The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

cool - but you are having day 21 progesterone bloods right?

Fingers crossed, you never need to see your doc as a non preggo lady again! x
Here we go again miss J....time to wear hubby out lol!!! What is your action plan for this cycle? xx
No, not been booked for them or given request forms. Was told to use the Clomid, count to 30 days then if not pregnant, start the norethisterone again then the Clomid when AF arrives. But I didn't need the norethisterone last cycle as the Clomid helped ov cos AF arrived nearly 2 weeks after positive ov tests so I feel confident it's doing it's job. :)

Nicky, I reckon we will do the same again maybe less leading up to ov to keep the swimmers good quality but towards and during ov maybe BD every other day. Not really sure! X

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I have big nipples!! Sorry for tmi!!! They are never big!!!
Ooh Nicky it really sounds promising! Eeek! X

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I have big nipples!! Sorry for tmi!!! They are never big!!!
Nicky your signs seem really good!!! Fingers crossed for you hun when is test day??
MissJuly sounds like the clomid is doing the job seeing as your cycles are so much better and controlled than they were before hand ... so fingers crossed for you too!! xxx
And of course I have my fx for you all as well. :lol: x

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Test day is Sunday but I may squeeze a sneaky one in tomorrow - seen as tho I'm 10dpo x
ooooooo exciting nicky ... Wait till sunday then you will get a proper result!! easier said than done i know!! xx
I'm actually dreading Sunday. My boobs feel really heavy aswell!
Just heard from the clinic and the RE looked at my high progesterone result and said I definitely have to have a scan next month because that could have meant I was hyper stimulated. I didn't have a scan this month because I thought " well I never bloody ovulate" so what's the point in worrying about hyper stimulation.
So glad I had my day 21 done because I would t have known it was so high and I nearly didn't bother because I thought that I knew id ovulated cos my boobs were so sore x
Sounding good Nicky! X

Lara - great that they want to monitor you more closely, hopefully you won't need to be though cos I've got my fx for your BFP! X

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:hugs: Just keep in mind that if it is bfn, it doesn't mean you're out hun, it's still early. X

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lara hyperstimulated is better than not stimulated - at least its working!! its really good that they have picked up on it and are going to monitor you closer now x
Did they definitely not think the high progesterone could mean a bfp xx
Cd12 for me starting to get some Ewcm (not loads) just did opk and not a sniff of a line. Should I be seeing a slight line yet. Held my wee since 5pm but that's about the most I can manage ha ha. I usually ov cd16 to 18 so was hoping for it to be earlier xx

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