww together xx
Think I may have just got my bfp...... Not sure if my phone will pick up the line!!! God damn not having any frers!

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