The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I had barely any line on cd13 then cd14 and cd15 I had all my positives x
Ahhhh great I still have hope then. Are you testing tomorrow x
Hey guys. Well interestingly they said this "it could possibly be a pregnancy but For day 21 it's early even for pregnancy to have a result of 200. So without doubt there were a few follicles released"

The problem wth that is it can be dangerous if the ovaries become enlarged. He said because I was in quite a bit of discomfort around ovulation accompanied by the high day 21 result, they need to be careful next time.

I've been really low tonight. Feeling despondent about it all for the first time this week. Teary too. And partner working away

Sorry you're feeling so low Lara :-( Big hugs huni. I do think it's a good sign that you have responded so well, and next month they can just keep a better eye on you.

I'm 8dpo and caved and did a cheapie tonight - I know, I know! I'm a hypocrite! Always saying wait for AF! Which I usually do. Needless to say it was BFN although there was the faintest of lines once it was fully dry. No colour in it though so was an evap. Never had an evap before so I was a bit freaked out! Usually it's just BRIGHT WHITE BFN! But a bfn all the same.

A few twinges today on both sides but nothing else. Still a bit emotional but not full-blown pmt.

Missj that is quick that you have finished your clomid pills for this cycle. The time is flying in and you will be ov again in no time!

Nicky - try and hold out testing hun! Listen to me, I should take my own advice :whistle:
I keep getting a stabbing pain just under my belly button on the right side!
Thanks Kay, yours and Nicky's symptoms sound good for BFP's!

I fear I shall be the only one left on this thread! :lol: x

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Well I just wanted to wish Nicky the best of luck! And Im sorry to MissJuly!

And to update everyone on how my GP appointment went. So I wen to see him and apparently all my hormone levels are as they should be. But I have PCSO!!?? How and why is this to be?? :eh: Any ideas?
You might be surprised Nicky! X

PinkDiamond - my consultant said my bloods were normal too but my scan showed cysts on my ovaries. He said I probably have PCOD as well. Have they scanned you? Done a HSG/HyCosy? X

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You might be surprised Nicky! X

PinkDiamond - my consultant said my bloods were normal too but my scan showed cysts on my ovaries. He said I probably have PCOD as well. Have they scanned you? Done a HSG/HyCosy? X

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Not sure what bloods I had And yes I had a scan which showed Cysts on my ovaries. PCSO.

And my hormones when I was diagnosed with PCSO were not level they were all at the wrong level. :eh:
The problem with PCOS is that you can end up making sub standard follicles. Metformin has really helped sort me out and now with the help of clomid I seem to be making loads of big ones. Good luck x
You might be surprised Nicky! X

PinkDiamond - my consultant said my bloods were normal too but my scan showed cysts on my ovaries. He said I probably have PCOD as well. Have they scanned you? Done a HSG/HyCosy? X

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Not sure what bloods I had And yes I had a scan which showed Cysts on my ovaries. PCSO.

And my hormones when I was diagnosed with PCSO were not level they were all at the wrong level. :eh:

Are they going to help by giving you anything like Clomid or metformin? X

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I caved.......................BFN! ha! x

What dpo are you Nicky? There's a lady on my testing thread in TTC who got a bfn then I think the next day positive digi result. Don't lose hope! :hugs: x

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10dpo - Nicky there is still time!

I have only managed to stay strong because we dont have any tests in the house.

But, I am now wondering whether testing early is a mechanism for letting ourselves down gently? Because I am now terrifed of testing on Sunday. Absolutely bricking it!

Today I still have the sore boobs, they are stable, not really getting worse just constant.
I have quite a sharpish back pain for the first time, back left.
I was bunged up and sniffly this morning on waking, that has now cleared.

If we get a negative this month then I have to have a scan on CD1 anyway, to check I didn't make any cysts this month with my crazy 200 result.

Girls!! Just cracked open an egg to make poached eggs and I have a twin!!! A double yolker! :shock:

Hopefully it's a sign!!

Come on BFPs!! :dance:

Nicky what test did you use? Ignore cheapies!

Girls!! Just cracked open an egg to make poached eggs and I have a twin!!! A double yolker! :shock:

Hopefully it's a sign!!

Come on BFPs!! :dance:

Nicky what test did you use? Ignore cheapies!


You are so funny!

I keep actually looking for signs! Like a crazy person.

I was thinking about signs yesterday and I saw a van drive past with the word "Carrying" emblazoned on it!

I was like ITS A SIGN!

errrrr, yeah.... lolol x
Also, feeling bad for the arrival of AF, the queen was on the tele last night visiting a maternity hospital and it made me teary. Oh dear oh dear. Whats that about. This dones't bode well as an AF symptom for me if I'm honest. x x

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