The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Feel absolutely awful thus morning! Sore throat, headache, runny nose, achey body, feel dreadful :-( x
I think spending 11 hours a week in a swimming pool means its more likely going to be a full blown head cold!! Urgh!!
Haha they hurt to touch!! However I have a spot!! I only ever get a spot when af is coming!! Arghh!!
People get spots when they are pg too. Let's not forget that. Losing track of dpos now, what is everyone?
I'm 11 today, Crikey, no testing - that's unheard of for me x
I'm 9dpo and have only caved once! Didn't test this morning!! X
ok guys so im due to start my clomid next cycle and am wondering does clomid tend to make you ovulate sooner...
today is CD21 for me and i have had a +ve OPK ... surely thats too late to ovulate seein as my cycle length is usually 30 - 33 days
god its so confusing!! xx
Luteal Phase

The luteal phase is the time from ovulation to menstruation. This time frame should be at least 10 days long. Anything under 10 days cannot sustain a pregnancy.

well that answers my question... if i ovulate on day 21/22 and have a 30 - 33 day pregnancy i cannot sustain a pregnancy ... tut tut
Fx the clomid brings ovulation sooner in the cycle then!! xx
Hi Tina, yeah the Clomid should help you ov sooner. I have read of a lady who got pos ov tests on cd41 and conceived though. X

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I'm cd6, just taken my last Clomid tablets! :yay: will start testing for ov from cd10. X

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thanks miss J, its all so much to take in!!
well im glad im not odd then lol xx
Lol it can be really overwhelming! Hopefully the Clomid will boost your ov hun! X

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Good luck miss July, time to get baby dancing real soon! I love when you get to the last clomid tablet, its like you know the egg is just around the corner! x
Good luck miss July, time to get baby dancing real soon! I love when you get to the last clomid tablet, its like you know the egg is just around the corner! x

Thanks lol hopefully I'll ov sooner than last cycle, didn't get positive ov tests til CD18, 19 and 20! X

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and when do you normally ovulate naturally? x
I don't ovulate, I have cysts on my ovaries so that's why my cycles were over 100 days long. But the Clomid helped cut my cycle from over 100 days down to 32 which is amazing. X

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oh wicked, that must have felt amazing! Doesn't it feel good to be able to have something that gives you a bit of control.

Best of luck to you in the next couple of weeks then! are you going to have scans or just do the OPKs?
Yeah definitely. I'm not being monitored for ov which at first I was a bit worried about it but seeing as everything was on time last cycle, I feel confident that the Clomid is doing some good. Also, my consultant seemed really positive and encouraging - even said he didn't expect to see us back without being pregnant which reassured me! X

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