The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I think af is due tuesday or wednesday. I'm 8dpo today!! I'm not counting myself out until af arrives this time!! x

oooo good luck hun i hope :witch:stays away!!!
and keep away from the tests lol as hard as it is!! xxx
Provera is a drug they use to help bring on a bleed hun, but it has other uses too. I was prescribed this before my clomid but then others like miss J got norethisterone or however the heck you spell it!!

They say a hycosy can make you extra fertile afterwards. It didnt for me as my cycles were ridiculously long!! Also mine was quite uncomfortable and i didnt feel like BDing for a good week after!! Af arrived 2 days agfter my hycosy and it hurt you even use a tampon (sorry tmi!!) Not everyones hurts tho - its more like period pains xx
thanks nicky! god i am so new to all this!! its a mindfield!!

the HyCoSy test is worrying me due to that fact see i have to ring the fertility ward on day 1 of my cycle and they will book me in within the first 14 days of my cycle for the HyCoSy ... but im thinking if i dont want to BD after it for a week or soo then i will have wasted my first month of Clomid?!?

((P.S what does BD actually stand for??))
BD - baby dance lol!! sounds better than sex lol! Dont worry i was liek that when i first joined.

I'm sure not everyne feels like that after a hycosy - af came for me anyway so didnt really have much of a choice in the BDing to be fair!!

I dont understand why they are doing it when your on a clomid cycle tho. Seems really odd. We had to have the hycosy before we could have the clomid xxx
Hi Tina, no I've not had a HyCoSy test, the consultant didn't seem to think that I needed one. It's always interesting to hear the difference of opinions from consultant to consultant regarding what tests people need before starting them on treatment. I'll be starting mine later this month too. I think I'll be taking the same approach as you with regard to the BDing. Just another week to wait before I can start taking provera to bring on AF! Can't imagine what I'll be like when it comes to the 2WW!!
Nicky, totally agree with Tina, I think I'll be caving too. Don't count yourself out, everything crossed for you...and everyone on here! xx

I cant believe that youhavent had a hycosy. Thats ridiculous!! Why cant sll condultants just have one big guideline to follow!! xx

I know, I don't understand either nicky! I'll do anything to make me more fertile and may even suggest it myself at my follow up appt. Will see how first round of clomid goes and at least if no sign of ov then I can ask. My cycles are normally 3-4 months long so hopefully clomid will at least cut it down. xx
hun before clomid my cycles were 140+ days and miss J's were 100+ - clomid has made a massive improvement to our cycles. My first clomid cycle was 60 days, second 43 days and this time i got positive opks on days 14 and 15 so i'm on for a 28/29 cycle!!! Thats only 50mg!! If af arrives this time then im bumped up to 100mg for a further 3 cycles! xx
BD - baby dance lol!! sounds better than sex lol! Dont worry i was liek that when i first joined.

I'm sure not everyne feels like that after a hycosy - af came for me anyway so didnt really have much of a choice in the BDing to be fair!!

I dont understand why they are doing it when your on a clomid cycle tho. Seems really odd. We had to have the hycosy before we could have the clomid xxx
yeah i know!! that sounds better really because whats the point in the clomid if my tubes are blocked!! plus its going to mess up my first Clomid cycle!! i dont get it either but apparently its just the procedure here in wigan thats how they do it!!

They also said if after 3 months im not up the duff then they will send me for a scan to have a look at the lining on my womb to make sure it is o.k ... it is very odd!!

they didnt even tell me about havin bloods on day 21 while on clomid which ive gathered from this forum that your supposed to do!!!
All gps are different hun -ive only just had day 21 bloods done on my 3rd cycle. You can always just go to your gp and get these done. you have a right to be monitored.

Are you being treated on the nhs or have you gone private? xx
hun before clomid my cycles were 140+ days and miss J's were 100+ - clomid has made a massive improvement to our cycles. My first clomid cycle was 60 days, second 43 days and this time i got positive opks on days 14 and 15 so i'm on for a 28/29 cycle!!! Thats only 50mg!! If af arrives this time then im bumped up to 100mg for a further 3 cycles! xx

well sounds like your cycles are getting better and becoming right!! once thereright its just a matter of time!! my cycles were only 33 days long and very regular but no joy for 12 months so suppose its not always just the cycle length that matters!! xxx
i took that many early pregnancy tests during the 12 months of trying i couldnt stand to do another one!! i stopped buying them coz it was too hard not too test!! that one pink line is a bitch!! lol xx
There's a second faint line of you look close - its just grey haha! I don't know why I ha he urge to do one! Should have done an Opk instead! X
i know its just hard int it... sat on the loo willing the other line to show!!
You know when we get preg and the tests are positive we will be doing about 50 to make sure!! we are so used to only seeing one pink line the second one will shock us silly!! lol xxx
I know - I probably wont believe it until birth haha! X
nicky it says you have been a member since may 2011 - in that time have many people you spoke to used clomid and got preg? xx
Just maybe baby hun. But it's only really recently that a lot of us have been given clomid x
Step away from the Cheapies Nicky! :shock:

They're crap, stick to FRER from 10 dpo! :)

Good luck!


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