The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

haha i agree with maybe baby... put the test down!! lol
congrats maybe baby!! xxx
Haha sorry maybe I just had an urge lol!! I have no time in the next few days to get any frers so gonna have to stick to the Cheapies for now - should have been more organised I know!! Oops!! X
TMI alert...... Just had a big gloom of milky discharge - I've never noticed discharge before af before!

I promise I'm not symptom spotting!!!!! Lol!!! :)
I'm on 100mg Clomid and like Nicky said, it's cut my cycle from over 100 days to 32 on my first go which is amazing. :)

Currently cd5 and extremely randy! :bunny:


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Blimey - I'm still worn out from all last weeks BDing lol!! X
Oooh no I love early testing! :lol:

I kind of miss POAS! But I can get excited for you girlies! :)

I'm sure they should set up a support group for poas addictions!! X
Lol Nicky! I was so relieved when the 2WW arrived, we were glad to have a rest! X

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Not feeling any af symptoms any more - in fact apart from the milky discharge im not feeling anything!! X
i've still got the milky discharge too (ewww sorry), feels quite wet down there :eh:

also very very bloated. my tummy feels just like a football (lol). not had any twinges or anything. 7dpo today.

i had a terrible day at work, just really frustrating and i felt on the edge of tears for a couple of hours. managed to hold it in though and vented to some colleauges which helped. but it has made me worry it's the start of pmt :mad: god i hope not.
Kay Kay are symptoms are identical! I was in tears on Monday at work and this morning!! I'm really hoping its not pmt!! X
It's hard to know if it's just stress at work or pmt and the bloated-ness cos be my IBS. Grrrr...
kay kay and nicky hope these signs are good signs!!! fingers crossed xx
ive only really thought about it today cos its my day off!! im working full days until sunday now which is testing day - 12dpo!! eeek! xx
exciting nicky!!! hopefully the days will go really quick coz ur working...will be test day before you know it!! xxx
Kay Kay my stomach is like a massive hard ball too, all my clothes are tight on my belly. I'm CD13 so time to get jiggly but feeling so bloated isn't getting me in the mood!
I can't believe how quick it's going for you ladies - your two week wait is flying - Im so excited for you.

Im cd11 still quite dry (sorry tmi) so hopes of an early ov are going :( meant to start opk today and forgot so will try and hold it til later and do one then.

Funny how all consultants are differerent. I've not has an hsg yet as the wait is a few months so he was happy to try clomid if I was. I thought I've got nothing to lose while I wait for the hsg xx
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Everything is sounding so good for you ladies! :dust:


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