The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

My iPhone is rubbish for line spotting hun but if you can see it that's great! Why not get some FR tests? X

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I can't see the pics on my phone it's too sunny! Do the diggi! :)

Missj, looks like you are well on your way to ov! yay!

Nicky I'm sorry I can't see anything hun (just being honest) and I've enlarged it on my PC. Maybe save the digi for a couple of days time if AF doesn't show? Hugs xxx
By the way, I got my day 21 bloods back, it was 700 odd! Yes you read right! WTF??? I had a feeling it would be high but not that high! Jeez!
Thanks Kay! How are you hun? X

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I'm surprisingly okay for this close to AF. Trying to be calm. I'm so used to not being pregnant it's hard to get my hopes up, even with the clomid. We'll see what Friday brings xxx
maybe - i darent do the digi

kay kay - my bloods still arent back!! ridiculous! x
Bloody hell Kay that's amazing, hope you get your bfp!!!

My opk line is barely visible again - do you think I missed my surge even though I test every day or have I not ovulated?? I can only hold my wee for about 2 hours so could this dilute it. I'm temping so will see if I get a temp rise but not sure when to get my day 21 bloods done having not had a positive. Guess will have to call the hospital tomorrow but feel so disheartened with it all :( xx
LD1978 - I know how frustrating ov later than you expect can be. But trust me it is going to happen. Best time to test is from 4pm-8pm with pee you have save for at leats 2 hours. Try not to drink too much. You will get that dark line on your opk, I promise you :) Just keep going xxx

Nicky that's annoying they haven't got your results yet. Dying to know what yours is as I'm feeling a bit like a freak with my high number!
I usually ov way before now though and everything has dried up and line is now going. I've just done one now after 3 hours and practically nothing. Clomid isn't helping me at all

I'm itching for nicky to do her frer x
i dont have a frer hun, only a digi but i darent use that yet!! i'm quite scared! Still no af yet! x
Kay Kay OMG!! :shock:Massive FX for you Hun!! :)

Nicky, I do see the line, it's faint but there, look at my cheapie progression from 10 dpo...(I'm such a POAS geek!!:whistle:)



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    C 18 One step 10-15 dop.jpg
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maybe surely my line would be darker at 13/14dpo??

my symptoms today are:- really sore massive boobs!! I only have little ones and can massivley feel the difference!!! Also nausea on and off plus af type cramps. And some milky discharge earlier xx
I'd do a different test Nicky, so many ladies have said they got bfn on cheapies yet bfps on proper tests. Your symptoms sound good to me! X

Kay I really hope you get your BFP especially with such a high result! X

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My most noticeable symptom was sore boobs, really sore boobs, they felt like they were gonna explode!:shock:

I guess you don't know exactly when OV was, and implantation may have been later..

Why don't you pop and get a FRER, they're the most sensitive then you hopefully wont have a sleepless night...

Either way, save the diggi for morning.

im gonna wait till the morning and see what happens. will try pop to superdrug and get some frers.

cant decide if the line looks grey now!! x
Ah I've got my fx for you Nicky. It must be frustrating not hearing back about your results as well. Can you not give them a call? X

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