The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Maybe - i used a crappy cheapie - ooops!!

A double yolker - dont think i could cope with twins!! x
Still early Nicky! X

CD7 today, haven't BDed yet which is killing me! X

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I have definately af cramps and the headache I usually get before af! I'm def out!! X
Hey girls just checking in. Nicky don't lose hope!

Lara, I know what you mean about the emotions thing and looking for signs. As soon as I catch myself doing it I'm like nooooooooo!

Missj get on that hubby of yours! lol have fun x

Just back from having my day 21 (which is actually day 25) bloods done, will hear next week. Thinking I mite have a crazy high number like Lara's since I know there was 4 follies! Eeek how will I explain that to the doctor???
Went to see if my blood results were back but they weren't!! Guess I'll have to wait till next week now! X
Agh still no BDing! DH's away tonight so tomorrow I'm going to jump him lol! X

Kay - I'd tell them cos I'd be worried they might think you can go without help and choose not to prescribe anything in case it works again? If that makes sense? But I really hope you don't need help cos I've got my fx for your BFP! X

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Lol Lara! It's even worse when you're looking for signs for other people! :whistle:

I do get so excited when you girls are testing you know, I soo want some LTTTC BFPs! :)

Cd13 and still no lines on opk for me. I usually ov cd 16 without clomid so I hope it's working - I've not had one side effect!!

I really hope we get some bfps in here this weekend xx
I feel like the worst friend ever. One of my close friends is pregnant and she's always reminding me it wasn't planned as if she needs to justify it to me which of course she doesn't at all. Anyways we're out at a mutual friends house and everyone here has kids except me and are all discussing her pregnancy. They're all touching her bump and feeling it kick...I'm trying my best to smile and be supportive when all I want to do is burst into tears. :(

It's not her fault at all, its completely me but I've felt uber emotional this cycle and even had a meltdown last night to DH so it's prob some of that still bubbling away. I'm trying to find an excuse to leave early but DH is away tonight and I don't want to go back to an empty house. :(

Sorry for the pity post, just feel so crap!! :( x

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Ahhh Hun try not to feel bad, your not a horrible friend at all. I've had very similar things with hubby's family lately and you can't help your emotions. Do you have any famiy close by you can go and stay with?

Try and do something to take your mind off it and have some nice wine or champers which preggers friend can't do.

Don't worry hun it will be your turn soon. I know it doesn't always feel like it but it will happen one way or another xxx
Thanks hun. I was going to stay here and have some vino but I'm driving home cos DH is away so I've got to go home to put the dogs out lol. Not looking forward to a night alone so think I'll allow them in my room just for tonight. X

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Oh miss j - I know how you feel on that one!!

But........... I'm going up test now - ill be back in 5 with the result!!! (11dpo today!!!!) xxxx
Looks like I've wasted a round of Clomid as AF arrived for me this morning...that means my cycle was 130 days! I had just started the Clomid on 1st June as I was fed up waiting for AF. Guess I should have just held out another 2 weeks. Back on Clomid tomorrow I guess. That'll be like two doses in just over 2 weeks so it better flippin' work this time!
Sorry about the bfn Nicky, I'm on my phone so can't see anything. Still early though hun! X

:hugs: Jaq, sorry AF caught you hun but at least you get to start Clomid again from the beginning of the cycle. I have my fx for you. X

Feeling a bit better this morning, was just awkward last night when anything happened, or was said about babies, everyone looked at me for my reaction which made it harder! :wall: x

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Looks like I've wasted a round of Clomid as AF arrived for me this morning...that means my cycle was 130 days! I had just started the Clomid on 1st June as I was fed up waiting for AF. Guess I should have just held out another 2 weeks. Back on Clomid tomorrow I guess. That'll be like two doses in just over 2 weeks so it better flippin' work this time!

Did your consultant not prescribe something to bring on AF? I was prescribed provera for 5 days to bring on AF. I know a couple of the other girls here were prescribed something similar. x
No my consultant was a waste of space and basically gave me the prescription and told me to go and pay for IVF! She really is a miserable old cow. My GP is aware of her less than friendly manner when I expressed my disappointment at her dismissive attitude. I did think I should have been given Provera and if this round of Clomid doesn't bring on AF I think I'll go to my doc for Provera. Hey I might even get him to throw in some Metformin just for good measure!
Jacq23 that's awful. Fingers crossed that this cycle is a good one for you. At least your GP is a lot more understanding! xx
Yeah he's great. Last time I saw him he told me to come back with a big fat belly! He always knows why I'm there and knows all my family members too. I think I'll stay registered there for as long as he is there! Having said that most of the docs there are great and especially with my son. I think it's so important to find a good doc when you have our issues.

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